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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. when it comes to Nazi's everyone but them is the good guy. Even Stalin knew that. :dumb:
  2. Fake news. Sad. Failing Brandon can't tell the difference between Nazis and Anti Nazis.
  3. You mean the white supremacists. right? Or the independent militias? or any number of people who are responsible for the majority of hate based violence in this country right? That is who you meant to call out - the people staging rallies and encouraging to bring guns and body armor, oh and who are also the #1 source of domestic terrorism - that's the danger you are worried about right? Is there a danger for the other side showing up to give them a fight? yes. violence isn't supposed to solve anything and giving the white supremacists exactly what they want isn't going to help, except maybe to help people like you fall for the WS propaganda that somehow the other side is "more dangerous" than Richard Spenser, Andrew Anglin, and their merry band of bigots. It's like the house is burning down, and you are worried about the water damage from the fire department. oops, your intellect ran out again. better go recharge it with some more conservative nonsense about how they are coming first for your guns then for your whiteness. LOL
  4. so let me make sure I am getting this straight - you are using a facebook group that allows people to post pictures and comments as proof that there is a central management for AntiFA? You are using a few stupid people commenting on facebook to represent 7 million people? It is your assertion that 7 million people 100% agree with every single comment on this one facebook group? I am pretty fucking sure some FB group isn't getting 7 million likes or comments per day. Serious question: are you retarded? AntiFA is a threat to what? Please tell me what it is a threat to, and be very specific.
  5. First off... "AntiFA" is not a singular organization. There is no "antiFA" board of directors, no central location, no mailing address. It is a name used by a collection of independent autonomous anti-facist groups that are loosely aligned and collaborating. There is no one "voice" that speaks for "AntiFa" so there is no group that could release a manual like this. Assuming that this wasn't written as a joke (and that is a huge assumption given the hilarious nature of some of these things) and was written with even a partial intention of seriousness - it would have been written by one group and adherence would be largely voluntary. Oh and good luck getting anybody to go along with any of this. Nobody on any side would think this stuff is sane. More likely some college student wrote this either as a joke or as a reflection of how their conservative mind might see the other side and wasn't meant to be taken seriously. It's like fly paper for the stupid and paranoid. This is like grade A trolling. A slightly less likely unsettling possibility is it was written by someone who wanted to work up crazy conservatives into a frothy foam so as to exploit their outrage for some political agenda. Either way if this is genuinely how you see the otherside (Brandon I am looking at you) then I don't think Ignorant is an adequate word to describe your condition - delusional paranoia might be better.
  6. seriously? even 50/50 on it? Did you read the "New World Order Page"? AntiFa Regulators? Microchips? establishing a precentage color threshold to use the n word? I mean come on....
  7. That is hilarious. You don't believe it is real do you?
  8. 300hp and roughly 3000-3100 lbs (thanks AWD!). So roughly a 1 hp per every 10lbs power to weight ratio. It's not slow, but it isn't the 430+hp of a turbo in the same exact chassis. They run about 12.9-13.0 1/4 mile. most drivers can manage a low 13 time. that puts it on par with like a stock lancer, stock, STI subaru, stock bmw 335xi. However, it's a much nicer place to be in, even with the "dated" 996 interior. It also has better brakes, suspension, and handling than all of those other cars. And it's a Porsche. This car is gorgeous, if it was a little closer to the end of the year I would consider picking this up myself. I hope Steve-o gets what he is looking for out of it.
