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Posts posted by Calinazaret

  1. Thanks for pointing that out. She probably wouldn't have appreciated it if I kept calling her a dude. :facepalm:

    If you leave Iron Pony, you should be able to get to Centerburg by noon-ish. Let's meet at this address. It's to a hot rod shop, but there's a Sunoco literally right next to it. For whatever reason I couldn't find the address to the gas station.

    From there we'll head out 586 and hit the best roads in Coshocton.

    Hutch, if you want to meet at 541 and 79 at 12:45, we'll be there.

    I don't see an address?
  2. I can meet you Calinazaret, and show you through the Coshocton area.

    Iron Pony is the opposite way for me. I live between Coshocton and Iron Pony. You should take route 3 North from Westerville and meet me in Centerburg, then we'll head east to hit 541 and the rest of the roads.

    Give me a time and an address and I'll be there.
  3. Weather permitting I'll be doing a long SEO ride Sunday. Can't Saturday.

    I might do NEO Saturday and SEO Sunday :-D

    Where are you starting?

    We had a nice group back in 2009 riding those roads in Coshocton and they were very nice.

    Which roads?
  4. Plenty of good roads through the Coshocton area.

    Are you planning to stick to State routes? Or a mix of SR, and county roads?

    As long as my phone has battery I can god my way home. But I suppose I won't want to go too far off the grid. I want the twisties though!
  5. I know this is short notice, but what the hell.

    I'm wondering if there are any decent roads in NEO by Coschocton, since I've never been there. I'm planning to meet at Iron Pony at 10 am for the Japanese bike show and head out around 11:30. It's going to be the longest day of the year so why not have an epic ride?

    North through Coschocton and then maybe down along the river. I might also default to basically the route of the spring epic ride instead if there aren't any good recommendations for up there.

  6. Calinazaret,

    Going back to the original reason for this post, I totally get where you're coming from with being a girl. There aren't many of us, but there are a lot of us spread out. If you're interested in meeting a lot of other women who are damn awesome (include Isacc's papa's wife) we're around and congregate each year at Deals Gap in September too for a women's sportbike rally. You'll hear stories like this and also see that being a chick on a sportbike really isn't a big deal since there are a lot of us out there. Hope to see you around. I'm not on these boards too often, but love to see more women riding sportbikes. I'll give you my recent gender story which still happens after 15 years of riding.

    My boyfriend and I were stopped at a gas station in SEO a few weeks ago and I mentioned how my head was killing me. The guy behind the counter overheard me and said, "well we sell beer, that'll help." (I was in full leather gear.) I was confused why he would offer me that since I was obviously riding. Then my boyfriend said, "Oh, she's got her own bike." Then it dawned on me, he thought I was a passenger. So I decided to tease him, so I said, "Oh, you made the assumption I was a passenger, didn't you?" He said, "Yes, I am so sorry." Then I said, "It's okay. Happens all the time, but I will tell you this. 15 years riding (pointing to myself). Just over a year riding (pointing to my boyfriend). Riding a brand new motorcycle (pointing to myself). Rides my old bike I put 33,000 miles on (pointing to my boyfriend). I got HIM into riding." (No worries, my boyfriend thought it was funny so don't think I was degrading him.) The guy said, "Wow, I am so sorry. That is definitely different and you don't hear that too often. I'll never make another assumption again." Sometimes guys need to be reminded to stop making assumptions. ;) It was fun. :D

    Hope to see you out on the road. Wave if you do!

    My favorite is when people ask if I was riding passenger when I broke my shoulder riding motocross. Uhm, have you EVER seen ANYONE riding on the back of a dirt bike? Would it ever even occur to you to ask a guy if he was "riding the bike all by himself" when he crashed? Nope I'm just as capable of wrecking as a guy is, actually, all by myself lol.

    And yeah!! That sounds awesome! I'm totally there!

    • Upvote 1
  7. what's fun is replacing the drive belt on my Harley, after 36,000 miles the drive pulley was worn and was pealing teeth off the belt,


    I've got a Performance Machine Phatail 240mm rear on this bike, PM rotors, pulley, calipers erc etc. priority #1 was to get pulley off the wheel and sent out to Arizona for rework as PM has discontinued this pulley


    This pulley is toast


    Soft aluminum, although PM says they heat treat their pulleys, they're still soft - against Kevlar belt


    $780.00 and 5 weeks later my pulley returned from Az with poly/Kevlar molded insert onto original pulley


    Then the fun begins, have to remove primary


    Simple to remember where each different length bolt goes if ya do this


    sigh lots of work to replace drive belt


    Gotta remove exhaust on my bike to get access to swing arm bolt


    Then ya can wiggle in the new $235 belt


    And reassemble


    And bleed the brakes


    Approaching the 41,000.0 mile odometer reading


    Aaaaand you cook?

  8. I don't think anyone here thinks riding a 600 means you haven't stepped up to a 1k yet. But a 600 is easier to ride and more forgiving than a 1k which makes it a nice in between step for someone wanting a 1k... Some people like 600s some like 1k it's just personal preference... Both bikes command respect and many will argue that 600s are faster in many conditions... Settle down lol

    Lol it's cool. Sorry if my tone was harsh. But it does happen all the time...people saying I'll want something bigger eventually.
  9. Speed isn't the issue. It's power delivery. Some folks don't mind shifting a 600 to death. Others appreciate the "automatic" feel of a big bore engine. I rode Jacob's FJR yesterday. It was chunky, but I did like shifting to 4th and just leaving it there.

    Fair enough, you gotta ride your own ride. But I reject the idea that riding a 600 just means I haven't "moved up" yet and I will someday. I'm faster on my cbr600 that I was on my R1 in most places but a straightaway.
    • Upvote 3
  10. I checked on that my first day here actually, but id rather spend the $200 for a day on better riding gear or a camera for my own bike. If I had the extra cash I would do it tho.

    Ouch. $200 a day for a bike is redonk
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