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About jd724

  • Birthday July 9

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    2011 ZX-14, 2006 Katana 600

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  1. There are a couple times I deserved to be flipped off. I had only been riding a few months. For whatever reason I just didn't see a red light and slammed on my brakes last minute. In the process of crapping my pants and coming to a complete stop I accidentally hit my horn and freaked out an old lady in the lane beside me. She flipped me off right to my faceshield. The next time an old lady flipped me off I was being an ass and totally deserved it.
  2. Can't sleep so I figured I'd get on here and whine a lil bit. So, I'm coming up on a car in the left lane today. Car is going the speed limit. I'm doing just fast enough to pass. Truck in the center lane is at least 5 car lengths ahead. I go to pass the car maintaining my speed. The car speeds up and cuts off my pass. It was a slow pass. I didn't think he would speed up. So, ok no problem. He's moving now so I get back behind him to pass the truck. The ahole slows down and matches the speed of the truck. So now I'm a lil irritated and just want to catch site of the person I'm riding with. The right is clear so I pass them both in the right lane. (yeah I know, I don't normally pass on the right if I can help it). Mind you I'm just cruising, nothing crazy. I get around the truck and see that car speeding up in the left now cutting in front of the truck and cutting of my lane change again and he's fiddling with what looked like a dash cam. WTF did he think he was gonna see me do? Also today but closer to home. Same scenario. Go to pass at a non-crazy speed and the guy deliberately cuts me off. Nowhere to go so I drop back behind him and he's flipping me off in his mirror. Anyone that has ridden with me knows I don't ride obnoxious. Earier this year, I'm on 224 east down here in akron headin out towards rte 44. 3 cruisers in front of me doing the speed limit. Ok, no problem to each his own. It's a public hwy right? But, now cars are starting to back up behind us and right on my a$$. I pass the cruisers when I had room. I gave them plenty of room and I had plenty of time. As I'm getting back in my lane, I see the girl passenger on the lead bike flipping me off. Again WTF? Anyway, I know I know, such is life and I'm over it Like I said mainly just bored and wanna hear if anyone else has any stories like this. I'm sure we all have many.
  3. jd724

    Riders Down

    I feel bad for you guys! We love our bikes! I hope you guys can get back on the road soon. But like every else said at least there weren't any serious injuries. Glad you're both OK.!
  4. My service manual says to situate the bike vertical after warming up the engine to drain the oil. Same position to check. Manual calls for 4.1 liters with filter change. 3.7 liters without filter change. When would you not change the filter with an oil change? So far 4.1 liters has been right on the money for me. I sit on the bike and use a telescoping mirror to check the level. It takes me at least 3 or 4 tries at checking the level to make sure I'm not leaning the bike. Not sure what the reading would be if it were on the rear stand. The service manual also says to have a Kawasaki technician perform the oil change.
  5. I was thinking the tailpipe expander too.
  6. I agree. I don't think I would patch that one. I patched one myself and it held but it was always on my mind when I rode. I have read about people having plugs pull out on them. If it were located in a tread maybe I would consider patching. On a flat spot, I would replace it. And it looks like you would possibly have two holes to plug.
  7. I've had good experiences with Roush. They seem to have a wider selection of parts and every so often you can even find a deal on gear if you look for the sale items.
  8. Thanks guys. I'll try the wheel bearings first. I do believe my steering has loosened up some but it looks like it might be a bit out of my league but we'll see. Thanks again guys!
  9. Thanks guys! Dustin, you're talking about the steering head nut right? Thanks Isaac's Papa! I may take you up on that. I start a week of working nights this Friday. I may stop by your shop during the day if that's ok. Ordering parts today. I'm gonna try the allballs. I've read nothing but good about them and at half the price of OEM I'll try them first. Just have to make sure they come with seals and everything I'm gonna need. I'll probably be replacing them with ceramics within the next year anyway. I'll check their kit again and make sure they come with everything I need. Ordering a new front stand as well. I eventually wanna try the Ohio Mile. Probably won't happen this year. Bike probably won't be ready and I need a suit.
  10. Anyway, OEM bearings or aftermarket?
  11. On that note, I tried to pack a puck under the toolkit in case I had to park in gravel or grass sometime and I could barely get the seat back on.
  12. From what I can tell..... Z's are packed tighter than a...(use your imagination) Even the battery is packed up under the front half of the bike. Tank has to come off for pretty much everything. I'm gonna take one thing at a time. Goin over everything in the wheel/brakes first. Then steering head. Hopefully it will be resolved by then.
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