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Everything posted by MaTS1200

  1. I don't want to get too excited given Denver's strong home field advantage but it would be nice to have "one for the thumb". Me and Rocky. http://home.columbus.rr.com/cobrapics/Rock1.jpg I'm the ugly one.
  2. Steeler haters would definitely include those fucking POS refs. Go Steelers!!
  3. Ref's in that game were the worst ever. They did everything they could to help out the Colts. They should all be investigated and fired. I like Shannon Sharp's comments, referring to the ref as "Archie Manning".
  4. That was great. Their rolling about 40ish then the STI take off, 7-8 seconds later the guy in the Accord pans down and he's only doing 80MPH. That has to be the slowest car on the planet.
  5. The answer is no. Gravity along with no suction to the vacuum of outer space prevents our atmosphere from being sucked away. This would also prevent our oceans from being sucked away. The other questions in this thread will be pondered until the end of time.
  6. Did you get a lemon or something? Seriously, you take every opportunity to bash the hell out of the car. Mines been a great car for 3 years now. I'm not sure if your just GM biased, kidding around, or if you really did have a lemon. Just curious. Wease, to answer your question, I would go with a C5 Z06. I don't think the C6's are as fast as the C5 Z06's. The C6 I raced last year when I just had the pulley and chip didn't put up much of a fight. I'm certain a C5 Z06 would have fared better. The Vettes have better build quality than the Cobra and are more balanced overall. If my wife didn't have a hangup about two seaters I'd have a C6 Z06 sitting in the garage right now. If you just want a muscle car that can make 600RWHP pretty easily, then the Cobra may be the way to go. I've been very happy mine and it's been a great car.
  7. My son was born 6 weeks premature. He was 4lbs 6oz and 17 inches long at birth. He was very healthy and came home with us after the usual 2 day stay in the hospital. 15 months later he's a 33.5" tall 29lb wrecking machine. My best wishes to you and your wife.
  8. I wonder if they stopped it? I went on a tour about 8 years ago. You could just walk through or go on a guided tour. The best part was the free samples at the end.
  9. I don't think anyone needs to defend when they want to have kids. If your ready for kids in your early twenties good for you. A lot of people aren't ready for that much responsibility emotionally, financially or otherwise. I wanted to make sure that I was ready before I had kids. When I was in my early twenties I was too busy partying and concentrating on my career. I know that I wouldn't have been a good father. I was just too greedy with my time. Some guys are ready at 18 to be father and some like me just aren't. I'm certainly ready for it now and enjoying every minute of it. Just for the record, I wasn't jetting around in my early twenties. I was in school, which I paid for myself along with everything else I own.
  10. I was 33 when I had my first. I love my son more than anything but I'm very glad we waited to have a child. It's extremely time consuming and you need a lot of patience, something I had neither of when I was younger. I also enjoyed the years with my wife when we could spontaneously go on vacation all the time. Vegas for the weekend, fly to the Keys and do some Tarpon fishing on a moments notice, it was a great time in my life. It's wonderful now with my son and I wouldn't trade it for the world but I'm very glad we waited. There's really no "right" time to have kids. You'll know when your ready.
  11. Good old "stupid tax". I think Ricochet is right, some idiot will probably pay it just to have the first one on the block.
  12. I wonder what species of fish? I've never seen anything like that. Those guys need helmets not poles.
  13. I think that's why I was rooting for Texas so much. Both Texas and OSU hadn't won a Championship in 30+ years going against teams with 30+ game win streaks. The press thought both teams were unbeatable and the best teams in history.
  14. Way to go Texas! I'm not a Vince Young fan but I was rooting for Texas.
  15. The movie "The Great Outdoors" wouldn't have been nearly as funny without them. That's pretty much the highlight of the raccoons existence.
  16. I never got past a new Hooters at Polaris. Now what happened again...
  17. Blower swap in March, Kenne Bell. 17 PSI pulley was on all summer. Switching to 23PSI and spray in the spring.
  18. That's true. I think it's so damn rough due to it being so shallow. I swear, even on a calm day your looking at 3ft chop. I've only been up there once out of 12 or so trips when the water was really smooth.
  19. When I take my boat up I just use the moorings and take the water taxi in. Lake Erie can be pretty rough. I've had to make it back once or twice in 5-6 footers after the wind kicked up at night. It's fun in the day jumping waves but it sure isn't at night. I have a 21ft Hydra-Sports offshore center console made for rough water but sometimes Erie is just too much for it. If you just plan on partying on the island just drive up and take the Jet Express over. You'll end up a lot dryer and you don't have to worry about 5-6 ft waves kicking up and beating the hell out of your boat.
  20. A very unique ride. I don't believe the claim of $250,000 invested though.
  21. The Tundra, MDX and 4wd Kubota are ready for some snow action. Bring it on! Oh BTW, that's a great pic of your car Sam. It Looks badass.
  22. That makes a great daily driver. Good comparison.
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