  9. Confederate Statutes/The confederate flag/Christopher Columbus have been an issue for over 30 years at least. I remember when I was in high school in the early 1990's all the publicity calling for the removal of the confederate state flags, specifically the Georgia State Flag (which was eventually changed in 2001). In the 1960's/70's there were movements to re-appropriate the confederate battle flag for non-racist connotations (ever wonder how it ended up on the dukes of hazard in prime time TV?) but it didn't work. As far as the statutes are concerned the majority of those statutes were erected during two time periods: The Jim Crow Era and the Civil Rights Era. They were designed as statements opposing equality of black people in this country that hid behind "heritage" as a reason for commemorating literally 100 years later. Removing the statutes has been a long ongoing campaign since they went up, but if you wonder whether white supremacy has been an issue in government remember - hundreds of local governments allowed the Daughters of the Confederacy to fund and erect statutes commemorating some pretty loathsome individuals (like Nathan Bedford Forrest) knowing full well that it was a counter protest to the 1960's civil rights movement and in support of both slavery and the southern "Lost Cause". So they aren't a "new issue" per se. So why now? Couple of reasons: - The internet. The "Heritage" issue has always been the shield people in favor of these statutes hide behind, and if one did not have access to information about how frequently they went up, how they were paid for, or why they were erected then it was hard to challenge, esp since the DoC is a private organization not keen on sharing records. however, having a national network that allows public records searches shows has helped both to prove the ulterior motive of their erection but also make people more informed about it. - The recent rise of white supremacy. Generally speaking statutes and flags get little press. They are purely symbolic and don't really help to drive economic growth or stem poverty. So they tend to get little political attention unless there is a reason to give them attention. The recent rise and public demonstrations of white supremacy have made these statutes an easy way for politicians in power to cater to a much larger base who would look favorably on them for resisting white supremacy. Just by being more vocal and bold than usual those supporting "confederate heritage" may have actually hurt themselves. regarding Christopher Columbus - well this is a different story. CC was largely a forgotten historical footnote for centuries. It was only during racial backlash against italian immigrants in the 1800's did he start to receive any recognition as a way of combating that anti-Italian bigotry (along with Amerigo Vespucci). Washington Irving, the writer of sleepy hollow and other works of fiction, wrote a biography in 1828 that was probably his greatest work of fiction yet because it made CC seem like a pioneer in round earth theory, a rebel against the catholic church, and not the petty rape-y tyrant that he was in real life. His image got co-opted into national pride and patriotism and like anything that is wrong but accepted it took decades to undo the damage. The movement to disassociate CC with the founding of this country started in earnest in the 1980's at the state level. Although it is still a national holiday, a number of states don't recognize it anymore. By the way it isn't an issue or in dispute that he was a horrible person - Spain took all monetary rights granted to him away when word of his exploits reached back to them and there was litigation regarding it for 200 years. TL;DR: American really didn't care about the effect symbols of oppression had on minority groups like black people and Native Americans until recently, and only cares recently as an easy way to gain political favor in battling white supremacy.
  10. love this. Is a turbo in the future since it is an iron block 5.3? Is that a Dakota Digital dash? looks...um...bright. does it do the bar readouts like the old dash too?
  11. Geeto67


    So....any pics? For those that went, can this event be done in a day? It looks like it's only 3 hours from Cbus, could someone drive up early in the AM, do some of the events, and then drive home? or is it the kind of thing you really need a hotel room for?
  12. It does but very little. It's like the leas amount someone can do and still claim to be doing "something."
  13. Unlike you who constantly complains about the left but also does literally nothing about anything you piss and moan about. At least they are trying. What have you done lately for government action you don't agree with. I'll just let the civil rights movement know all their protests didn't change anything.:dumb: Seriously though, we have talked about this in the past: the public demonstration protest is part of a larger campaign against something. Government moves slow and requires constant pressure, any one singular act isn't usually going to change anything, collectively however they do. In addition to being a public display of numbers, the public protest also serves as a morale booster, a networking event, helps with fund raising, and helps drum up publicity. When coupled with letter writing campaigns, lobbying, and various other public activities is how the people make their voice heard in the system.
  14. Agreed. public used to mean your local town. Now it means anywhere with an internet connection. Can't blame people for wanting to dial that back a little through anonymity.
