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Everything posted by Cordell

  1. Are we going if it's raining in the morning? It's supposed to be raining in the morning.
  2. Thats actually funny Jeff. Honestly man I hope your driveway is on higher ground.
  3. That was great, this one almost makes me want a Toyota. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lrk6vsb77xk
  4. Change them bitches and get to the track!!
  5. Cool to see a non black Evo. Got anything else to add to your intro it is a little lame. Welcome anyway.
  6. What? Dude I hope you're okay. I'm pretty sure I'm going, been a few crazy weeks for me, but everything seems to be working out.
  7. Who cares? Seriously, as long as you're getting whats commanded, it will shift a few other tables slightly, but that's why you tune VEs first. I'm not experienced enough to know what causes stuff like that, but between cylinder volume and IFR might not be spot on. I'm not sure I'd worry about it, hopefully one of the more experienced guys chimes in and maybe I'll learn something too.
  8. Personally I've never owned any deisels, but I love Starkmaster's 05 duramax. I drove it to Penn and back, and really enjoyed the ride, plus it pulled my car really nice too. I have put some miles on a Powerstroke too, and they're nice trucks as well. I'm just a little partial to Chevys anyway.
  9. Mine is starting to do this a little bit, haven't put much thought into it yet.
  10. DO IT!! Spellcheck, not the lambo doors.
  11. I think Darton has a shop in Indiana, and I know Weber Racing engines in Cleveland does the LS1 stuff, but I'm not sure of any place around Columbus.
  12. If they're Darton sleeves like people use in LS1s I'd be calling Darton and finding someone they recommend.
  13. So I take it you're into cars, and just don't have a car you want to mod yet. I can respect that, welcome but it looks like you've already made it out of the oven.
  14. Cordell

    WTB:lsx cam

    So you finally sold it, and now I'm really looking forward to seeing what happens now.
  15. Damn dude already? I have seen this bike in person, very nice, should be a good buy. and get back to work on the Cobra you lazy ass!
  16. I don't even know if there was a 10 year reunion, I don't really care, fuck em. Really don't think my wife and I will ever go to any of ours.
  17. Cordell


    That's both impressive and gay.
  18. Cordell


    You'd be surprised, my Dad took a bunch of shit back there that he had for a while. Go find those receipts and try.
  19. Cordell


    Why can't you return some of it to Jeg's? Most of it is in the boxes. I have seen this stuff, and it really is brand new.
  20. What kind of guy posts shit like this and puts a pic of a dude in his avatar?
  21. Start up a photobucket, it works great for me. Get those pics up!
  22. Welcome, good intro, funny pics, and nice cars. I wish my wife would let me hang a clutch from the wall.
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