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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. In your simplification, you always seem to miss something called Disparate Impact. I can't tell if you just don't understand how it works, or if you understand it but don't think it exists. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disparate_impact you advocate for policies which have clear and consistently proven disparate impact and then you whine that people are making it too complicated or complaint that you are unfairly being judged as racist. What do you want me to say. Just because you personally don't either believe in or understand Disparate impact doesn't mean it doesn't exist. And your choice to ignore it either way comes with consequences. I am not talking about other people or a group Tim. I'm talking about you. America First under Woodrow Wilson was overly racist. The America First committee in the 30's was mostly chaired by individuals who were openly anti-semetic and exposed a policy that also had a disparate impact on the Jewish population abroad. It was further taken over by the third Reich in this country and used to delay America's entry into WWII The America First Party was the 40's political arm of the Christian Nationalist Crusade and advocated isolationism and a white christian agenda Ralph Forbes, a former American Nazi Party president and campaign ,manager for David Duke, (as well as an Arkansas judge) ran for president in 1996 under the America's first banner with a handful of overtly racist and disparate impact policies. Pat Buchannan currently fields his own "America First" party platform which as a large number of racially disparate impact policies. And then we have trump. Tell me again how trump is some how different? Oh because he's not overtly racist? Still doesn't pass the disparate impact smell test. It kind of does. Unless you don't really understand the secondary impacts the policy had on Muslim people from other countries (which it sounds like you don't). It was a terrible plan in that it didn't improve the current situation, would not have stopped any of claimed problems trump thought it would address, sent a terrible message, had no practical enforcement without giving government overbroad and far reaching powers, and had a terrible disparate impact effect on a particular religious group in total. But you back it. you think it's a-ok. whatever dude, just say you didn't read it.
  2. I don't decide shit. The White Supremacists just told the world they speak on your behalf. What are you doing about it? I can say I'll wait but we both know you aren't going to do shit about it. Yes you said they are horrible. Then you proceeded to weaken that opinion and ruin your credibility by saying that this much smaller group that you dont agree with is EQUALLY as bad, and therefore people shouldn't be as harsh to you. Except that they are not equally as bad. White Supremacist domestic terrorism is a greater threat to America than Muslim Extremists: https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2017/01/trump-immigration-ban-terrorism/514361/ http://www.snopes.com/2017/06/07/threat-extremists-more/ https://www.cato.org/publications/commentary/keep-calling-alt-right-alt-right-soon-it-wont-be-euphemism-anymore This "Alt left" you keep misdirecting towards? they don't even move the needle. It's ok, Trump is suffering from the same thing at the moment. You are doing the exact same thing he is, except I think you were more forceful in your initial denouncement. Being a centrist is not the play here. It just makes you look like you don't understand facisim.
  3. Several posts back, there is a NY times article that cites a study done by the libertarian Cato institute. I even bolded it for you in that post because somehow I knew you wouldn't read it. You are libertarian aren't you? Something from a libertarian think tank should be trustworth to you then. Your argument is that it's ok for White Supremacy to continue to act on behalf of conservatives because you think Antifa acts on behalf of liberals. If you don't think you are making this argument I am telling you that is the crux of your message. If you don't want to make this argument then change your approach. yup. That is what you are doing. It's clear to everyone but you because you are mired in your own logic and being defensive about being lumped in with something considered historically evil. If you don't want people to think you are an advocate for white supremacy then stop making excuses on their behalf. Stop looking to misdirect the conversation to "the left". The White supremacists are literally telling the world right now that they speak for you because you are a white conservative male and your only response is to soak your drawers and yell "stop it" to people who judge you for making excuses for them and how you should be considered different. You want to be considered different? You want to distance yourself? Get involved, go write letters, confront a congressmen, go punch a nazi (kidding - don't hurt anyone)....or shut the fuck up and stop sharing your shitty mewling whiny pleas about how they have a right to say they speak for you and we should treat you differently because you don't agree with them - even though you love to shit on all the mainstreams and liberals in this country as one collective group. I'm sorry, behold my field of fucks and see that it is barren for the poor little attacked conservative who can only be an apologist for white supremacists that are saying they speak for him. Honestly, fat jokes? it's beneath you. It is literally a sign that you have run out of intellect. It is also indicative of similar prejudices driving unite the right....so way to go dude!!!! your drift to the dark-side is almost complete. I don't have to categorize and label you - you do it to yourself.
