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Everything posted by motocat12

  1. http://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/106-year-die-happy-obama-meeting-37119689 106-Year-Old Says She Can 'Die Happy' After Obama Meeting "I didn't think I'd ever live to see a colored president,"
  2. I fully believe they think video would come out sideways if they did that.
  3. farmer carries, or just grab 2 big dumbells and see how long your grip lasts. Back extensions /core work flexibility/stretching neck exercises toe lifts
  4. This is why we can't have anything nice. "Louisiana Officer Targets Gang Members in Stern Video, Gets Blasted by ACLU" ACLU of Louisiana said "nothing that Mr. Higgins said will make his community safer, but there is much to suggest violations of fundamental rights of all."
  5. Immigrant detention contractor questioned on giving free smart phones to illegal aliens released on their on regognizance. https://oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/2016-02-18-JC-DeSantis-to-Saldana-ICE-re-smartphones-to-detainees.pdf
  6. 70 year olds aren't the hottest IT strategists. That's why prez build cabinets to fill in for their areas of low expertise 1st, how do you even build a backdoor after the fact? They could easily limit which phones the update goes to as updates are never zapped all at once. It shouldn't put other phones as risk if it's only released to this phone. If apple's defense is "it puts others at risk" not, "it's too late in this case" that means the govt or hackers could build the backdoors themselves if they decide they want in a certain phone.
  7. Felon kills his mother 2 days after serving 30 year murder sentence.
  8. Last bike I sold here I told the guy my signature had to be witnessed, he claimed it didn't so I signed and gave it to him. He called back later that day asking me to come to the title office. They had me sign a post it so they could compare signatures.
  9. How is it not a conflict of interest when Obama has his own Unconstitutional laws being decided in the supreme court he's going to appoint a nominee to? My suggestion is Ginsburg retires and they can pass one D and one R So Obama avoids this years R president elect appointting an R to replace her when she goes after also blocking his Scalia replacement
  10. That actually makes sense! I was at the rec center and saw what looked like a guy standing with his head in the urinal. I looked away but I "think" he was holding a toddler up there.
  11. No body waves their throttle hand in left drive countries. I prefer the nod.
  12. http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/269203-cruz-takes-down-campaign-ad-featuring-softcore-porn-actress
  13. Good luck finding your Swolemate ♥ ♥ ♥
  14. Gun was "owned" by the deceased's felon father.
  15. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/gun-toting-teen-hoverboard-mistakenly-kills-relative-article-1.2526459
  16. I think their average user fitness level has tanked with their popularity. I did the into course but never went regularly after. The arbitrary workout plans put me off. How much they encourage you depends on which one you go to and the group that attends. Is it month to month or on contract? There's plenty of apps/websites that will give you daily workout plans. I looked at 8fit that starts off a base fitness test.
  17. Whatever this classifies as. http://truckyeah.jalopnik.com/the-russians-make-the-best-truck-in-the-universe-for-5-1758030433
  18. http://www.people.com/article/racer-dies-during-krispy-kreme-challenge 5 miles 12 dougnuts
  19. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/02/04/indiana-armed-robber-meets-gas-station-clerk-armed-with-hot-coffee.html?intcmp=trending
  20. Maybe the sites changes are slowly turning it into Grinder and like boiling frogs we don't notice till it's too late. "Activity" feed, "Epic ride", Instant notifications, little hearts, Mobile. friendly. pictures.. Oh god.
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