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Posts posted by RCBS

  1. Also, if anybody supports the "drug war", they're an idiot.


    If by "drug war", you mean cartels offing one another over turf in northern Mexico...yes I support it....wholeheartedly.


    If you mean "drug war" as in the "war" against civil liberties costing taxpayers billions of dollars while not really accomplishing anything besides filling our prisons with non-violent offenders, and increasing the amount of agents on the DEA's payroll, then no...no support here.

    • Upvote 2
  2. If you wait to start carrying until you "feel threatened" then it is already going to be to late at that point. Practice and get comfortable wearing and using your firearm and then practice some more...and then PRACTICE again. And when i say practice i don't mean just going to the range and slinging lead. I call that type shooting spray and pray which is absolutely useless. I know it sounds gay but practice drawing your UNLOADED firearm in front of a mirror about 100 times or so. Muscle memory is a great thing and god forbid the time ever comes that your family or yourself are in danger you will have the know how to protect them.


    Feeling threatened is the only *legit reason I can think of to carry.  CCW permits used to be granted on an as needed basis by law enforcement in case someone had received death threats etc.  I know anything can happen at any time, but presently and in past times I have not felt that a firearm on my person is necessary and cannot recall a scenario where I would have benefited from CCW.  Things may change as time moves forward...but presently I cannot justify a need to carry.  I did however OC on a trip to Wyoming in Bear country.


    As for practice....yes.  I am known to walk around the house dry firing random pistols from time to time.  Clearing drills, point "shooting" and holster work are done on occasion.   I don't have a ton of guns, but I'm proficient with the ones I own.

  3. Butters' link states that they "did make the buy OUT of the house"  I don't see any info indicating they had been inside prior to the raid.  If they were inside or paying any attention at all they would know there is a child there.  Toys in the yard, playpen/toys/laundry in the house.  Check the garbage...any diapers?  A little more Pre-raid effort could have avoided this...that's what I'm getting at.


    What I'm saying is that if monies/manpower/equipment are to be spent on the raid, then appropriate monies etc. should have been spent PRIOR to the raid.


    I would wager that there are children of some age present in a lot of drug houses.  Police should act accordingly...everybody leaves the house sometime.


    Don't judge the parents decision to move there until your house burns down and you have no where to go.  Walk a mile.


    Don't take my comments the wrong way.  I am a supporter of law enforcement....but they have been fucking up a lot lately.  




    Also, unless I missed in the links....did they catch they guy or find any drugs during the raid?

  4. My opinion is that the LEOs fucked up big time.  Why not arrest at the time they made their "buy" from the dealer?  Big money was expended on this raid, but no money for some surveillance to ensure the residence did not have any children present?  Piss poor.  If the proper surveillance and such is deemed too expensive, then the crime in question most definitely did not warrant this type of action.


    LEOs, we all appreciate your efforts to subdue crime in our towns and cities, but for god's sake, please stop killing and injuring innocent citizens!  Far too often lately guys.  Get your shit together.  One of these incidents will ruin 1000's of good deeds in the public opinion.  Why?  Because people tend to get pissed when innocents are killed or maimed...they are funny in that way.   

    • Upvote 1
  5. I can 'open carry' while operating the bike...because no matter how you carry it on the bike it is considered concealed...and I have a CCW.  As for open carry off the bike, just not my thing. It freaks people out, they call the cops...the owners of businesses put up no gun signs after you leave so you don't come back. Not a fan of open carry at all. I get why some people are, but that isn't me...unless it is a big staged event to make a point to the local politicians who are being asshats. That I have done, and will continue to do.


    Was unsure of motorcycle etiquette as far as open carry goes.  Owners who display no weapons signs are unlikely to get my business unless I have no alternative.  You are up Cleveland way, no?  Most folks down here don't seem to have an issue...though I don't know how many openly carry here, I have seen it before at gas stations, etc. without pandemonium ensuing.  A federal agent I know regularly trolls malls in plainclothes with his family.  He claims that the security guards are the only ones who take much notice...of course, his credentials get him out of any sticky situations pretty easily.


    Speaking for myself, I do not CCW or open carry though I have passed cert for CCW I have not gotten my license.  Thankfully (or naively) I don't feel threatened enough in my day to day business to do either.  If the time comes where I do feel I need more protection than fists and a big pointy pocket knife, I will openly carry a pistol.  I know the debate rages over whether or not this causes more harm than good, but IMO if I'm going to have a gun on my person I want easy access and I don't care who knows I have it.  Proactive deterrent  rather than reactive defense I suppose?  I'm not one to take an AR to Chipotle or Starbucks for shock factor, but OC is legal here, and I have no problems with anyone exercising that right.  I honestly see more signs prohibiting Concealed weapons than I do "no weapons".  That may be due to the owners not knowing that OC is legal unless posted otherwise.


    I was just curious why you had said you couldn't take off your jacket.

  6. I carry iwb front on my cruiser, but that is a small 38 . Just Sunday I added afull frame fnx 45 to my stable. I carried that all day Sunday on the bike with a shoulder holster. Have to say it was awesome even with a cannon. Only downside is you can't take off your jacket at stops.

    I would think iwb or regular holster on your back would be the best option you don't like shoulder.




    Open Carry State?  As long as you are not operating the bike when you take the jacket off and in a non-restricted area, why not?  

  7. This bitch would have an aneurysm if she saw my "arsenal". I'm sure she would rather have me call the police for her if I happened upon her being gang raped by a bunch of transexual midgets with the hiv instead of shooting them with my assault pistol 47 that I shouldn't be allowed to have.

  8. Bought a little Savage yesterday at Vance's.  They have bricks of .22 in back only available if you buy a gun.  Got 500 Ameagle suppressor for $40.  Bought an SR22 two weeks ago and got 500 40grn Ameagle for $30.  Nice idea to have ammo for new gun buyers to try out their new purcase.


    Grabbed two bricks of Blazer from Cabelas on Friday and a brick of ameagle suppressor from midway Wednesday.  All were under 8c shipped.

  9. I have an older version of this unit. Based on my experience, I'd say it would take less than 10 mins to warm up that camper, then just leave the pilot running. I've used mine quite a bit over the years and it still works like a champ. I don't have a large tank setup. It will run 8-10 hours continuous on medium setting with a 1lb tank. A 20lb should carry you for the whole week.

    *edit, just saw intended temps. You might have to leave it on medium.

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