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Everything posted by motocat12

  1. another story today with the price for "certain assets" by hero at 2.8 million http://www.business-standard.com/article/companies/hero-motocorp-to-buy-assets-of-bankrupt-us-company-115072800518_1.html
  2. Was the tiger SV650 offer a red herring?
  3. Because 50hp At legal speeds dual disc bikes don't need them but at the speeds they're capable of ,they do.
  4. Hero did buy the auctioned remains of EBR 7/21 http://www.therideadvice.com/reports-ebr-has-been-bought-by-hero-motor-corp/
  5. Exactly let a lawyer do the fighting. They have a much better record against cops.
  6. If she hadn't had the ciggie lit in the first place maybe she could have flicked her turn signal with that hand. That's one idea why she should put it out besides so she doesn't exhale smoke at him while talking, that's just being considerate. It is frustrating as hell when you come behind someone start to change lanes to pass and they they swerve into the other lane without signaling and you have to brake while they straddle both lanes until you figure out where they plan on ending up. Also why it helps not to cruise along in the left lane if not passing.
  7. If only there were some issues in the country they could address to keep themselves busy. The lobbyists already write bills for them .
  8. Obama would blame the white scientists' discovery of a weapon arabs could use on blacks in NYC.
  9. I don't think a whole campaign can be run within a bank of sickdays.
  10. Best strength is 50/50 cloth to resin. I think mesh would require more resin to fill the gaps and be weaker. Carbon is a sexy finish but if you don;t have a mold for a smooth finish and will need bondo might as well glass it. Also look at Resin types- epoxy, polyester (melts foam core), vinylester.
  11. All part of the job? Worth it in exchange for a chance at pork later on? Spending donors $ while drawing a salary. If everything runs smoothly with them focused on something else do we need them in the first place?
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHEVZvG1XGg&feature=youtu.be&t=37s
  13. Kill one terrorist create 5-10 more if the kid's family aren't already. The locals will never admit it was their fault the kid was shot.
  14. The more strict, the more silly the religion. Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster = least silliest.
  15. Left hand grabbering her azz right hand on her wrist
  16. "The Gun Control Act of 1968 prohibits any person from selling or otherwise transferring a firearm or ammunition to any person who has been “adjudicated as a mental defective”" So round and round the merry go round? I'd argue if you're living off working Americans maybe you should have already pawned your gun to support yourself.
  17. Or no Social Security for Gun owners? Or more undocumented guns? I'm all for getting people off social security it's a baffling association and political strategy though. Is no amnesty for married gay illegals next?
  18. Aftermarket adventure bike tanks been doing this a long time They just weren't designed so there were parts mating up to the tank, or have the tank mounted from each extreme end. The expansion gave greater capacity which was called a feature.
  19. I tried a bunch on, some are definitely better designed than others and different tint levels. I ended up with a speed and strength closeout for $140
  20. And of course the democrats will have to provide computers, Macbook Pro/Ipads all around? Since the folks can't afford the $15 a mo internet service.
  21. Apparently there were subsidized landlines long before Bamophones, and probably subsidized telegraphs before that. Subsidized smoke signals... did they have politicians then? Also the Ophone distributors spam craigslist to give out and charge back phones just like the relative home health care scams.
  22. Does this include "residents" with Obama's increased vouchers from public housing who've moved into the middle- upper class homes.
  23. On an old cheapie helmet I put a strip of regular window tint on the top 1/3 of the visor. and just road with my head tilted more when riding into the sun on short rides.
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