  15. To be honest I don't know, that's kind of where the focus need to be for the future. In the past the way is was suppressed was national attention and the heavy hand of law enforcement. But that drove the more extreme groups underground and hardened their resolved, it just cleared out all the on the fence people. The recent surge is mostly driven by islamaphobia and xenophobia as possible explanations for societal ills. The sad part is they are usually not the cause of those ills but are a convinent scape goat. Technology is the root cause of some of the problems that illegal immigrants usually get blamed for. Hunter Thompson gave this interview in the 60's about the hells angels, but I think there is a lot we can apply to current groups that feel like outsiders. The thing he says that is the most haunting to me is "the people who are most affected are in the position to least understand why":
  16. So let's talk about this for a second because as usual you have an opinion without understanding what's in play. One of the bigger issues nobody seems to be talking about is the freedom to privacy and what are the boundaries. Freedom of speech is pretty clear: you are free to say anything you want without government interference (with very limited exceptions) but you have to still accept the consequences of how private citizens may judge you. But in the last 50 or so years your rights to privacy have sort of shrunk. Well the rights haven't shrunk per se, more like the scope of the public has broadened and your methods for maintaining your privacy have shrunk. In the olden days if you were in public, unless you made the national news, your public persona was pretty much restricted to being local. You had to kind of work really hard or get really lucky to get national exposure. Now however, everything you do in public has the potential to be globally viewed. This means that the world is a lot less forgiving for your mistakes. 50 years ago the social ramifications were pretty predictable - your neighbors would judge you, talk about your dumb ass when drunk at cocktail parties, and if you moved or died all was pretty much forgotten. Now you have to live with anybody with an internet connection having the ability to discover your mistake, your family has to love with it, your kids, and if you die they go on living with it pretty much for as long as there is an internet. Your only ability to reclaim the right is to obscure your identity, but there are some very specific laws and limiting about how you can do that. I bring this up because of the recent activity of posting the identities of the white supremacists in order to get them fired or keep them from holding jobs. Personally I don't give a shit what happens to those assholes but those assholes have families and kids who do end up as unfair victims of this activity even if they are not complicit in them. If they want to waive this right they can, but I don't think it is cowardice if anybody involved in this controversy wants to obscure their identity for the sake of their family.
  17. So a lot of people tell the story like it revolved around one incident. That Lamborghini approached Enzo and Enzo told him to fuck off. In reality though Lamborghini owned seversl ferraris, but the one that gave him fits was a 1958 250 GT. The car was plagued with some quality control issues, was too noisy, and had its clutch replaced by the Ferrari factory several times in the span of a year. The legend is that ferruccio replaced the clutch with tractor parts and then went to Enzo with his fix and Enzo insulted him. But really Enzo was already aware of ferruccio's dissatisfaction with the car because the car kept coming back for work with a laundry list of complaints. Bob Wallace and other employees have said that the legendary exchange is just a legend and the two never met. What supposedly happened is that Lamborghini had some of his tractor engineers design and make a street clutch for the 250 GT. In the 1950's all the Ferrari road cars were homolgation specials and were race prepped out of the box by 1950's standards. This included an HD clutch that was finicky, had a hard pedal, and a short lifespan. Ferruccio designed a softer clutch to make the car more road friendly and approached Ferrari through the proper channels about being a supplier for the road car clutches. Enzo, who saw road cars as just a revenue stream to fund racing wanted to keep mfg trim at the time and didn't see the need for the added expense of having separate parts for the road cars from his race cars, and declined. By this time Ferruccio had already realized that Ferrari was never going to modify the 250 GT to suit him And was already modifying it himself. Halfway through he realized that he disliked so much about the Ferrari and so many changes were necessary that he might as well make a new car, using the 250 GT as his design mule/prototype platform. This car was the 350 GT.
  18. Pretty sure that's a lambo dude. Farm Equipment post WWII is how Ferruccio Lamborghini made his money. The cars were literally a way to get back at Enzo Ferrari for being a dick to him. The Company is still in business and still makes tractors, they just don't sell them here because our market is saturated: http://www.lamborghini-tractors.com/en-nd/ I'm not gonna lie....a gulf painted lambo tractor is sexy. Porsche also made tractors until the 1960's.
  19. Dude...it's an SST wagon!!!! nice find. less than $10K for a rust free, dry, muscle car era, v8 wagon - It's a freaky good deal. One of the most obscure muscle cars is the Rebel "The Machine". http://blog.cars-on-line.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1970-amc-rebel-machine.jpg A one of none "The Machine" wagon would make a great goodguys lot crusier
  20. It's not hard to know what bad values looks like....unless you have bad values. Do you read anything I post? You are like a goldfish sometimes. I've posted proof twice in this thread that they are growing. It's even in the link in the post you are responding to with the above quote. here are more that you'll never read: https://www.splcenter.org/news/2017/02/15/hate-groups-increase-second-consecutive-year-trump-electrifies-radical-right http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-40915356 https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/ideology/white-nationalist hundreds of thousands is more than the few thousands it is estimated for the Islamic radicals and black separatists. Also, name the Islamic extremists holding government office at the moment. Name the Separatists holding government office at the moment. I've already named three White supremacists holding office at the moment in the White House Cabinet. It goes both ways. Nobody has disputed that. Doesn't make it equal unless you are looking to diminish the impact that white supremacy is having on the country right now.
