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Everything posted by motocat12

  1. motocat12


    Not until Jan 2017
  2. motocat12


    Well if Syrian terrorists are in France, etc... What good is re-homing non terrorists "fleeing violence" from Syria?
  3. http://www.ohlins.uk.com/products/motorcycle/touring/ya-036.html YA036 Rear Shock - Type S46HR1C1 ​
  4. (People on my street) "Oh my trashcan wasn't secured in my backyard and blew over... My trash blown into other peoples' yards is their problem now."
  5. motocat12


    And how did that work out for the non-christians then? The mongols killed millions while accepting all religions.
  6. motorcycle model keyboard word search ZX, VFR, DR
  7. Phone Case made from Michelin, Dunlop, or Pirelli rubber is bests?
  8. 2-stroke 4-stroke? http://rohorn.blogspot.com/ KX500 engine weighs 60 lbs, minus the radiator, carburetor, and exhaust. The EX500 engine, in the same configuration, weighs 126 lbs http://www.gomog.com/allmorgan/engineweights.html many car and bike motors mixed YFZ450 80 lbs
  9. put all the items in a cart and trolly it out to your car. or on the bike it all goes in the rucksack anyway no bag needed. *Coming from someone who never buys enough to need a cart and spent 5 years with no car and outlawed plastic bags, no paper, extra $ for reusable.
  10. http://ohioriders.net/index.php?/topic/108711-2008-kawasaki-zx14-atomic-silver-dayton-area/
  11. Indoor wheelies too tame, No cliffs in the hood, Wheelie off the 2nd story... http://www.follownews.com/queens-man-killed-in-fatal-motorcycle-accident-in-roosevelt-field-mall-garage-police-say-b0aj
  12. My 02 looked like it had american trail mix in the ceiling console...
  13. You have to know how stupid they are to start with to see if head hits have caused damage. http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2015/10/22/baseline-test-helps-medical-experts-monitor-athletes-recovery-after-a-concussion/ "Sorry son, you seem to have a mental injury"(open's file) "oh, nope you're fine."
  14. RO said it's not over in a story in the paper. Did they spend all their $ this round? If they have all the Operations planned and all the signatures ( to go back for seconds), Who's to say they weren't trying to get a monopoly for shits and giggles(reuse casino business plan) and then go for non monopoly easy win next year. Their business is ballot initiatives they'll be pushing votes on some scheme or another.
  15. Or this way was cheaper than buying out the patents. A bankrupt company can't sue for that or employees dropping trade secrets.
  16. http://saturday-liquidation.myshopify.com/collections/automotive/products/640068 $68 new 180/55 pilot power in c-bus, might check the manf date.
  17. Mexico has legalized it? So tax replaces bribes now? http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/05/world/americas/mexico-supreme-court-marijuana-ruling.html
  18. Yet issue 2 pretty is close,?, I guess Responsible Ohio Strategy Network Inc put their money on the wrong vice... this time
  19. At least when that one's spoken you dont hear (i mean here) the difference.
  20. Because you're playing within the rules and they're not.
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