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Everything posted by MaTS1200

  1. I agree with your rant. I'm always behind that person at the drive thru or the asshole that decides to do a hostile takeover of a company via the ATM.
  2. MaTS1200

    Auto shipping

    I agree, with exception of the engine bay. http://home.columbus.rr.com/cobrapics/731955_16.jpg
  3. MaTS1200

    Auto shipping

    No. As in 1968 Olds Hurst, named after George Hurst who invented the Hurst shifter. It was the first year for the Hurst Olds as well as the rarest and fastest.
  4. MaTS1200

    Auto shipping

    I had my Hurst shipped from Spokane, WA to Columbus using DAS and they did a good job.
  5. Damn. Mine was a pretty strong runner and it only put down 402RWHP and 375RWTQ with an Amazon CAI and Magnaflow CB. Congrats.
  6. AC on was a nice touch.
  7. Stock Cobra + $950 = http://home.columbus.rr.com/cobrapics/Mydynosheetsmall.JPG On a very conservative tune.
  8. I think in the long run it could be detrimental to the economy to let that many uneducated people flood the work force. If all 11 million are allowed to stay and bring over their families it would put a huge strain on social programs as well as larger tax increases to pay for these people. The jobs that they'll be working won't add a lot in terms of consumer spending due to the fact that they'll be making just enough to get by. Legal immigrants entering the country will be faced with very low paying jobs due to the large uneducated work force that would already be here. Wages for menial jobs would never increase due to the glut of workers. There's also of course the human factor. No matter how bad some of these people had it in Mexico after a few years of living here they'll start to forget about how bad they had it and start questioning why the Jones's down the street have a new car and new house and they don't. That can lead to a malcontent lower class as well as higher crime rates. I'm all for legal immigration, it is after all how we all got here. I just don't agree with allowing a large group of people to illegally cross our borders and be rewarded for it. It puts others trying to gain legal status at a very big disadvantage. Try to explain to some poor bastard in a war torn country trying for legal status how bad people from Mexico have it and he'll probably pull out the rusty machete used to kill his family and use it on you.
  9. Nice color choice. Get some DR's for it before you go to the track, getting these cars out of the hole can be very tricky on stock rubber. It'll cost you a lot of ET and MPH when your forced to short shift first and second gear due to wheel hop. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions. You can take advantage of the hundreds of hours that I've logged on the internet researching the 03 Cobra. Those hours should have been devoted to porn search. Good luck with the car.
  10. This is a rather odd request. I don't know who in their right mind would lend their truck out to a complete stranger to tow something to a different state. People seem to have a different mindset about trucks even though they tend to cost more than your average car.
  11. Well there's rumor of GM building a faster Z06, would you be against that as well? The point is why not build a faster car to compete with new faster cars coming from the Germans. The demographic that GM is targeting wants these cars, trust me. I'm in it. You refer to this car as a "mid life crisis car", well your young and don't know any better. Get back with me in 15 years when you have a wife and kids and the wife finds any car with two seats too impractical to own. You'll look at that car in a totally different way. Oh and btw sorry for the STFU comment, I was a little surly late last night.
  12. Since when is a 500hp 4 door sedan useless? I guess you feel the same about the new Z06 which happens to be a hot seller right now. Make like your screen name and STFU.
  13. That's why I never go opening day.
  14. MaTS1200

    The NWS thing

    That movie chokes me up at the end as well. Not as bad as Old Yeller but it does make me a little misty eyed.
  15. MaTS1200

    The NWS thing

    You know what I haven't had in a while..... Big League Chew.
  16. That's my sales pitch to the wife.
  17. If they build it. I will have one or maybe the next generation with an LS9. http://www.autoweek.com/apps/pbcs.dll/gallery?Site=CW&Date=20060328&Category=PHOTOS02&ArtNo=603280802&Ref=PH&Profile=1024
  18. Great find. That kid has some wheels. I can't wait for the Texas rematch.
  19. That silly bastard. I never really liked the guy until now. That vid won me over.
  20. Gotcha. I've never had a problem with a K&N oiling up my MAF but have heard of others having some issues.
  21. Those are good numbers for a Mustang Dyno. Why are you still running a paper filter?
  22. I was hoping for some naked pics of the hot chick in the commercials, but that was kinda funny.
  23. If we're going by crank HP. Cobra- 645hp Hurst- 390hp MDX- 265hp Tundra- 240hp Triumph 955 - 108hp Total- 1648
  24. Some other microwave tricks. http://www.physics4all.co.il/open.php?link=798
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