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Posts posted by ricer1

  1. Has anyone used their EZ Pass transponder for the turnpike tolls and had success mounting the device. I have used it in the past by taking it out of my pocket and it was hit & miss, most times I had to go to the toll booth and give the transponder to the person at the booth to enter the ID number in the system. Let me know your experiences with mounting locations, thanks in advance for responses.  

    BTW, I have a Sun Pass in Florida and once I had ONE transponder I went on line, created an account to add any other vehicle license plate numbers. Each time I pass a toll station they snap a photo of the license plate, crosscheck the license plate and deduct the toll from my account attached to my credit card. When friends rent bikes I enter their license plate number on my Sun Pass account, with a start and end date, same crosschecking process. The Ohio Turnpike commission told me they are years from having a system in place to perform like Sun Pass.  

  2. image.thumb.png.3597f8142f40773137965b4225a4c5c1.png

    Annie Glenn recently died of Covid 19 in a nursing home at 100 years old. This is a tragedy, once again I'm not a doctor, but for some reason at 100 years old there may have been other medical conditions for her demise. If this terrible Covid 19 pandemic hadn't occurred she could have lived another 20, 30 of 50 years. There may be some Covis 19 misrepresented deaths in the statistics.   

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  3. I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn last night and have ZERO medical background, I did review the Covid 19 statistics. Below are the tests being done on a daily basis, the US is performing over a half million tests a day. On June 1st we had performed 17 million Covid 19 tests countrywide and by July 3rd we were up to 34 million....... more than double in ONE MONTH. Does anyone think there may be more cases identified with increased testing?   
    This is the Covid 19 cases chart over recent months.
    This is the death rate over the last few months.

    Link:   https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ALeKk03gRfl7sguheMisYttHUwIZVQEd0g%3A1594041654496&source=hp&ei=NiUDX6rWG4XatQXcsZS4BA&q=covid+19+stats&oq=co&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQARgCMgQIIxAnMgQIIxAnMgQIIxAnMgUIABCxAzIFCAAQsQMyBQgAELEDMgUIABCxAzIICAAQsQMQgwEyAggAMgIIAFCoD1iYEWC-NGgAcAB4AIABbIgByAGSAQMxLjGYAQCgAQGqAQdnd3Mtd2l6&sclient=psy-ab 

    I understand all correlation is not causation, lets just consider it a coincidence between testing and cases. Let's also ponder there were just huge protests with hundreds of thousands with people in the streets with many people not wearing masks, shouting, yelling and exchanging respiratory droplets while not socially distancing. On top of that states reopening could increase cases as government officials warned while weighing the risks of opening our economy. 
    The death rate continues to decline and the media has been warning us there will be a huge increase in the death rate as time goes on, it's a time bomb that will go off in 3 or 4 weeks.... guaranteed the media has warned. One important piece of testing information I have learned is the average age of the person testing positive is 35 years old. Younger people's chances of getting sick from Covid 19 is minimal and the death rate among the young is extremely low without underlying conditions. With new medical therapies the death rate is also going down. I'm not saying there may not be a spike in deaths in relation to increasing cases, we shall see. But there may be correlation between testing and cases that may not correspond to causation of increased death rates. Death rates is where the "rubber meets the road" for finding out how the virus is affecting our country. 
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  4. It seems like we have a number of epidemiologist on the OR.... LOL! I am curios if you can answer a couple of questions, could the cases be going up due to the increased testing and opening up? I understand the positive tests have been in younger people, average age 35 years old, with a far less likelihood of getting sick or dying. There is a chance that the number of deaths could increase with more cases, but with better recent medical treatments and younger people contracting the virus could the death rate continue to decrease as has been occurring? Or is inevitable the increased number of cases will result in more deaths and can you predict when this correlation begins?  Let me say I have ZERO medical background and I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn last night!  


  5. 3 minutes ago, magley64 said:

    Looks really good, kinda want one of those, but couldn't justify almost double the price of a zx14...

