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Posts posted by ricer1

  1. Take it out of Johns Social Security. When he thought that was my government pension in his chart he was all in favor if cutting that. Can't imagine he changed his mind that quickly.

    Dang, being a liberal troll is fun.

    Since I planned my retirement on never seeing any social security it will not bother me. It wouldn't begin for me until 67.5 years old. By that time there will a means test and many will be excluded.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  2. If you have a chart to break down the massive USA budget in a chart to post on this forum, I'll look at it. Since we are looking to cut enough funds to buy Bad a bike, I'm sure we can find something to cut!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  3. 1 hour ago, Tonik said:

    You know what, this all you right wing wacko's fault.

    The amount of money it costs for these social programs is NOTHING in comparison to how much money you bastards spend trying to kill Arabs. How has that worked out for you? Are they dead? Have they given up? Fuck no, you are all total failures.

    So how about we cut defense spending in half, double the spending on social programs/education and give everyone a tax cut.  We would have money left over to burn not to mention buy @Bad324 a bike.

    You may want to investigate government pensions as area to cut, when government workers can retire at 55 years old with full benefits. 

    USA Spending Graph.jpg

    USA Spending List.jpg

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  4. OR.... the federal government could spend less and let the people keep the money THEY WORK hard to earn! I know that's an insanely crazy idea! The government spends YOUR money so much better than you would! Tonik, you would just waste the money on another motorcycle.... what a ridiculous use of funds!   

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  5. I wanted to illustrate the confiscatory taxation of the government with the data I attached from the WSJ, hope it shows up below. I would like to know if anyone believes the top 20% of earners are paying "Their Fair Share", based on the IRS figures the top 20% pay 84% of the taxes. I consider this more than "their fair share".

    Fair Share.PNG

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  6. 10 hours ago, JustinNck1 said:

    Went and played golf today. First time in over a year. Used to play 6 days a week until I discovered motorcycle riding.

    Up until five years ago I used to play a lot of golf (7 handicap), switched to bicycling and bought a new motorcycle. Played like 10 rounds of golf so far this year.   

  7. 13 hours ago, DerekClouser said:

    Talk to me.   Let me know what works for you best.  I'd prefer to go with some people I actually knew.  Would make the experience 20x better


    I may consider doing it with you, but like NinjaDoc says, I'm afraid I'll be hooked and mainlining track days..... I think it would be way too much fun! Next thing you know I will only want to ride on the track.

  8. The information I have read in automotive magazines have the usage of automated driver systems related to over the road truck use first. FedEx and UPS may be the first to utilize this technology, eliminating cost, versus you and I driving places doesn't save much cost, since most of us are not professional drivers. Professional drivers are paid to drive and are limited on the number of hours per day they can drive. If there is a desolate area on a cross country truck haul, the system could be utilized, the driver rests and is alerted only in an emergency situation. His hours behind the wheel are extended and the company profits from this automated driver system. The liability would rest with the system provider, the trucking company and of course the insurance companies of both.  

    These systems use GPS, on board computers, software systems, external independent surrounding vehicle information, etc. Like I stated I have read only a few articles on the subject and these are complicated system deriving navigational information from multiple sources.  


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