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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. I would say have fun reading but I know you won't read this: https://www.aclu.org/sites/default/files/assets/141027_iachr_racial_disparities_aclu_submission_0.pdf http://www.sentencingproject.org/publications/color-of-justice-racial-and-ethnic-disparity-in-state-prisons/
  2. The most insulting thing you can do to a group of people Tim isn't calling them a racial Slur - It's pissing on their leg and telling them that it's raining. Whether you chose to believe it exists or not doesn't negate it's existence or its impact on society. It does prevent you from ever understanding it or contributing to it's eradication.
  3. How is it possible that you missed the point entirely? this isn't just about words. The words in a vacuum don't do anything. The weight of those words don't start and end with the person saying them, they come from systems and measures meant to oppress a people, and remind that those systems and measures have continued to evolve and persist. It's not a one time interaction, it's a lifetime of feeling marginalized because society actually does treat you differently because of a trait that can't be changed. It's reinforced by the prison system, which is the constitutional exception to the 13th amendment, it's reinforced by law enforcement who for over a century supported racial bias, it comes from several lifetimes of presidents who have used your kind as scapegoats and instruments of fearmongering, who have taken action that have hurt all of society just to actively to suppress your kind. It's 2017 and not 1955 but you know what? it's not 2217 either. It took the European civilizations hundreds of years following the fall of the roman empire to undo some of the effects of slavery via conquest (and some things will still never be undone). It took the jews 700 years to overcome the effects of slavery in the middle east (fun fact jews in egypt didn't gain citizenship until 1919) and there are still hallmarks of it all over the culture. In the US it's just been a little over a century since slavery ended, and just about 50 years since the end of segregation. There are still things in our current institutions that were put in place after the civil war to disadvantage a specific group that haven't been removed (and in some cases have been shored up since then). It's not about whether a particular individual feels "insulted" by a specific instance, It's about constant reminders of being a second class citizen, of disparate treatment, of disparate impact, it s the total crushing weight of a society that doesn't accept you but tries to convince you that it does while continuing to hurt you. For the most part, white people in the US haven't felt this. They have felt the oppression of poverty, drought, famine, etc..and certainly there are a lot of cross overs but they don't typically see the machinery working against them because of race, and it makes it harder for them to see it and relate to it. We will get there, every generation is better than the last, but we aren't there yet and pretending we are isn't going to make it come faster.
  4. I wonder if it does reverse wheelies? It's not a cute as a shortend combi, that's for sure.
  5. Not true...all racisim is bad, I just don't concern myself with racially motivated violent acts against white men who are not white supremacists because they happen so rarely they don't statistically track. being what I am I am subject to both anyway so tell me again how you feel "attacked".... racist, that's the derogatory term you are looking for. Call a white boy racist and watch him lose his shit. even from another white guy. Does anybody really use Honky or cracker outside of the movies? Been called casper a bunch of times, doesn't even move the needle.
  6. eh...this is kind of true. The more freeway you drive, the more diminishing returns you get. A volt should still see close to 42mpg highway if your total commute is over 50% highway. dad used to drive his 100 miles out and 100 miles back to montauk on a weekend and he saw average 50mpg, but a lot of that was bolstered by his in town on battery only driving once out there and charged up. The only cars I saw getting gas highway miles close to that were the VW diesels, and who knows what's going on with them now. has anybody mentioned a vw GTI yet? rated 24 city/34 highway and they are about $25K new. wife's audi gets pretty close to 30mpg on highway only trips so you should see close to that out of a GTI. And it's fun. And it's Stick. And it's 4 door. And germans make cars that are nice to be inside of.
  7. Based on murders alone, Still more incidents than Islamic terrorists. every year but 2001 and 2016 they had a higher body count too. https://www.adl.org/education/resources/reports/murder-and-extremism-in-the-united-states-in-2016 but tell me again regarding your opinion on Islamic terrorists.... Are they small when compared to "other" crime statistics? yeah, hate crimes that don't end in severe wounding or death aren't tracked very well so we have no idea really how widespread that part of the problem actually is aside from a body count. But it is increasing, it's having all sorts of negative effects on society, and it's increasing in part directly because of the elected administration. This is kind of an easy one to solve, but yet won't be because the executive branch has no desire to solve it.
  8. Ok, just let me know when someone brickbats your window or draws a swastika on your trunk with a key. I'll feel sorry for you then.