  4. Was on 270 the other day and I almost speed past a brand new V8 camaro in full Ohio state trooper livery and lights. Thing even sounded great. Anybody else seen this? I saw they had a 2013 camaro on display at the state fair once, but this is the first time I have actually seen a statie camaro doing actual traffic duty. ok, fess up. Which one of you prompted them to get a hot rod to chase down the speeders.
  5. yup I googled it and the literaly only instance of this reported as happening is a Breitbart "article" [sIC] about a troll at a trump rally that reads like your cousin in 7th grade was telling you about it and contained no verifiable facts. So I have to ask, was it you? because you seem to be pinning a lot of hopes and dreams to this: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/07/25/ohio-trump-supporters-rip-communist-flag-away-from-protester/ Free speech is free of restriction from government. Are they they government? No? Then guess what - Antifa can hate what White Supremacists say all they want. They can also express thier opposition free from government persecution. Private Citizens, including private universities and business don't have to put up with your shitty opinions because they are not the government. Just in case that isn't clear. Because I get the feeling that's not clear to you. you seem to think free speech extends to private institutions and it doesn't. That's the reality of free speech. You say way dumber shit. Apparently I ruined Benjamin's fun because he was waiting for you to keep saying dumb shit and I somehow ruined it. Apparently I have more faith in your ability to talk beyond your knowledge base than some of your peers. I believe in you...push the crazy, illogical, and stupid...you can do it!!!! The "Unite the Right" did to white people what All of America has been doing to Black People, Muslim People, Asian People, and most other minority groups for almost a century whenever some small fringe extremest tries to speak on their behalf. I get that you don't recognize this because it happens to white people so infrequently, but you still acted exactly like you had an understanding of this. So which is it, are you just being argumentative because you don't like that I am right about you or do you really just not see it? false equivalency again. I am going to start calling you a white supremacist apologist every time you use this argument. Because that is what you are doing. Two wrongs don't make a right - they just make a bigger wrong. Saying "but the other side is doing it too" does not excuse that conservationism and the republican party has been raw dogged by the white supremacists of this country, and is continuing to be raw dogged in front of all of you publicly. Poor behavior on the other side is not an excuse for the poor behavior being done in the name of conservatives. It wasn't unite the racists it was unite the right. Whether you want to be or not you are in it now and the only way out is to not be a cuck and make weak limp dick excuses like "not all conservatives" and "but but but the left is just a bad...derp" but to attend town halls, attend meetings with your elected officials, mobilze your voice, and hold them accountable for this crap and vote them out when they don't act. Or you can continue to let the white supremacists prove the stereotype most liberals already had about the republican party. However, saying the left is just as worse when you are talking about a few thousand disorganized people (the "Alt left") going against a few HUNDRED THOUSAND PEOPLE who are historically ingrained in our political system for 100s of years is not an equal comparison. I am not a fan of violence of any stripe, but honestly AntiFa and whatever else just aren't a factor by comparison. You can't use them as an excuse for your impotence in the face of white supremacy. The alt left is too small and too disorganized to be a real threat or factor. The White Supremacy of the "Alt Right"? yeah that's huge, scary, a real problem, and apparently openly tolerated in the Executive Branch by elected REPUBLICAN officials.
  6. "America First" is inherently racist, xenophobic, and antisemitic because those that cower behind that message define America as the white christian decedents of founders of the landed gentry class. It is often proven by the policies enacted on it's behalf. So far I think Trump is batting 1000 in terms of being consistent with the historical connotation of "America First". No it isn't a Lie. He was in part influenced by his father (or at least the legend of his father who was absent for most of his life) who was raised as a Muslim (the extent to which he practices is not known though it is inferred that he is Atheist or Agnostic currently). It is a common experience for a lot of Black Men in America to have a Muslim parent, and I am not just talking about recent immigrants. It is not a common experience for a lot of white men in America. But it is an American Experience. Obama also attended a secular school with a high concentration of Muslim students in a Muslim controlled country. This is also a common experience among recent middle eastern immigrants to this country who possess American citizenship. Yes it is pretty clear that his heart lies with America and the American Experience. The Total American experience. that includes the Muslim American experience. Muslims are a part of the American landscape. To assert otherwise is the definition of religious bigotry. You certainly speak like they are all the enemy. Your open support of the Muslim based travel ban doesn't help your case either.
