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Everything posted by motocat12

  1. Harry potter.. At least he won't be famous as the first guy to die watching porn while his computer was driving.
  2. Just kidding, it was being deported that happened six times. If he Had gotten illegal guns six times what would democrats say was wrong though? Obama has deported the same people more times than any other president. https://www.yahoo.com/news/officials-man-held-oregon-farm-shooting-deported-6-212722156--election.html
  3. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/07/03/uae-warns-travelers-not-to-wear-traditional-dress-after-emirati-visitor-is-arrested-in-ohio/
  4. Do their posts' account status only indicate banned on perma-bans? That's no fun
  5. Rode up a street the other day that had 3 roundabouts in a row... with stop signs at every entrance. More like Stopabout amIright?
  6. So it does, why not call the setting what it does though? Also, All my settings screens don't show a scrollbar until the mouse is over it and "advanced options" is off screen at the bottom . know way of knowing there's any more to look at half the time. I'm going to swap my win7 HDD drive back in to compare. Why does my section (right) have a different heading?
  7. Have to edit the registry to change a wireless network from public to private, why win10 Why?
  8. I had no wisdom teeth. Making up for that or appeasing the motorcycle gods I guess.
  9. Idiot blind drivers think close dual motorcycle headlights are a far away car and turn infront. I do like having spare element if one goes though.
  10. More fun to ride a slow bike fast than a fast bike slow. Or local yocals calling it into cops. "get off my lawn"
  11. http://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2016/06/29/Motorcyclist-sent-airborne-by-foam-pad-that-fell-from-boat-trailer/4401467214666/?spt=mps&or=1&sn=on not really funny haha but funny odd, looks like there was time for evasive maneuver. Stupid trailer drivers. Shorts wearing squid
  12. AWD, Suspension bottomed out and the subframe dug in at the base of the mound
  13. The mound is about 40% slope. I'm curious if it's a 2wd or awd model. Younger girl, she's had headphones in the whole time even now while she's talking to a cop...
  14. runs on the other side of the line of pine trees, I can't figure out how she got through them, or if she came from the next driveway or two perpendicular to her final direction, looks like she might have caught a sign... She'd have crossed over the oncoming lane if she came from the street too.. ?
  15. Lady just came a landscaping mound away from driving into my house.
  16. I was under general, it's actually been the least painful proceedure i've had. Just upset by the loss of a tooth/no replacement due to driver,insurance, original dentist screwups.
  17. I was told there would be Euro OSU girls.
  18. 2 years ago... Ironically was on the way to the dentist for a cleaning, stopped in traffic when the not paying attention driver behind didn't stop and knocked the bike and I into the car in front then ran over the back of the bike and my foot. Spent the day in the ER getting checked out. My only complaint besides the medics missing my vein and giving me a big bruise was a sore front tooth that knocked the front of my helmet (already root canal-ed and crowned 20 years ago) The next day the dentist said my sore loose tooth hit in an accident looked fine on Xrays. Next dentist appointment a year later in another country the xray showed a gap fracture in my tooth and needs pulled to prevent infection.(how it's been connected all this time I don't know). Looking at the original xray there is a faint line where the current fracture is.
  19. Microsoft backs off click-the-X trick in Windows 10 upgrade pitch Computerworld - ‎8 hours ago‎ Microsoft today said it will revamp the notification of a pending Windows 10 upgrade so that clicking the red "X" -- an action that for decades has been used to dismiss or ignore a dialog box -- will no longer be interpreted as authorizing the process ...
  20. tonight? http://www.eurobikenight.com/page.html Hofbrauhaus Dates - 5/26, 6/23, 7/28, 8/25, 9/22 Oh not updated from 2015...
  21. motocat12

    F U Cbus

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