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Status Updates posted by Cordell

  1. You going to D42 tommarow?
  2. Well I'd bet you see me.
  3. Chad is going straight to his girlfriends tonight, so if you want to do something let me know.
  4. Yeah I'm about to leave, call me if you want to go,
  5. I'm not taking my daughter, Saturday is almost always kid free for me.
  6. That's cool man, I was just curious.
  7. Thanks, and I told I thought the clutch felt funny the last few times I drove it. Does this mean you'll still be taking it to D42?
  8. I stopped by there last night while Rob had it apart, needless to say I feel better understanding why it broke. I still feel bad because it started getting bad while I was driving. Of course I doubt it would have made it through D42. I'm glad you guys got it resolved.
  9. Did you get to post the pics from the dyno? I'm looking forward to the pics of the pitbikes. LOL.
  10. I read the thread, that's interesting. I didn't think that was a very common thing given the power level of the car. I guess we'll just have to see what it looks like when it's all apart.
  11. So has the car actually done something, or is it just making a noise?
  12. hey do you want out of the house?
  13. Sitting at home huh?
  14. Well its currently broken, get me a driveline.
  15. Gheyboostotard.

    ie: You're the biggest ricer fag on CR.

  16. http://i405.photobucket.com/albums/pp133/ND2RACE/dumb/derp.jpg
  17. You really are an idiot, you know that?
  18. http://i405.photobucket.com/albums/pp133/ND2RACE/dumb/derp.jpg
  19. http://i405.photobucket.com/albums/pp133/ND2RACE/dumb/derp.jpg
  20. http://i405.photobucket.com/albums/pp133/ND2RACE/dumb/derp.jpg

    So nice I posted twice.

  21. eh idk, Katelyn stayed home sick again today so we'll see in the morning.
  22. What's up? Going to Akron tonight?
  23. Thanks, but I can't get serious thinking about that until I have the title.
  24. sleep loose ginger boy
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