    I like the sport bike engines in sport tour ergonomics. I had a 2013 Kaw Ninja 1000 and was considering waiting for the Ducati V4 Streetfighter for a new bike purchase, then I found out Kaw came out with H2R in an sport tour bike, I bought the Kaw H2 SX SE sight unseen. The Duc Streetfighter was even more expensive than the Kaw H2 SX SE, so I saved money... LOL! I currently also have a 2006 FZ1 and 2017 FZ10, these are great bikes for aging bikers. 

  6. I have never liked the look of side bags on bikes and have always been able to use rolls bags secured on the back seat during warm weather, summer here or Florida in winter. I can go five days with storage of summer light clothes. I went on a May trip to the BRP and the dragon and had to take cold weather clothes, just in case. I couldn't stuff all the gear in my roll bag and had to ask others in the ride group to put things in their bags. I just had the side bags installed yesterday, they don't look bad, more importantly I can remove them in minutes. I will only need these bags for 20% of my riding, but I can imagine getting used to the storage capacity and keeping them on the bike.    





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  7. 52 minutes ago, Pauly said:

    Anyone that can't take the heat should stay on reddit where they belong. Not everything needs to pander to the least common denominator. I am tired of accommodating people I do not know that feel I owe them something. 

    The door swings both ways. Suit up, throw a leg over.. or piss off. 

    I am so offended, outraged and horrified by your micro aggression's towards me and everyone on the OR. I know ToniC enjoys banning people, I will ask him to eliminate every comment you have every posted on the OR! :lol:

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  8. 1 hour ago, Tonik said:

    Also would suggest you stay south as you go through Chicago. Then hit 380 north in Iowa City, or cut up on 29 through Sioux City.

    Thanks ToniC, the suggestions are greatly appreciated!

  9. I have wanted to do an Iron Butt ride for years and plan to go on Tuesday July 14 or Wednesday July 15th riding 1040 miles to Chamberlain, South Dakota (16.5 hours on Google maps). This is about 250 miles from Mt. Rushmore. I plan to take my time riding back. Nothing is set in stone, except I have to be back Monday July 20th. I will be staying in hotels along the ride, no camping for me. If anyone is interested in joining me I am looking for some to ride with me. I intend to register my ride with Iron Butt Association. 

    Link:    http://www.ironbutt.com/themerides/ssseries/index.html



    IB Map 2020.PNG

    IB Logo.PNG

  10. One life lost because of police brutality is awful, because the police are trained and employed by our government to protect the people. This type of excessive force and killing is not representative of the majority of police and these officers will be dealt with by the courts and probably be imprisoned. If black lives matter we should focus on all the killings. I monitor the Hey Jackass website (Link below) and do not see any outrage on a daily basis in Chicago where the killings are majority black people.  

    BTW, this is my last post on this topic because I am not getting in a keyboard war on such a nice day, washing the bike and riding. JMHO.


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  11. Last week I rode with five friends that have been to Blue Ridge Parkway many times and had created a route with what they deemed the top roads they had ridden. Due to Covid 19 the roads were empty along with the hotels. There were approximately 10 people at each hotel. We rode 60+ miles on the BRP and only passed four vehicles. The trip was outstanding, we had a light drizzle Thursday morning, by noon the roads were dry. Temperatures were in the 70's every afternoon. The road I really enjoyed was the Back Of The Dragon, great twisties, very little traffic and the road was in great shape. 

    Four of us bought the new Sena 50's hoping to improve our communication systems. I have owned Sena 10 and 20' models, they were OK, but there were many pairing issues, reconnecting problems when people were out of range and rejoined, sound quality with static and wind noise. If you had more than two people connected the communication sound quality dropped off with each unit connected. The music sound quality was pretty good when not using the Sena's for communication, when listening to music when someone would talk the sound was either to loud to hear voices or the volume was almost off. It was either communicate of listen to music.

    Sena did a great job on the 50 series, the Mesh 2.0 is a game changer! To connect you simple push the mesh button, it opens the mesh system and everyone is connected. Once we had the setting levels correct, we could listen to music at the volume we wanted and if someone spoke the music continued to play at the same level and voice was clearly in the background. There was no static or wind noise. When I finally left the group I could barely tell the difference in the music clarity once the communication connection was off. The range in Mesh mode was around one mile with great clarity. We didn't check, but the Mesh technology is supposed to work like a daisy chain and if each unit is a mile apart there can be five miles with units in between. Listening to music at the same volume the entire ride while communicating was a huge advantage of the Sena 50. 






