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Posts posted by motocat12

  1. 4 minutes ago, Tpoppa said:

    If I was over 70 and/or had an already compromised immune system I would be more concerned, and would plan accordingly.   This seems like viral Darwinism.

    I am 0% concerned about the breakdown of society or availability of necessities.  

    There will be treatments for those that have it and vaccines for prevention in the next 3-6 months.  I expect the actual virus to be keep popping up in local outbreaks for the next 12-18 months.

    The bottom line is that the survival rate for healtly people with access to medical care is 99%.



    but will there be hundreds of millions to bilions of vaccines in 3-6 months

  2. 15 minutes ago, Pauly said:

    Is this whole beerflu thing worth getting anxious? I do think a few week worth of grub is a good idea, in general. 

    I think fasting a week or 2 is a good idea for the typical american in general.


    I'd like to stock up on gasoline about now.

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