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Everything posted by motocat12

  1. https://imgur.com/gallery/Bs3pmFJ
  2. Your 4h club milked people? everything with nipples?
  3. Vesrah JL make a ton of dust. I've wiped them clean and this is a few hundred miles. Just ordered Craft T4 ceramics
  4. I lost count of how many times i pulled fitty cent out of a dryer doing maintenance. Sometimes in 1 piece still.
  5. Continued jamming the key in harder and it fit in and started. The dust shield is still MIA and i'm not confident it won't rejam and strand me.
  6. I always assumed weekends were higher theft risk. Keys are only chipped to the dash. An aprilia guru in california can rekey an ignition to my current key. Sounds like the easy go.
  7. Welp. Got up before 7 and saw it missing. Took off and found it in 5 minutes across a main road and around a corner on the kickstand between parked cars. Signals and headlight wires damaged. Filed a police report before touching it. Then trying to move it found they screwdrivered the ignition. I had assumed a guy dropped it then gave up. Then that they had a truck parked and failed at that. Now with the ignition I can't figure out what the mental rejects thought they were doing. Just got more expensive and over my deductible. I tried turning the ignition with a screwdriver with the chip key beside it and that didn't work either. Looks like i'm inop for a while. I admit I've been surprised I've had no issues before. I have a disc lock i had used regularly before this year and had started using last week but not last night. No cameras.
  8. Road by a Pile of 8" mending plates in the median at an intersection this weekend. Someone could have had a bad day.
  9. If you are only going up to 4th place then the Huracan.
  10. Cracked the airbox and found a DNA filter that removes the frame needed for the oem fitment. filter was dirty on one spot
  11. I ended up going to my credit union in person though
  12. If anyone is riding through E,NE central ohio, Juan Petataonia is on this weekend, mostly sunday.
  13. https://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/d/harrisburg-2005-honda-vfr-800/7358881122.html
  14. Carbon Wheel day is a good day. 38mmdeep 25mm wide toroidal aero shape Chainrings-53t,56t,80t,100t
  15. Product design instructions were unclear.
  16. The most popular president ever?
  17. They build it shite from the factory. You need to extend the swingarm to corner at top speed. Can't steer with the front off the ground.
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