  9. I can't believe you are as intelligent a person as you are and you write something like this. Tim, go back and read it again a couple more times.
  10. again, not preventing free speech by the actual definition of free speech, only by your made up definition that includes social consequences and a double standard for a message you don't agree with. and there is the false equivalence. You can say violence is bad overall and not equate white supremacy with antifa, you choose not to because antifa isn't your "team" and right now your team is more important than doing the right thing. not a good analogy. and by the way, way to go equating anti-facisim with pedophilia, I'm sure you are really enjoying that one. You want simplistic? ok, a pedophile is a pedophile just like a white supremacist is a white supremacist. I don't think we want either as a school teacher. I'm not exactly going to put up a fight about someone who opposes white supremacy as a school teacher because well that's hopefully most of america. I probably would oppose a violent person as a school teacher because well violence, but again that's not exclusive to anti-white supremacy or even antifa. If you want to have a conversation about the non-violent doxxing of white supremacists by antifa, I'm all for that discussion. Oh wait, you don't think that happens.
  11. It certainly is a bigger threat than domestic Islamic terrorism, and that gets a shit ton of attention. There aren't really any signs that is going to change anytime soon. I think quantifying problems in a "top 5" or "top 10" is misleading because there are a lot of things that make something worth of attention. what about "Black on black" crime or as the rest of us call it, just "crime". I don't think black people wake up and think they are going to commit crime against another black person because they are black. That would be pretty stupid. General criminal enterprise doesn't usually care your race, it cares about money and it follows poverty. Does poverty disproportionately affect minorities? absolutely, but that crime doesn't happen because people are black or latino, it happens because people are poor and desperate. Calling it "black on black" crime falsely implies a form inner racial cannibalism and distracts from the root cause of the problem, poverty, by intentionally attaching a false racial motivation. If you want to make a case you aren't empowering white supremacy, it's probably a good idea to stop spreading myths like "black on black crime" as something separate and special from regular crime. why is it getting attention? because it is drawing attention to itself. You have a group in power in the executive office with a history of supporting that white supremacy message. They aren't supporting those other groups and those other groups aren't calling attention to it. Trump doesn't have a history of favoring child molestors, but he's been fined by the DOJ for racially motivate housing discrimination against blacks. Steve Bannon has a history of printing things like "Renegade Jew", "Birth Control makes women unattractive and crazy", Stephen Miller has a history of supporting Richard Spencer. none of these support drug cartels, rapists, or molestors, but they sure as fuck support white supremacy. If your reaction to all this is that it "is an attack on whitey", well then I don't know what to tell you other than, go ahead and explain how that isn't white supremacy victimizing. I'll wait. you don't want to pick a side, but your actions and statements will pick one for you. Honestly this shouldn't really be hard - there is a side that is anti-white supremacy but also anti-violent, you just don't seem to want to be part of that either.
  12. It's an easy thing to say when you aren't the target of their hate and violence. I have been fortunate enough to have not been the direct target of an attack, but my mother was years ago, many relatives of mine have been. I don't associate with the Jewish lifestyle in any way and don't consider myself one in any other way but heritage, but it isn't hard to know they aren't putting an asterix next to my name when they say "Jew will not replace us". Simplistically this would also make the Police and the armed forces "bad" since they both use violence as a means to an end and absent a moral comparison of motivation the only difference is sanction by the government. Since we both know they aren't always "bad", sanction isn't the difference....so what is? Well if you bring morals into it you have one group, white supremacy, that is tied to criminal enterprise (they don't have Antifa gangs in prison, and you don't hear that much about all the Antifa groups running guns or dealing drug, but you sure do about white supremacists), that has a multi-hundred year history of violence so pervasive that government and private tasks forces were formed to try and curtail the acts of murder and domestic terrorism, and is currently empowered by the current government administration (they weren't empowered under either Bush or Reagan, hmmm...I wonder why that is). And on the other you have a rather recent group whose primary goal is to resist that empowerment by any means necessary, including violence but not exclusively violence. two years ago we wouldn't have been talking about them at all, but two years ago WS wasn't on the rise that it is now. They are at best a symptom of the times and the rise and empowerment of white supremacy - not the cause of it. To just call them both simplistically "bad" is to underscore the threat white supremacy poses to the American way