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Everything posted by grindle

  1. Hell I'm new on here ..and it's killing me ..what is it !!! My guess is a B king ...now that would be thinking with your balls
  2. OK now v-strom or bandit....hummmm better in twisties on v Strom but bandit has more catch up power....hummm
  3. Tonik what time will you rolling by dover
  4. Is this ride open for all ....and if so where and what time is the meet up...would like join in
  5. hi I live in Louisville look for some new people ride with .I ride 1250 bandit and 650 v stom

  6. I owen a 1250 bandit and v strom 650 love both bikes but I must say the strom is more suitable for long rides and still fun in the twisties....just thought I would throw that out there
  7. What's your starting point.... might in for that love southern ohio roads
  8. grindle

    20130418 172405

    From the album: grindle's

  9. grindle


  10. grindle

    20130607 144558

    From the album: grindle's

  11. grindle

    007 1

    From the album: grindle's

  12. grindle

    jpsweb 8

    From the album: grindle's

  13. 164 to amsterdam 43 to carrollton 9 to hanoverton 30 to lisbon nice loop
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