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Posts posted by RCBS

  1. Boy, this story would be all different if this "troublemaker" would've walked into that gas station while an armed robbery was taking place.

    I'm for OC. I see it occasionally in my area. I don't freak out, I don't run looking for police to protect me, and I don't think the person carrying is an attention whore or about to commit mass murder. I don't have a concealed license. If I am scared enough to carry one of my firearms with me, its going to be on my hip in plain sight. Problem with that? Write your representatives.

    • Upvote 1
  2. I just evicted a nest of them out of the eve of my house, they are everywhere here.

    Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2

    Sounds like Starlings. Non-native pests. I abhore starlings. Constantly fighting to keep them out of the barn and from shitting on everything. Mockingbirds are also a pain in my ass. Bastards are up before dawn running their mouths.

    I have no problems with most others though and enjoy watching the sparrows around my workplace.

  3. Many people feel that once a criminal has paid their "debt" or served their time, they should no longer be denied their rights, including the right to bear arms. It's not that radical an idea, especially these days when they seem to make a felony out of spitting on the sidewalk.

    I have a coworker in this situation. Ex non-violent fellon. Was convicted of marijuana distribution. He served three and a half years. Got out on parole and bounced around at a few minimum wage jobs until my boss gave him an opportunity at a steady, decent paying job. He has worked with us for the past eight years without incident as a delivery man/gofer at our company. He was a hunting enthusiast prior to his conviction, and has had to abandon this part of his life due to the current laws in place. He has stated to me that the inability to go hunting (not even with a crossbow) is his biggest regret. His son is now 11 years old and has become interested in hunting and the outdoors. Quite a sad story IMO as the boy's father is not able to encourage and educate his son as a hunter and outdoorsman. It seems as if his boy is being punished for the crimes his father committed many years ago.

    I have worked and talked with him on a daily basis over the years, and I do not consider him to be a danger to society in any way. In fact, he may even best me on some issues of morality and hasn't had so much as a speeding ticket since I've known him. He is truely rehabilitated, finding religion along the way, but it seems his debt will never be paid in full. His kids are priority one, and he divorced his wife shortly after being released from prison due to the fact of her not wanting to give up her marijuana habit.

    Maybe he is an exception to rule for ex-cons? I couldn't tell you, as he is the only one that I have gotten to know well.

    I find it to be complete bullshit that he can't even own a shotgun for hunting purposes and to protect his children after paying his debt to society for a non-violent conviction. It breaks my heart that he is not able to share his love of hunting with his son like my father did with me.

    I have told him that I will testify for his character if he ever attempts to regain his rights. Unfortunately, he has investigated this avenue and was told his chances of success are slim and none.

  4. 9mm has its advantages over .40 S&W. It is slightly less expensive to shoot, pistols will generally have a higher capacity with 9mm, 15 rounds of 9 are lighter than 15 of .40, and it also has less felt recoil. Some will argue stopping power...but it all really comes down to shot placement. The 9mm is abundantly able to incapacitate and kill if it hits it's mark.

    Go back to the gun store and fondle everything in the case...everything. What is pleasing to the eye can sometimes differ from what is pleasing to the hand...so try the ugly ones too. Narrow your choice to 3 or 4 models, then go home. Do some research on specific models and ask around. Go back to GS and ask for those models you chose last visit and try them again. You will find a winner. Also before final purchase I like to see two examples of the same gun at the same time. This will help to spot any dings, blemishes or bad triggers. Do a close inspection for cosmetic issues.

    As long as you stick with a major manufacturer its difficult to find a poorly made pistol these days. I have a personal rule of not buying "betas". If the pistol has any issues, usually it will show up in the first 6-12 months after release. I have to admit I have violated this rule a couple times. :)

    Aftermarket/factory support can also be a factor to be considered.

  5. Any recommendations for a good .22 target pistol? I'd like to start going to the range more often, but I'd prefer a more economic method to my 9mm, which I apparently can't find ammo for anyway.

    I've seen a few of the 1911 style in that caliber that I think are interesting since it's such a historic design, but I'm not sure if that would be a good choice for a beginner.

    Target pistol, or plinker?

    Target pistols I would happily own: smith & wesson model 41, any trailside model, Ruger's slab side or hunter mkiii, beretta neos, walther sp22.

    Plinkers: Ruger's SR22, any variant of the Browning buckmark or Ruger's mk series, walther p22, s & w mp22, Sig mosquito.

    • Upvote 1
  6. Devil is in the details. Have a comprehensive understanding and agreement on what your employer expects of you, and what your duties and compensation will be. That said....why not? If you and your fiancee can easily pull up roots, go for it.

    Of course, it could be the worst thing you ever do.

    Or the best.

    • Upvote 1
  7. My F-150 has a similar traction control feature and it is such a PITA it completely defeats the purpose of having a RWD vehicle with lots of HP. But, the Ford bypass is a simple press of a button and you can have all of the fun you should have in it a V-8 truck and the 302 is a LOT of fun.

    The 5.7 Tudras haul ass! Offroad, snow and "spirited" onroad driving are hampered by its electronic safety features. Knowing the disable procedure is a must.

    • Upvote 1
  8. stay safe out there those that hit the roads! 1st day back can be dangerous!

    Thanks! Everything went fine.

    If I'm going to spend my valuable time riding, I'm going out to get a REAL ride in. Not gonna do that with the all the bullshit debris that is on the roads

    Lots of salt/sand/gravel on the roads here...also some new potholes. Took a leisurely cruise around town. Just glad to get back in the saddle, even if conditions are less than ideal.

  9. I'm just stoked to at least feel like the season is here. Riding is about the only thing that keeps me sane (im sure you all feel the same way) and usually about mid February I start going bonkers buying parts, fear, tires, anything just to feel....involved in motorcycles again. Today I shaved my 'till bike season' beard ithat I started growing last November, so now its on motherfuckers.

    Still have my "protest" beard. December 1 was last time I rode and last time I shaved. May try to sneak out for a quicky today as I'm growing tired of the duck dynasty comments. :rolleyes:

  10. It is not a fan of the remington gold crap but I always buy blazer bulk because it is cheaper and it runs 100% for me. I think like most .22 pistols you just have to find what it likes, I lucked out because this thing loves the cheapest shit lol.

    Don't be afraid of the Golden Bullets anymore. Bought a couple of the 225 packs marked "new and improved" last fall. Ran 225 through my SR22 and 10/22 with zero issues. No FTFs, or FTEs, no "weak" rounds and seemed pretty accurate. I will buy more if I can ever find them.

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