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Everything posted by F4iguy

  1. Signed up! Now we just need the weather to cooperate.
  2. How do you sign up for Oct. 7th? I couldn't find it on the website.
  3. Great time trying to chase all you guys. Also hit a PB of 1:51:45 in the last session - tired and messy lines, but fun. Hopefully I can build on that when I have fresh legs. I'll stick with I for a while, until I can beat Chuck. :-)
  4. If you sell, where will Ryan get his spare parts?
  5. Planning on Tuesday. Major work obligation on Monday.
  6. Planning to be there on the 23rd.
  7. Really wanted to go, but can't make it. Family coming in for the weekend. Wonder if they sold out by now?
  8. Greetings. I do all types of riding. You will find a lot of good people on this forum.
  9. Redkow97. Whatever works for you.
  10. Got a Power Pure and a Q2 if you're interested.
  11. Can't make it. Have to be at a trade show in Chicago for work. Will definitely miss seeing everyone!
  12. I was in novice before getting bumped up to I. One thing I noticed is that the CR's were always late getting to hot pit. I don't think they had enough to manage the large number of riders. That being said, Beav is a shorter track and it is hard to get separation from slower groups.
  13. I was out there for that session, but didn't see the incident. There was a ton of crashes. Lots of yellows and reds all day. My last run. Got consistently into the low teens with an :11 in there. Got some good advice from Timmy on gear selection for turns 7-9.
  14. Did you sign up for I or A? Can't tell by looking at the registration list.
  15. I noticed that they have 3 classes of racing each of those days in addition to the track day program. Any idea how that works as far as track time?Thinking about signing up for both track days.
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