  7. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/15/us/politics/trump-alt-left-fact-check.html
  8. Historically every "America First" organization from Woodrow Wilson to now carried some overt racist, anti-Semitic, and or xenophobic platform. You say it's "common sense" but really common sense would dictate that anyone's using the "America first" approach not be trusted to be impartial on matters of race. Dude grew up in Hawaii and Washington state. He got as much influence from their culture as any other black American. I wouldn't say he gave them preferential treatment, he treated them like Americans, because 1% of Americans are Muslim. Islam has been in this country since 1528 and the slave trade was its biggest importer since the 1600's. Muslim men and Women built this nation - not metaphorically, they physically did the construction. The White House was built by slave labor and some of that was Muslim slave labor. If you are one of those ignorant people that thinks all muslims are the enemy to America then guess what - you are siding with the white supremacists. I think Trump has proven at this point that she was. At least between the two of them.
  9. Example please? Define "communist" flag that isn't associated with an actual nation. I hate it when you literally don't know what you are talking about and you make ignorant seemingly smug comments like this. It really makes you look like an ass. Facisim is a form of extreme nationalism characterized by authoritarian dictatorships. It is by its very nature a violent movement. Every facist regime that has come into power has done it by bloodshed from Hitler and the Beer hall riots, Mousolini and his black shirt secret police, pol pot and the kuhmir rouge, etc.... Antifacisim, which was coined by Mouisulini by the way as a way to propagandize his opponents, means you oppose a dictatorship. Churchill was an Antifacist, FDR was an antifacist, we fought wars over this. This isn't about who is suppressing whom, you have one group advocating eugenics, geoncide, the violent overthrow of the federal government, and you have antifacists who oppose that political position. They are not advocating government suppression of freedom of speech, they are meeting the tactics head on with their own as a way of neutralizing the threat. If you have a problem with white supremacy, then why do you have a problem with anti-fascists - the people who literally have made it their mission to oppose that? Or to put it more succinctly " why do you hate America, bro?"
  10. Am I the only one that wants to see pics when it is done? Unless it's a dildo, then I only want to see pics of it in use.
  11. Tim, are you completely oblivious to the racial implication of calling black activists "turds"? Or do you do it because you think that brand of casual racism is funny. Just asking for a friend.
  12. Yes they have always been around but the Klan and White Supremacy used to have a massive influence in politics in this country, esp in the southern states. If you have forgotten this, go watch Mississippi Burning to remind yourself. If you were born before 1971, a former klan member was an active sitting justice on the Supreme Court in your lifetime and an active member ran for both governor and congress in Louisiana as a republican in your lifetime. White Supremacy has a long thread of power in the history of this country, something the "alt left" or anti white can't claim at all. That's why they are unequal. To treat them as equal is to ignore the ugly truth of our own nation.
  13. Paul Gottfried. He also coined the term paleoconservative.
  14. Thomas Jefferson drafted it to protect the people from government interference in their religion. It wasn't to protect the government or the religious institution, it was to protect the individual citizen. It very much mirrors the concept of speech free from government persecution (btw they are both the first amendment). England at the time had gone through a very nasty battle with the Catholic Church that caused the establishment of the National Church of England. With a national Church, the monarchy was free to persecute any one practicing a religion that wasn't the nationally sanctioned one. Hence the puritan flight and resettlement to America. Kennedy in the 60's further clarified the separation by saying that it is the responsibility of those holding government office to make secular decisions for the benefit of all citizens. He did this to settle fears that as a catholic he would give preferential treatment to the Catholic Church. Since Kennedy's administration ALL sitting presidents have abided by this understanding except maybe our current one. Anybody who tells you the US was founded as a Christian country is full of shit. It is the most practiced religion in the US, but it is not the foundation for our laws and government. Most of the political theory guiding our laws and government predate Christianity as the founders were obsessed with Greek, Roman, and Mesopotamian rule of law.
