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Everything posted by BoostedAce

  1. I just bought a hp dv7 new at staples
  2. The only line off the boost controller i took off was the wastegate line, and when i put the 14b on, i hooked it back up to the wastegate.
  3. thanks a lot guys ill look at it tomarrow and let u know what it was
  4. Im having trouble figuring out why my boost wont turn down from 25psi , I have a manual boost controller but its cranked all the way down. I went from a T-25 to a 14b, I believe its my wastegate. Any help?
  5. Ill be there since my dad will be working.
  6. i got mine from handy bikes, sold it to my cuz like 2 years ageo for 300, he has a car now so send me a pm if u still want one. ill call him and ask him if he still has it
  7. Its gone, lock up please.
  8. If jeffro does not come monday to get it, you can have it.
  9. All coolant lines, o2 housing you will need a oil feed line and oil return line. Can you pick up monday?
  10. BoostedAce

    t25 Free

    I just did a t25 swap for a 14b turbo for my talon and i dont need it. Does anybody need it? Free so first come gets it.
  11. I use to skate there all the time
  12. I might be comming just so see all the cars
  13. Ya, i know what u mean, but not much of a big money flow right now so cosmetics is last on my list. and your right about the angle i got more pics i could do it with, i just like the editing done to that one.
  14. Are you retarded? Honestly?
  15. and why is that? i dont really care how it looks, rather put my money into the engine.
  16. http://i1014.photobucket.com/albums/af262/Boosted_ace/DSC_0104.jpg No its not pink its photo edit....
  17. Lol, i bought it like that, i guess who ever did the eclipse front end swap on it, didnt mount it right and buckled the door.
  18. opss, sorry here http://i1014.photobucket.com/albums/af262/Boosted_ace/DSC_0106.jpg
  19. Can someone make me a sig out of this pic? thank you so much http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=437314149&albumID=730619&imageID=13265202
  20. Nice lookin jeep, my grandpa live in eagle river, its very very close to your base, you pass the base from anchorage to eagle river.
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