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Rich B

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About Rich B

  • Birthday 12/16/1954

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  • Name
  • Location
    Stone Creek
  • Vehicles(s)
    2011 Triumph Tiger 800
    1965 BSA LC

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  1. My idea of playing in the dirt involves sideways at speed. I am helping an Ohio rider, there are plenty of flat track races in Ohio. Here is the first schedule out for the 2019;season. There are like 30 races on the schedule as of now:
  2. The S model has wheelie control in the electronics package. How awesome is that!
  3. Welcome. You named a few of my favorite local roads. Head down Tappan way and try 646 to Wintersville. You can thank me later.
  4. Finally gave up trying to adapt to the bars on the Tiger 800. Put bars from a Tiger Explorer on. Just a bit higher and more sweep. So that was the project for yesterday. Felt better on the shoulders and elbows after a brief test.
  5. If you get interested in dirt track.......got a couple of Bultaco Astro's that are begging for attention. And I likely could get a 750 Triumph out of retirement from someone local.
  6. The Heritage Arms guns are bottom feeders. You get what you pay for. As far as teaching a kid to use a revolver as a first gun.....I am all for that plan. A revolver forces them to learn to shoot. Once they learn to handle a revolver, if they want to move on to a semi, great. Yes you will pay more for a better brand revolver in 22 than the Heritage Arms guns, but in the long run, it is worth the money
  7. No key, no problem.....jumper wire will work i used a jumper wire on the 441 I rode in the U.K. and IoM for about half of the 10 days I was there. Key was still there, the internal contacts, not so much
  8. Rich B

    hey folks

    Yikes Kevin......a stone crush in' Norton. I had one similar, even color. Handled great, but I just could never could come to terms with it. You ride the Buelll to lunch......I will ride the Tiger.....only fair. And here I was planning to ride the Gold Star. we need to toast Ben.
  9. Rich B

    hey folks

    Hello kevin. You killed the Trident? Guess those parts you shed last fall was a warning. we need to plan a fall ride/lunch again.
  10. Rich B

    2.1 miles.

    Brings a new meaning to "reach out and touch someone"
  11. I plan on tearing up a few roads around Stone Creek shortly.........on one of my vintage rides.....
  12. Sherrodsville? There goes the 'hood. Definitely plenty of deer and trucks around there to have unnatural interaction with them. Welcome.
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