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Everything posted by motocat12

  1. CHP car chase ends in fa18 hornet crash... http://abc30.com/news/chp-chase-ends-in-fatal-crash-into-a-f-a-18-at-nas-lemoore/1270233/
  2. Cuyahoga Valley National Park Any tips NEsters?
  3. Doh! 2nd paged. (up 2)Still doesn't realize after 20 years that posers love the internet. Wakes up thinking of grabbing other mens' bags. uhh, I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal food trough wiper!
  4. Bump. He's not worth anyone's time to insult so I'll just http://www.insultgenerator.org/ "I need you to shut your reasty face, you moronic bush comber. "
  5. No face, obviously faked or need to see fully nude to make sure.
  6. He's so ugly, they don't let him in states bordering west coast states(sig map)
  7. Just different not better. Hanging will add the grip workout. Switch it up, can also do them from a dip stand.
  8. Don't worry kids, this is the new normal. New York college moves to strip gender markings from all bathrooms " The act expressed years of pent-up frustration that in lower Manhattan, at one of the most liberal colleges in the country" What do they want? Tampons dispensers in the male sex restrooms. When do they want it. On their period days.
  9. Dear Squid, 12 o'clock boys may crown you their king. You're so open minded it's hard to believe you can't consider: A car avoiding you and hitting another car, or stationary object. A riders helmet/ head can go through a window and injure someone in a car. Is it likely no? Is it you're right to make the decision for everyone else? NO. People may have other things to do in their day than mess with insurance( can you afford to reimburse them if your insurance denies a game playing claim?, go to the repair shop. have a wrecker pull their car off the top of you/your bike. It's all thumbs up until something goes wrong.
  10. player.vimeo.com/video/13906163
  11. It's a shame you can't get a couple week demo of 5-10 bikes(same model) to rule out 1 or 2 any with issues before you buy.
  12. Because they haven't been sued yet?
  13. left-click the mouse over crosshair icon at the top left of the quote box and hit backspace.
  14. Any setting to disable enter key doublespace?
  15. It keeps it's butthole off my skin, or else it gets the hose again.
  16. Done told her to turn off electronic devices before the flight.
  17. If not logged in ( or 1st time visitor) clicks "what's new", they get a you're not allowed to do that message. no default available? Which reminds me of my History of human invention speech. Someone said they would create human flight. They said you cannot do that. Someone said they would cure polio. They said you cannot do that. Someone said they would put a man on the moon. They said you cannot do that. Man created computers. And they spend most of their time telling us "You cannot do that".
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kE9mSS7hN4k
  19. stupid (common) website tricks spread like STDs: Red 1 message notification icon when not logged in or don't even have an account. Orbitz, Disqus
  20. Do they suck enough for me to not order this tire that I don't need within a week? http://www.motorcycle-superstore.com/46489/i/avon-3d-ultra-sport-av80-rear-tire
  21. I'll give you that, my cat also ate rat poison I didn't know about on top of the fridge ( do rats go there?) But if it wasn't enticing rats wouldn't eat it either. I bet the box says don;t leave it in the open. I'd rather have a problem solving pet than a dumb one. And,obviously, If you have a cat you won't need rat poison. I can put a bowl of milk and can of tuna on the ground and tell my cat "No" and he won't eat it until i say he can. I used to be a dog person until I had a job where I met ~10% of the city's dogs at their houses.
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