  15. They don't have the power to do that. Too bad so sad, pick another lie.
  16. The Actual "Anti-white" movement does not have close to the same numbers as white supremacists. Nor is it recognized or endorsed by any political party or has been in the past. They do not associate themselves with the Democratic party, they do not call themselves "the ALT Left" (because there is no Alt Left). The do not presume that when democrats don't speak out against them they are being endorsed. Most have been branded terrorist groups or hate groups by various government groups and the southern poverty law center. They DO NOT include BLM or Anitfa, because those groups agendas are not Anti White. To that end those groups are just as bad as white supremacist but let's be clear we are talking about American ISIS supporters and other domestic terrorists. What you think is Anti-white is mostly propaganda perpetuated by those aligned with the "Alt Right" and based on your previous comments includes BLM and AntiFa and stereotypes of liberal extremists. This has been mostly disseminated by conservative news sources, who it is unclear as to whether they were participants in the white supremacist agenda or just opportunists. The concept of an "Alt Left" has it's roots in GOP campaign marketing to pull moderates right by characterizing people like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders as liberal extremists. It is artificial. I am not doing anything. "Untie the Right" just asked you to pick a side. What side did you pick? Pointing out their strategy isn't me making you do anything or me lumping them together. They call themselves Conservative. They call them selves Republicans. They are holding themselves out as representing you, do they represent you? If not you know how to respond. Since this weekend. It is how you distance yourself from something. If you are unclear about it, you are not distancing yourself. So far you have done this (except for that little comment about the BLM and Antifa too). Common sense led you to those statements earlier in this thread. Nobody made you do it, nobody asked you to do it, you realized on your own you had to because deep down you are a good person with a functioning moral compass. that is how this situation works - the "unite the right" put you in a situation where you felt you had to say it so you wouldn't be presumed to be part of it. They did this to everyone. That happens every time a Muslim man makes the news related to a crime. And you know what? They fucking do it. And it gets a small amount of press because...well...duh. When a Muslim extremest comes out and does something horrible and says he represents all is Islam, those that do represent islamic communities rush to make sure it is clear he does not. White supremacists just did to you what you what happens to Muslim people any time there is a Muslim based terrorist action. How you do not see this or understand it escapes me. you know who didn't do it? The head of the executive branch and the person that represents all of America. Or rather it took him 48 hours to do it. Well first off can you prove any organized BLM attacks on police? Any actual attacks that BLM has openly taken credit for? You can't because there are none. Are there crazies who act alone and then later claim they are part of BLM? sure but the same can be said for any group, crazies are everywhere, and that group disavows any connection and it is usually proven right. And yes, many many black people have been critical of some of the more confrontational tactics of BLM, and that is a matter of public record. They had to do it because that is how you distance yourself from something.
  17. They called in support, but it was still too little. You don't know how many people are going to show up for these things until...they...you know actually show up. They called in more support but by the time it got there, things were already in full swing. Again, I am not saying they made great choices, but they made the choices given how quickly things were escalating and in general law enforcement isn't that great about responding quickly to how these things grow and evolve. As a scapegoat they are convenient, but they don't own the lions share of this violence. That belongs to the "unite the right". Nice dodge. Again. One group said we are going to hold an illegal rally. One group encouraged their protesters to bring weapons on their media outlets (the daily stormer and associated podcasts). One group was promoting to be as antagonistic as possible. It wasn't the police, it wasn't the loose congregation of several small socially liberal groups, it was "Unite the Right". In my view that's a paint by numbers picture. There are times when it's ok to be in the middle and say I condemn actions on both sides, and then there are other times where a clear line should be drawn. The president is learning this right now where his choice of middling "can't we all just get along" rhetoric is proving to work against him. At this point the "Alt right" has pushed conservatives to make a choice - either you have to condemn them outright, or be prepared that any statements or actions that are not an outright condemnation are to be read as tacit approval of their rhetoric. It was their intention all along to cause this violence and divide people and they got exactly what they wanted. In one weekend they managed to take away from every conservative white male in this country any possible assumption that they are not inherently racist. If you are a white male, you now have to openly state you are against their agenda without caveats or asterix, and anything short of condemnation is insufficient. I don't know if it was the intended strategy, or just unintended fallout but it has worked brilliantly in their favor. See this right here? This is the trap. They have caused you to legitimatize white supremacy whether you feel that way or not. The implication of this statement is that you have now leveled the playing field of white supremacy, Nationalism, Populism, and NAZI-isim. By saying this you accept it as having a place in our society. You may not agree with some of the more liberal extremists but the White Supremacy agenda is one of eugenics, genocide, slavery, and subjugation and it is not even remotely objectively equal to some of the even most far leaning liberal groups like AntiFa and BLM. There is a pretty clear bad side here. It's the guys with NAZI icongraphy and the racial slurs - it has no equal and it has forced itself on the republican party and is making violent love to it (now who is the cuck?) while you stand by and try to salvage what little shred of your conservatism you have left with things like "everyone's" at fault. There is no false equivalency here, They took over your party while you were chanting "but her emails" and if you aren't now looking at your elected republican officials and Trump and saying "you enabled this" then you are never getting your party back. Sure everyone owes some responsibility to this, but it isn't an equal share and if you treat it like it is you are legitimizing white supremacy. This isn't gray, it's black or white. NAZI's are bad. I shouldn't even have to say that.
