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Status Updates posted by Cordell

  1. Whats crackin fool? Sorry about last weekend, it didn't go well.
  2. Shouldn't you be in school?
  3. yup, just got one today, starting on monday, I'm going out to celebrate saturday if want to join me
  4. No, snow isn't fun in any of my junk, and my daughter doesn't need to be out in it.
  5. I should be able to, I might even get to leave Katelyn at home around that time. Just call me tomarrow afternoon if you're still going.
  6. I'd have my daughter with me, where is it?
  7. By the time I was 20 I was into Kid Rock and Limp Bizkit.
  8. Uh, nope don't like it. When I was 18 it was this.

    or this


  9. Interesting, there isn't much I dislike worse then hip-hop. Most stuff coming out now sucks, but I was just curious.
  10. I listen to lots of different music, what do you like?
  11. Did you listen to that music? What did you think?
  12. You see my music thread?
  13. Suppose I'll have to do that.
  14. Thanks for letting me crash at your place, it was a good time. ;)
  15. You are not experienced in the game of life, it takes time.
  16. I was like who the fuck is hoebag, LMAO
  17. Oh yeah? let me know I'd like to come learn a few things about that if you're going to be working on it.
  18. Just woke up, I was pretty tired earlier and thought I'd be out all night, but as of 11:30 I couldn't sleep anymore now I'll be up all night.
  19. It's just your basic 4 door "nicely optioned" silver Cobalt, nothing special and that's what Tricia wanted. I won't be driving it much, I'll be fixing the Impala back up and rocking that as my daily now. Don't be surprised if I'm sporting a top swapped 3800 Impala next year in addition to the Camaro.
  20. Since you've done the whole pussy decoration to your profile, you should flip a 180 on everyone. What's up with you Alex?
  21. I tried to get the opening they have on Broad st but they said I couldn't work at the same store as my wife. The HR person said she put my app out for the other stores, and i really am tired of not having a job so I'd apreciate any nice words.
  22. hay man, I applied for the fuel center, :)
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