My Camaro went 10.17 at 143 in 2021. Looking to knock a few tenths off in 2022. Had a new T56 Magnum built with some billet parts, changing the clutch hydraulics, and going with a triple disk clutch. Hopefully this all makes the car easier to drive and stronger.
I signed it up for Midwest Drag Week in the H-pattern class, not that I stand much chance on winning but I want to participate in one of these drag and drive events. Also planning on at least a couple Street Car Takeover events this year, US131 in June, Indy in July, and Edgewater in August. If I can do all that with it I’ll be happy.
My Corvette will continue to be my nice weather daily as I resist the temptation to mod it.
My Silverado will continue to be my not the Corvette daily, and it’s modded right about where I want it anyway, cammed, headers, new trans, and everything mechanical is fixed on it.