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Posts posted by ricer1

  1. On 6/28/2017 at 11:02 AM, CurbedSedition said:

    Hey folks!

    I'm itching to go for a group ride. I'm throwing this out there to see if anyone else is interested in going. I'm thinking we could stage somewhere in Columbus (I'm biased towards Dublin but I'm open to suggestions), ride for about 1.5-2hrs, eat/refresh/refuel, and return.

    Only group rides I've been on was a ride honoring fallen military with the VFW riders out of Leavenworth Kansas and one funeral mission with the PGR (also in Leavenworth, KS). That said I know zero good routes in Ohio lol.

    Aiming for sometime after July 4th. We could even plan recurring monthly rides or weeknight rides. Let's hear your thoughts!

    CurbedSedition comes on the forum to ask if anyone wants to ride...... next thing you know the poor guy gets trolled on and nobody warned him this how the OR works. Welcome to the OR! :lol:

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  2. 6 minutes ago, tall_tracy said:

    Damn it!  Plus, I hate fringe...  :nono:

    Fingers crossed that this deal falls through.  I read that Ducati is actually under Audi ownership, which is still the VW conglomerate, so is dieselgate the real reason their selling??  

    VW Dieselgate will cost $15 billion, this could have something to due with the sale of Duc. BTW, where will you put the fringe on the Duc?

  3. 8 hours ago, whaler said:


    as may have noticed this place is full of asshats and keyboard warriors... but it is a great place and mostly great people.

    Be honest.... most people on this forum have some serious issues. :lol:You better have thick skin to post here! Oh, SamBiker, welcome aboard. :welcomeor:

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  4. 23 hours ago, whaler said:

    The tell tale sign is all over your bike! The outside of the chain can look great, but the light coating of rust dust on everything means the chain is done. Glad you did not go down... sucks about the damage, but that can be replaced.

    If you ever see a light rust color all over your swingarm or rear rim, replace the chain or this will happen.

    Or, someone can get so annoyed that they end up telling a certain Jack A$$: "Get a new f'in chain because I'm tired of hearing the damn thing grind and I'll put it on!".... so I did and Whaler put it on at 12K miles. :banana::lol:

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  5. 6 hours ago, Danimal said:

    Yeah Craig. That was me. Was taking a break after work before heading to QSL's bike nite.

    Across the street from that parking spot is an awesome spur trail that follows a ridgeline down into Tinkers Creek. Was sitting on my camp chair on the ridge. Actually saw you ride by. Of course didn't really realize it was you.

    Had fun last night. Thanks Jim for the tire-handoff. Was nice to finally meet your wife, as well as your friends.

    I got a kick out of folks looking at Jim's bagger and looking again, and looking a third time, staring back and forth from the tire chained to his bike to his wheels. They really couldn't figure out WTF was up lol


    Then walked next door with Pauly and had dinner and some killer Fat Head Hoppy shit


    Then the others arrived and I got a nice hug from the SV  

    thanks Blue for that hug. Meant a lot  



    Then Pauly and I abandoned all fear of Bambis and tore through the Cuyahoga Valley on our way home. Was a fun ride.

    Danimal, there was more than hugging going on with you and the old SV, we noticed bodily fluids on the gas tank when you unraveled from the bike!

    • Upvote 2
  6. I figured your boy would be busy with the hacking, his business is going to get real busy! Seems like many of the problems are with bootleg versions of MS windows products in China and India.

  7. 17 hours ago, Blitz said:

    As a graphic designer by trade, I can tell you that it doesn't matter whether you are designing a t-shirt for a softball team, a print ad for NASA, or a motion graphic for a multi-million dollar company....you will ALWAYS receive criticism, and rarely is it constructive. I've had to get very good at shrugging it off. It's one of the hardest parts of my job.

    Design is subjective. Everyone has an opinion. Sometimes an emotional opinion, and sometimes someone will say "I don't know why I don't like it. Maybe cause that thing reminds me of a (insert nonsense here). Usually the only criticism I take seriously comes from other designers, because I know they understand the theory of design, and why some things work and some things don't.

    So, all of that being said.....don't take the criticism so hard. You were going to receive it NO MATTER WHAT you produced. That's just how it works.

    A guy came to Earth and was perfect, they tortured him and crucified him on a cross..... You know someone's going to criticize everything, right? The complaint line is the beginning of the volunteer line. 

    Thanks for designing the t-shirt, they look great! :banana: 

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