    Sena 50.PNG

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  12. 3 hours ago, TimTheAzn said:

    Of all the places, that place I will probably avoid the most during the early times of opening. People touching all the same shit, not wiping stuff down, and people huffing and puffing all that shit out of their lungs while they are working out.

    I miss the gym just as much as the next person, I've been struggling because I would go 5 days a week without fail. I will still avoid that place for a while before I go back.

    I cant even begin to imagine how much strength I've lost. I've pretty much been on a cardio diet.

    I'm with you, I would go to our rec center five days a week to lift ...... I know it does not look like it 😃. I am very reluctant to go back for the reasons you stated. This is especially hard because the weather has been crappy, like today I won't ride the bicycle. I don't know when I will go back to the gym. On a positive note, I have ridden over 2K miles on the motorcycle in the last six weeks.  

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  13. I agree with Tonic (I know it's a K), seems like your new neighbor can't take a hint. I would say it nicely to him you don't want him driving over the grass or parking in YOUR driveway. If he is as dense as he seems and he continues then use documents and monitoring for legal actions. 

  14. 12 hours ago, CoDAF said:

    I just put a new climbing toy together. I have to test ride and make fit adjustments before I wrap the bar, but it will be dialed in by May. We should get together and ride. I am nowhere near in shape enough to do more than 20 miles at anything hot enough to call quick, but am very fired up to get back to "a quick 50 miles after work" condition. 

    Three years ago I was crushing 30-50 mile rides on my fixed gear. Now I throw a sheet over it so I can't see it mocking me. Time to make a change, for sure. I had nothing remotely close to your experience happen to me, but I am still rebuilding myself from my last peronal Michael Bay Production. If you are looking for company that you are probably faster than.. I am your guy. 


    That would be great to ride with someone, all the guys I rode with did the miles or more, like I said they won't get dressed to ride 20 miles. The weather doesn't look great the next week, but in the future lets ride. I have to avoid hills because it forces my heart rate too high, in the past I used to look for hills to train.... LOL!

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  15. 13 hours ago, motocat12 said:

    Just got dominator 7's the other week. I'm hoping they break in, my old dragons are much more comfotable.

    Is that 20 at a time or per day...?

    Doc has me limited to an hour of exercise not over 150 BPM, but I convinced him to let me ride 20 miles per day. As he says exercise is good, extreme exercise as I was doing is not good for people with a family history of heart attacks. My Dad died of a HA at 55 years old, my brother had his first HA at 38 years old.  

  16. Rode the bike the cardiologist restricted 20 miles and put the Shimano cleats on my new Sidi Genius 7 Mega shoes. I keep saying I've turned the page on the 20 mile limitation, but it's hard, before the HA I rode 700 miles the month of June 2017. I have said it many times and it's true, if you asked me to go on a 20 mile ride I wouldn't even get dressed to go for a 20 mile ride. Got to turn the page..... glad to be alive and able to ride! 



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  17. 3 hours ago, SpecialEd said:

    Too true! I have to laugh when the Cleveland Clinic sends me mail soliciting DONATIONS. Meanwhile, they redo the lobby and hold elaborate dinners/awards ceremonies congratulating each other for how well they did fiscally. It's nuts.

    I don't want to get in a long debate into the vast medical issues in the US, but I have soft spot for the Cleveland Clinic since they literally saved my life. Almost three years ago I was in a coma after a heart attack from 100% blockage of the widow maker. I was at another Cleveland area hospital and after five days in a coma the neurologist told my wife and kids to look into long term care facilities because I was probably going to be in a coma the rest of my life. My family knew people at the CC and had me transferred. The CC staff got me out of the coma, after months of physical therapy and a year of speech and occupational therapy, I'm riding motorcycles and doing almost everything I did before. If you notice most of the buildings around the CC are named after someone, those are significant philanthropic donors. I also donate to the CC and will the rest of my life, happy to contribute. This last summer I underwent radiation treatment for stomach lymphoma, of course I went to the CC and I am happy to say I'm cancer free. Yes, from an architectural standpoint it is the most amazing hospital I have ever experienced.    

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