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Posts posted by ricer1

  1. 11 hours ago, mello dude said:

    BS idea.... Harley needs to come out with a new division ala Toyota/ Lexus....Honda/ Acura etc sell the new bikes under that name...hell ...pay Eric Buell to use his name.
    Buell division?


    Not to be a smart a$$, but I will. Harley could make another division called Buell, build sportier bikes targeted to a younger demographic. Since Buell would be a much smaller market segment than HD, the Buell bikes will have to be sold in the HD dealerships. The Buell's will be sold at half the price of Harleys. When the typical Harley customer walks through the door they aren't looking for a sport or sport/touring bike and the HD salesman wants to sell the higher priced bike with hefty commissions. The Buell's will sit in the corner and get dusty and HD will shut down the division. This seems like deja vu all over again!. :lol:

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  2. WOW, WOW, WOW... the OR has become like the NFL, I really enjoy football, because for three hours I can just enjoy my shitty Browns and the NFL. Now I have to get through social/political demonstrations, blah, blah, blah around my football. I come to the OR to share motorcycle enthusiasm with others and look for rides. I know there are pages like this on the OR to exchange ideas, but then it denigrates into name calling to humiliate each other. I really enjoy the OR, just going to stay off this page, remember we came on this website because we enjoy riding bikes!  

    BTW, my doctors tell me I am at triple risk due to health issues and have ridden over 14,000 miles this year all over the country. After the consultants projected 2.2 million people could die from covid this year and the numbers were at a pace of less than 10%, I wasn't going to change many things in my life, unless authorities forced me. I wear a mask when mandated without a problem, it's not a religion to me,  kind of like loud pipes save lives:lol: I do know the facts, the average age of death in Ohio is 80 years old and the majority dying are in nursing homes. The average person dying has 2.6 comorbidities, meaning they are really sick already.  


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  3. Welcome to the OR, hope you have a very thick skin!:lol: I'm live in Strongsville (The Ville) and ride E & W river roads, Valley Parkway is too slow. Have to go to SEO for good twisty roads.  I'm going to ride this afternoon and go to bike night tonight at Grindstone in Berea (826 Front St). I will PM you.   

  4. 1 hour ago, Pauly said:

    In the field of psychology, the Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people with low ability at a task overestimate their ability. It is related to the cognitive bias of illusory superiority and comes from the inability of people to recognize their lack of ability. 

    Dr. Pauly....... could this effect also be related to ones motorcycle riding abilities? :lol:

    • Beer 2
  5. On 8/30/2020 at 11:56 PM, Tpoppa said:

    I rode about 250 miles today and saw 40 or 50 Trump signs. I saw exactly 1 Biden sign. In 2016, I remember them being about 3:1 Trump: Clinton.  

    In October 2016 I would ride my bicycle 50-65 mile routes in rural areas. I counted 67 Trump signs and 3 Hillary signs and the media told me that Trump was going to lose by 10 points. Over and over the media along with the elite told us there was no way for Trump to win. I scratched my head and figured they had better information than some sign counting analysis. Troppa, have been ridding my MC more this year and see the same sign differences you have. Once again the polls are telling us Biden is way ahead of Trump. Scratching my head again?!

  6. I put the EZ Pass in my tank bag in a zippered pocket and it worked all but two times, in those two cases I had to read the transponder number to the person listened on the other end of the microphone. I would suggest going slowly through the EZ pass lane and not following closely to the vehicle in from of you.  

  7. 23 hours ago, MSerfozo said:

    And there are no blind hills or curves!

    You are correct about Florida, I ride bicycles and Garmin NEVER shows anything but zero grade unless I go over a bridge, completely flat!:lol:But, I am riding a motorcycle in December, January, February and March in short sleeves and mesh jacket.  

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