  18. can you please specify which group you are referring to that should have been "shut down"? Also, you know that it was both determined to be an unlawful assembly and a state of emergency, right? we are talking about a city that has a population of under 50,000 people - not exactly a large police force to start with, even when bolstered by members of the VA state police. They were woefully under equipped to deal with what was happening in that city. I am not saying they don't have some responsibility to what happened there, but you can't lay blame solely at their feet. come on Tim, where's your fire and brimstone rhetoric about "personal responsibility" and consequences? Why aren't you "calling out" Jason Kessler, who organized the White Supremacy rally, for being a cuck or some other conservative epithet for saying stuff like this: I mean...this is like textbook dodging responsibility right? where is your soapbox for personal responsibility or is it just reserved for mother's of kids who fall into gorilla cages and only people you deem "liberal"? I mean, dude applied for a permit, got told no, then decided to hold a rally anyway and openly encouraged attendees carry weapons to the assembly. What happened? it's called consequences and it lays with him. Why are you waffling?
  19. so does westerville apparently: http://www.westervillelibrary.org/3d
  20. you ain't kidding. If someone was experienced at this or was doing something small and manageable it's easily a one person job. however as a newbie to it I had my father and my friend help me out. Dad filled the garbage can and regulated the temp. I did this at his house so we could use the back deck shower for the pool to put hot water into the bucket instead of having cold water and heating it up. While I prepped the parts and paint, my buddy tended the swirl paint already in the water and helped to remove skins and clumps. We did this in direct sunlight on a hot day which was kind of a mistake as well because the paint skinned faster than we thought. I prepped the paint by stirring and the parts by wiping down with first lacquer thinner and then a tack cloth. I also dunked the parts and removed them which means I had to wear gloves. Dad would clear the surface paint with compressed air when I was ready to pull the fender and tank out. Once out of the water he would blow it off with the air compressor. Have to be careful with the air compressor as too high a pressure and you can blow the paint into splatters - It's a cool effect but not one you want to discover accidentally as we did (hence why we ended up dunking the fender several more times). some more tips: - you must stir the paint. Simply shaking the can/bottle isn't enough. In both brands of paint used physically stirring the paint for about a minute with a small stick have much better results. - at one point we tried both dipping into and removing from the water as a way of applying the paint. Dipping into def works better, mostly because the pressure of the water pushes the paint on to the surface as you press into it and you get long continuous swirls. pulling out made for short choppy blobs of paint that didn't look all that great. - watch the clock. Working time for this is very short and gets shorter because of conditions. from first putting the paint on the surface to removing the dunked part it's best to keep it under 5 minutes to keep paint skinning to a minimum. - don't over stir. I can't tell you how many times we had great patterns and screwed them up because we wanted to see how much further we could swirl the design. - make sure you have enough paint to touch up after. Fish eyes are a part of this process unfortunately. Water sometimes gets trapped in between the paint and the surface and makes a small bubble that pops while drying and leaves a small dot. It's super easy to cover up with a small brush. Additionally I stupidly dropped the tank at one point and scratched it down to the white primer in a few places which I was then able to mostly touch up with a drybrush technique without making it look obvious.
  21. Prop as in propeller? Any hobby store will sell you a small 2 bladed prop for less than it costs to have one printed.
  22. This pic shows the clear coat a little better. Sorry for the crappy cell pics, I had to catch a plane back to Ohio and was a bit rushed: IMG_7235
  23. So I mad a lot of mistakes doing this. I didn't get the borax to dissolve in the pail causing the gold to sink to the bottom more often than I liked. I didn't do a great job prepping the underlying bodywork so up close one part of the bondo shows through slightly. I wasn't careful about the base coats either so at one point the sandable primer sucked all the gloss out of the gloss enamel base coat. And I didn't get all the old paint off the fender and it reacted with some of the primer requiring some extra sanding. All in all I am impressed with the results despite the setbacks and flaws. I did this in a garbage can with hobby paint and rattle cans. It has 3 coats of rattle can clear on it and it needs 3 more, a 600 then 1000 wet sand, and a cut and buff. Then it will be perfect. Honestly for the first time it was kind of ambitious and I didn't realize it. I had to do the fender 4 times till I got the pattern I wanted but the tank I got on the first try. If I had to do it again I would manage the water better, and I would use the humbrol paint only, the testers was much harder to work with. In fact I think I might try real automotive paint next time. In case anybody is wondering the colors are humbrol metallic black and testors metallic gold over Toyota granite black. Up close it looks like the cosmos as there are subtle contrasts between the two blacks with the gold floating over. There are a few small areas where the paint got blotchy and thick but otherwise it's almost a molecule thin over the surface. Compared to any kind of spraying I have done this is the least wasteful method of getting color on a surface without using a brush. Questions? Thanks, yenner.
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