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Posts posted by Calinazaret

  1. I graduated in 2010 with a degree in Psychology. Fat lot of good its done me so far (other than get me my Office job now). Ill need to go back to school at some point to really use it.

    I got my BA is psych in 2009 just as the economy tanked and the only job I could get was housekeeping. After a while though I found a great job doing behavioral therapy with Autistic kids. Sometimes it just takes a while.

    Oh, and welcome!

  2. Woahoho! I have never lane split that fast in my life. That's just asking for trouble. When I took the MSF course I asked the CHP (Cali highway patrol) how fast to lane split and they said a good rule of thumb is not more that 20-25mph faster than traffic.

    But then again, I've never seen a dedicated lane for splitting like this. Where is this video?

  3. I'd be willing to come hang out or fetch wrenches and learn new things. I don't think my bike needs any work as of right now but hanging out in a garage seems like fun. :)


  4. I'm doing a top end right now on a customers quad. I don't split cases if I can help it. If you really want to learn, go buy a knackered motor from a salvage yard and tear into it. Best way imho. I'm almost always working on something so if anyone wants to come over for a clinic they are welcome provided they bring some beers and don't slow me down with too many questions...and I can always use a stepnfetchandneversweat

    I am totally down. Gives me a chance to practice the beer balancing trick. The things I need done are not too intensive, just fork seals and rear brake. I could probably do the rear brake by myself but I've been putting it off. I might need (or want) to do the front brake though now that my forks been dripping all over it.

  5. Yeah I thought I was slick carrying a fresh large pizza that barely fit in my bookbag, it turned into the biggest pizza roll ever! It was fun unrolling it and trying to act like nothing happened to my friend who split it with me..

    That reminds me of the first time I went grocery shopping with a bike. I had just started riding obviously and hadn't yet cemented the mindset. Walking out of Costco with a gigantic 36 pack of toilet paper I see my little honda rebel and I'm just like awe shit.

  6. Fork seals are not a problem.

    This can be done at your place if you have a garage...but would be easier with all my tools and stands.

    No such luck on the garage. I'd be willing to travel though. It'll be a neat challenge figuring out how to carry a cake on the cbr

  7. Anyway, temperature control - once you develop a sense for it, the rest grows from there. Experiment with how butter, oils and liquids behave under different stovetop and oven settings, and half the battle is won. Continuously experiment and pay attention to the results and you won't be able to keep from becoming competent.

    Oh, I live cooking. I'm also huge into baking fancy cakes and stuff. But it's more caloric than riding that's for sure. Some examples:

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