of life while elevating what is pretty much a symptom or reaction to white power. That is why being simplistic about this and saying "they are both bad" conveys the wrong message. That there is a moral equivalence. It's not just being critical, it's how you are being critical. Trevor Noah is very critical of them in that clip I posted (that you didn't watch) and nobody is going to mistake him as a White Supremacist (and not just because he's black). If you bring them up as a defense or a distraction to talking about the issue of white supremacy by merely saying "they are all bad", then you are enabling white supremacy. If you characterize their message as "anti-white" instead of taking the time to educate your self on the actual message of "anti-white supremacy" then you are empowering them. If you wholly dismiss the group as completely violent, instead of recognizing that there are non-violent actions, then you are empowering white supremacy. And let's be clear on this - there are no non-violent "white supremacists", their entire message is one of hate and violence. They are not victims of leftist violence, they are the bully in the school yard that picks fights with people hoping someone will fight back. This is a major distinction between the groups and one worth mentioning. Antifa is not a seperate disease, they are a symptom of the disease of white supremacist empowerment. There are plenty of ways for you, Bstowers, to be critical of Antifa without being considered enabling White supremacy, why you have not chosen any of them is beyond me. Here's an overly simplistic pro tip you can probably understand - if you find yourself on the side of an issue that white supremacists agree with, you aren't on the side of "good"
  13. Explain in as many words as you need, All the reasons why you think Antifa is bad. You say white supremacy is bad too so presumably you don't mean they are the same kind of bad, right? So make sure to draw that distinction.
  14. Just because you don't understand the complexities in play doesn't mean you should drag everyone down to your overly simplistic and binary view of the situation.
  15. I don't think Cadillac sold a single one at $65k, last year dealers that had them as leftovers (which was most) were blowing them out new at $38k It's not hard to find a good used one with around 50k miles for around $25k, there are at least 4 on cars.com meeting that criteria. Dad had a volt, actually 2 of them. Putting a kid in the backseat of one was a pain because of the way the roof sloped rearward. With the big door on the two door where the pillar is at the roofs maximum height, it's not bad loading a kid into the rear seats. In fact it's easier than some other 4-door cars like the VW cc.
  16. Because this thread needs some humor. "Vegan ISIS"needs to be a band name The point he makes at the end is spot on though - violence undermines the cause. It doesn't matter that they are a smaller group, or that not all of it is violent, being violent opens the door for those supporting white supremacy to point to the other side and say "they are just as bad or worse" even if not true.
  17. Whatever the Cadillac version of the volt is - the elr I think, et that. Why? Two door coupe prettier than a more door volt, plus Cadillac plush interior. They are bargains right now, going for the same money as well optioned used volt.
  18. I can't argue the type, except to say she isn't one of them.
  19. you left out hate for people who don't worship the blonde haired blue eyed Jesus and also people who don't have a penis.
  20. how does this not prove you are an internet stalker? Also, remind me what magazine you wrote an article for that was paid for and published?
  21. Dude, you actually "research" me in your spare time. not talking about anybody else here, just you. And it's not an assumption if you actually do it and own up to it. You even detailed some of your methods a couple pages back. For all I know you have probably shared "witty captioned" photos of me you found on the internet with your buddies. You certainly have done it with other members before, and have posted them about me on here before. You don't seem to see this is both creepy behavior and unhealthy. I am not joking when I call you an internet stalker, that's what you actually are. That is internet stalker behavior. Just because something is "easily found" on the internet doesn't mean you aren't a creep for actively searching for it. Seriously - this is creepy shit. This is the kind of stuff a stalker says in his lover letter manifesto right before he murders his crush.
  22. I had my own business, I sold it. It's now called something else. Small? you have to be the world's worst internet stalker. http://memeshappen.com/media/created/2017/05/Yeah-Ok.jpg
  23. Yes there are people that make a living as an artist. It's not everyone with an art degree, or even talent, but there are people that make a living creating their art. It is a really small number, and I get that, but it does happen. She hasn't been the artist/waitress/hostess/personal assistant "type" in a long time. She's just a good friend. I really don't give a shit what people say about me but I am pretty loyal to my real friends in this world. Being a gadfly on this forum where I don't really know the people on it in real life paints a pretty distorted picture of me, I think you'd be surprised if we met in real life, esp if you really are knowledgeable in fine art. :thumbup: It's not a "backpedal" when it was my point from the jump.
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