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sprocket226 last won the day on January 31 2015

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  • Location
    Ashtabula County
  • Vehicles(s)
    2013 ZX6R 636

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  1. Nice... Love the sound of their engine.
  2. You've got some excellent riding weather for at least a week!
  3. LOL... I do like the website. Cool photography, and there are some pretty nice old school bikes.
  4. I got into playing (noodling) the guitar a few years ago. Friend of mine bought a set of drums, we'd get together on the weekends, have a few beers, and jam out. It was a lot of fun, we sounded like shit though. Even built an EVH tribute guitar... Not sure how to post a picture... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v495/sprocket226/1f818c849c7a1517af53e30edf00806f.jpg[/IMG]
  5. "conn-e-rot"??? Is that slang for Conneaut? Nice ride anyway! Is does look very comfortable.
  6. Yeah I probably shouldn't of replied, since I really wasn't directing my experience at "retail" sales. Just putting out there what I know was/is happening at our shop, with UPS, and that may have something to do with when they say it's shipped, but actually hasn't. Havent bought from MSS in quite a while, kind of on a Revzilla kick now. Good luck. Hope you get your order (quickly!)
  7. Axl Rose singing for AC/DC ???
  8. Do they use UPS? I worked in shipping using UPS for 15 years, this is what happens... When your order is actually boxed up, it goes on a UPS scale, your name and address already loaded into computer, the shipper clicks the "ship" button, zebra printer spits out your label... In UPS's program it has shipped. But your box-o'-stuff may not actually leave MS until the skid/truck/trailer is full! That could take 1 or 2 days. Only next-day-air shipments left that day, usually within a hour. So when you track a package, it says it shipped (according to their program) but it's still waiting to be literally loaded on to the truck.
  9. Wife loves her Maytag stainless steel dishwasher... Works great, and it is freakin' quiet. No problems, but it's only a year old... Time will tell I guess.
  10. Today is the last day I get to ride to work with it being light out in the morning. I kinda like riding in the morning when the sun's getting ready to come up. Day light savings time starts this weekend...
  11. Is this open to all OR members? I don't have a lot of storage on the bike, (found out yesterday that 3 packs of smokes barely fit under the seat). I could give some cash though to help pay for beer and food though.
  12. Welcome. Today's a good day to be out... Rode mime to work this morning.
  13. Yeah, good luck with the sale... Beautiful bike.
  14. I take it you're riding on temps? Definetly take the course. Like the others said, keep your head on a swivel! I tell myself that every time I throw a leg over the bike. Check your mirrors at stop lights too, especially until you get your clutch figured out. Never know when someone texting on their cellular and not paying attention, could ass-end you! Be careful, enjoy the ride!
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