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Everything posted by motocat12

  1. Or no Social Security for Gun owners? Or more undocumented guns? I'm all for getting people off social security it's a baffling association and political strategy though. Is no amnesty for married gay illegals next?
  2. Aftermarket adventure bike tanks been doing this a long time They just weren't designed so there were parts mating up to the tank, or have the tank mounted from each extreme end. The expansion gave greater capacity which was called a feature.
  3. I tried a bunch on, some are definitely better designed than others and different tint levels. I ended up with a speed and strength closeout for $140
  4. And of course the democrats will have to provide computers, Macbook Pro/Ipads all around? Since the folks can't afford the $15 a mo internet service.
  5. Apparently there were subsidized landlines long before Bamophones, and probably subsidized telegraphs before that. Subsidized smoke signals... did they have politicians then? Also the Ophone distributors spam craigslist to give out and charge back phones just like the relative home health care scams.
  6. Does this include "residents" with Obama's increased vouchers from public housing who've moved into the middle- upper class homes.
  7. On an old cheapie helmet I put a strip of regular window tint on the top 1/3 of the visor. and just road with my head tilted more when riding into the sun on short rides.
  8. motocat12

    Bike Night

    Equal rights/ equal discrimination. Too PC to call anything specific bad anymore.
  9. I just replaced my soft brake reservior hoses and plastidipped the reservoirs. My clutch was flushed before I got it and was dark again. I'm pretty sure the 12 year old non pressure hoses were deteriorating.
  10. Try living in a climate where the most rain/grass growth is in the winter; then it's raining And dark when you get off work.
  11. When you time it just wrong and ride through a narrow band of showers. It's almost better riding lengthwise inside the storms travel because you're not aware that's not raining a short distance away.
  12. As much as I hate license plate frames... I just opened up a gaping hole above my knee through the skin into the fat coming out from under my car. Why don't they just print registration numbers on circular saw blades.
  13. Hyundai with personalized plates and 2 of 3 brake lights blown in front of me on 23 today had a screen with an mma fight playing above his dash...
  14. If you want a sport most of the world doesn't care about with yet another confusing name lookup Aussie rules football
  15. England beat Germany drawing a dirty foul.The offender had the defender around the waist and by the wrist then started to spin her. The defender put her free arm out which grabbed around the offender in the box who then fell down and got a PK called. Men's and Women's are both soccer frustratingly dirty to watch yet with a high risk of real head injury. If your team ends up with possession nothing gets called to preserve your "advantage". Women's soccer maybe looks cleaner because they're more likely to suck it up rather than retaliate to initiating fouls missed by the refs.
  16. And why were their uniforms white and green? Time for a sponsor who knows the US colors
  17. The news tried to make a story that the women are complaining for not being paid as much as the men winning the world cup for being the 50% best human soccer team in the world
  18. If I knew the answer to that, sin comentarios. I saw a girl around Dublin on a white cbr last season.
  19. Doesn't sound right to me, I think your bike is missing a vtwin.
  20. A neighbor was distracting the postman when I left home today. When I got back my box had the key to one of the package lockboxes... an empty lockbox..
  21. Mouth breathers... :smh: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/fact-or-fiction-people-swallow-8-spiders-a-year-while-they-sleep1/
  22. I put tape over gaps around the garage door to stop drafts while spray painting some parts. I was about to pull off the tape when I noticed this guy's profile.
  23. Was it chucked in the corner for being bad? Pull it out and get some proper side view pics. Still rocking S clipons or an N bar conversion?
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