  21. Here is the hate map: https://www.splcenter.org/hate-map draw your own conclusions.
  22. . Yes, but there are more "right extremists" and they are actually in the government at the moment. But you are right we should marginalize that trump stocked his cabinet with white supremacists and focus on the ones who aren't in power too. :dumb: You mean that problem that was stable and in slight decline since 2008 and that had it's largest growth under George HW Bush, Clinton, and George W Bush because of closed border policies? That problem that until recently was actually wasn't a significant problem? http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2017/04/27/5-facts-about-illegal-immigration-in-the-u-s/ I keep telling you this and you keep refusing to listen but "America First" has always stood for White Supremacy as a Slogan and a name for groups. Maybe you think you aren't invoking that when you use it, but America first can't be scrubbed of that connotation. You say America First and a lot of people hear "White Christian People First". You don't seem bothered by this at all. You mean the "white christian" way of life. when Richard Spencer speaks publicaly he talks about "preserving the white American way of life", Same with Baked Alaska, Jared Taylor, Andrew Anglin, David Duke, etc... Nationalism is the "N" in NAZI. It is not the same as Patriotism. For someone who claims not to support white supremacy, you sure use a lot of the same words.
  23. There are good people on the right. They are NOT NAZIs. By definition a NAZI is not a good person. Good people on the right look like John McCain, They look like...ugh I can't believe I am saying this....John Kasich, they look like George H. W. Bush, Sen Lindsey Graham, Sen John Flake, Sen Tim Scott, Sen Bob Corker, Sen Susan Collins, Sen Lisa Murkowski, and Mitt Romney. They don't look like Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, or Donald Trump. but most importantly they don't look like you. Why? because look at the things you say and the positions you take and the justifications for them. They aren't build on an understanding of government and specific knowledge of policy making and how it affects American behavior. They are based on moralistic half truths which you don't research, don't fully understand, and often are just repeating the dog whistles of the wrong kind of conservative. But here is an easy litmus test - if some of the things you regurgitate from other politicians are liked by white supremacists when the politicians say it - it's not a good position. The problem is your kind of conservative is in the majority of power in the government right now, and they are suppressing the good conservatives by bulling to go along with a White supremacist friendly agenda. Moral compass transcends Political party and liberal vs conservatisim. Good people share the same morals. Conservatisim, et al, are just different approaches to the same problems using the same set of good values. When you start deviating from good values to justify shitty conservative policy, your forfeit your morality. Sebastian Gorka is in the Trump Cabinet and has strong ties to "The alt right" (he grew Breitbart's association with the "Alt Right when he worked there for Bannon). Steve Bannon in in the Cabinet and...I mean really do I have to point out how white supremacist friendly Bannon is? Just go google Breitbart headlines about Jews and women. Is there even a question Bannon isn't at least very tolerant of White Supremacy? Stephen Miller is in the cabinet and he attended Duke with Richard Spencer. Miller did fundraising for Spencer's activities post Spencer's graduation. Close to a dozen people have come and gone in the Trump Administration but these three hang around and survive all the rounds of firing. In light of this is there a doubt that the White house is White supremacy friendly? In that context the president - who said "Fire and Fury" to a korean tin pot dictator, Who called two morning Joe Hosts Stupid and Psycho, who called Senator Jeff Flake Toxic, who is the king of reactionary clear attacks, waffling on the Nazi's who have ties to his own cabinet members can only be seen as supporting them. And the Nazi's agree. If you picked up Trump's "Both sides" remark as a defense of conservatism, you've picked up a White supremacist dog whistle. It's difficult to track by actual body count. The Southern Poverty Law center tracks by formal organization, but it can only track those who are open and public (meaning the count could be higher). their general count for groups is: Ku Klux Klan - 130 Neo-Nazi - 99 White Nationalist -100 Racist Skinhead - 78 Christian Identity - 21 Neo-Confederate - 43 https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/intelligence-report/2017/active-hate-groups-2016 Since membership info is not open for a lot of these groups, and people join and leave all the time they can only estimate the amount. Most reliable estimates put the numbers in the low hundreds of thousands of people. And I think that's the best you can get. But, let's talk about why you don't see them: you aren't looking and they leave you the fuck alone. Did you know the Daily Stormer's home base of operations is in Worthington. Yes, one of the most popular propaganda outlets for white supremacy is right here in Columbus. that close enough for home for you? I'm sure you've heard of the Daily Stormer. I am pretty much going to regret this but.....I'm of Jewish Heritage. I'm not one religiously, but it doesn't matter to those who hate. It makes me sensitive to causal racism that you who may have grown up with it may be desensitized to. I see it all the time. 3 weeks ago I was having a great conversation with a guy in the Iron Pony parking lot about bikes until he brought up "n*gg**rs and ^^^^s". That's the 5th or 6th time that's happened to me at Iron Pony since I moved here (by the way I am not affiliating IP with this - I freaking love that store and the people there are awesome, esp in the tire department!!!!). Having lived in the deep south for a number of years (and also being an unapologetic dukes of hazard fan) I also count confederate flags I see and I hit double digits every week (I am not just counting flags but bumper stickers, back window decals, etc and some are repeats week to week). Maybe you don't see it because to you it isn't a warning label and you've seen it all your life. Maybe you don't see it because you just aren't looking for it. Maybe you don't see it because it isn't part of your self preservation mechanism.
  24. To be fair 9/11 is a pretty significant stand alone event and an outlier that would specifically skew the results and make the data meaningless for tracking rate of change. I don't expect you to have a degree in statistics but they do teach basic statistics to high school students which discusses the effect of an outlier - but I guess you skipped that class. But if you want to pick a start date for Islamic terrorism on the long scale how about 1968. Oh wait, did you think this was a new problem? The Assassination of Robert Kennedy is often wrongly thought to be civil rights related, but it Sirhan Sirhan was a Palestinian Arab. He picked June 5th 68 as a very specific date because it was the 1 year anniversary of the six days war. It is considered by many (but not proven) the first modern act of Islamic domestic terrorism in the US. But I tell you what, since we are playing with the time line let's just pick 1963 so we can include the assassinations of: Medgar Evers James Chaney Andrew Goodman Michael Schwerner Malcolm X Viola Liuzzo Jonathan Daniels Robert W. Spike Martin Luther King, Jr. Fred Hampton Harvey Milk George R. Moscone Allard K. Lowenstein John Lennon Alan Berg Henry Liu As well as hundreds of hate crimes perpetrated in the 1960's. In terms of incidents and not body count I am confident white supremacy would still come out on top. But here's the reason why they picked that date that you didn't bother to look up or research: because prior to 9/11 - Islamic terrorism wasn't considered a significant threat by the federal government and there really aren't good metrics prior to that date - even in light of the 1993 attempted bombing of the WTC and the 1993 CIA shooting at Langley. You have this significant outlier event and then the detailed data collection starts literally the next day. But no, go on keep making your shitty half-assed, unresearched, smug, ignorant comments like the one above. :dumb:
  25. Except that is incorrect: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2017/aug/16/look-data-domestic-terrorism-and-whos-behind-it/ So the body count is higher for Islamic terrorists, but the number of incidents is twice as high for right wing and white supremacists as it is for Islamic terrorisim. Nobody wants to change the views of white supremacists, that's a fools errand. We want them to stop growing their numbers and recruiting so they don't have significant voice in politics. There isn't really a direct correlation to black on black crime and here is why: White supremacy doesn't end at being white. If you are White and a catholic, Jew, or atheist you are not white by their definition and they hate you too. If you are white and LGBT they hate you. If you are white and a woman they treat you as a lesser citizen whose purpose is to breed more white, Protestant or baptist, men. You not safe just because you are white. If you think it is jusT something that happens to other people on the news it isn't.
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