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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. the owner is a regular at cars and coffee. I've spoken to him twice about this car and he's a super nice guy. The before had a decent amount of swirls that guards red does a good job of hiding but were still visible in direct sunlight, I can't wait to see Tim's work in person.
  2. High pitched jumbo wang alarm is the name of my Def Leppard cover band.
  3. you don't see this everyday on CL: https://detroit.craigslist.org/okl/pts/d/maserati-bora-cam-engine-hp/6195410487.html So I have to ask, am I the only one who sees this and has the knee jerk reaction that it would look awesome powering a t-bucket?
  4. for that matter is a lambo? I mean, during the summer I see about 1-2 a week and not usually the same ones over and over, or about the same amount I see new Porsche 911s. Every car show I am at has at least one, I have seen less studebakers than I have seen lambos, by that measure can you really say they are rare and "exotic"? non exotic cars I see less than "exotic" lamborghini's: - any jaguar older than 2008 - 2004-2006 Pontiac GTOs (though I do see a ton of G8 GTs) - Honda Civic Type Rs - Audi R8 V8s - Audi RS anything except the 7 - brand new BMW M5's (but how can you tell amirite?) - Audi S8 of any generation - new corvettes with a manual transmission
  5. Can you borrow a carpet cleaner? My home unit has a separate attachment that you can use to do cars, something like that would suck out 80-90% of the water.
  6. Geeto67


    TV has been doing this for decades. That version of Stephen King's IT from 1990? it was a mini-series. there are lots of movies that were "made for" that were popular (Brian's Song, the day after, grey gardens, high school musical, etc...) The difference is in the business model. Direct to DVD relies on the business model of buying cheap already made content and figuring out distribution based on the perceived audience. Made for "x" (TV, Netflix, etc) means the distributor is the investor, that means they get some control over the content being made and can tailor it to their audience or push in a direction they think will be more popular. The end result is the Made for model tends to have slightly higher quality and is a slightly better value - from this Netflix original becomes it's own sub brand that carries specific audience expectations. Typically because direct to DVD is so cheap they don't try to limit themselves to one distributor or they go with one distributor it is an independent that can penetrate multiple outlets. In the DVD/VHS days this meant blockbuster, Hollywood video, etc...in more modern times Crackle, Netflix, Amazon. TL:DR; version: Original or "made for" movies, while often equally as cheap as direct to DVD are often slightly better quality and more target audience focused.
  7. Geeto67


    I think it is actually becoming the new NBC/CBS/ABC/Fox, but without the inconvenience of appointment programming. A lot of their solid programming is around serial stuff with good talent. OITNB, Narcos, etc.... They are in a great position to take risks in that they have a technological advantage, money, and a captive audience. Their only real competition here is Amazon. They have been the straight to DVD model for a while now. It's the original programming they have been missing and that's where they are heading: buy less, make more. They can still buy the stuff cheap where the investor is willing to take a hit, but they can reap all the profits by being the generator for the successful stuff - plus original exclusive content attracts subscribers. They almost have to head this way because the third party streaming service industry is heading to homogeneity (everybody has all the same stuff).
  8. https://akroncanton.craigslist.org/cto/d/bmw-fuel-injection/6220869800.html this is kind of fantastic....
  9. I dunno...a lot of the early conversions I saw years ago used porsche 914's and to be honest I think those were kinda the perfect car for an EV conversion, until they got expensive. They are light, compact, flat floor, and pretty easy to package. Come to think of it, many of those 70's rear engine rwd small roadsters (fiat 850 spyder, 914, Lotus, etc...) probably make a good platform because of both simplicity, balance, and weight. All of them I would consider nicer than a cavalier.
  10. it can't ever get worse than this so....
  11. I didn't say good taste was a part of the equation. Although to be fair, I like the rear roof treatment of those kit cars (and the Fiero GT fastback roofs) much better than the stock notch-back of the fiero. I also like the V8archie hatchback conversions so what do I know, I'm weird like that.
  12. Geeto67


    didn't think so.
  13. a SC 3800 swapped fiero with 308 GTB bodywork and the emblems already deleted apparently: https://indianapolis.craigslist.org/cto/d/fiero-gt-with-body/6216808520.html Range 15 miles? Hey Clay....I found your road legal UA golf Cart.....
  14. Geeto67


    My opinion that your opinion is shitty carries no more or less merit than your shitty opinion. Way to jump to a conclusion from a 30 second clip that takes things out of context. Yo know what else is bad? condemning an entire entertainment industry on the basis of a heavily edited clip of a movie you haven't seen. Maybe the movie covers it, maybe it doesn't, maybe this movie is portraying police in a bad light, maybe it doesn't....that's not the entirety of the entertainment industry. Way to say a big fuck you to all the TV shows and movies that don't portray police in that way. According to your flawed thinking the whole of the world's movie industry is pro Nazi because Bruno Ganz played a sympathetic Hitler in "Downfall". Be serious. Again, still not representative of the industry. Every movie may have a message, but again whatever the message is doesn't stand as singularly representative of an entire industry. You want to say all of "hollywood" is anti-law enforcement then prove it. Go ahead. I will wait while you prove an entire industry, that also suffered under censorship under the hays production code that prevented negative portrayal of police for 30+ years, is somehow completely biased against law enforcement. I'll wait.
  15. Geeto67


    WTF?!?, seriously?!? the movie has fairies and orcs and shit in it and you are bitching because of some made up nonsense about an anti police Hollywood slant? Also aren't the two good guy protagonists LEO's? Go home, you're drunk. That movie looks awesome. Netflix has been churning good stuff lately and it's getting better. I'm kinda excited to see Ozark with Jason Bateman too.
  16. Does anyone know if this was a funky Spider-Man situation? Or was it actually suicide?
  17. So here is my logic on it: Porsche purists are only slightly more annoying than vette people when it comes to what gets used to build a modified car. There is a reason why guys like magnus walker and Rod Emory are called outlaws. yes this car is garbage, but if you wanted to do giant rivet on flares, then who really cares about how much the rear 1/4 panels are cut out. esp if you were thinking of doing a desert racer like this: http://hanabi.autoweek.com/sites/default/files/styles/gen-1200-675/public/C4BYtkjUMAAZaqK.jpg?itok=yTfYNGuU as for the drivetrain, people have been chevy swapping 911's since the 1970's. renegade's full kit to put a non-ls chevy in one is like $1700, and what could a small block cost you? not the wallet shredding amount a Porsche engine would. Is $6700 too high? yes if you want a porsche that's powered by a porsche engine and looks shiny and stuff - this isn't your car to restore...however, if you just wanted a rear engine porsche shapped psuedo race car banger there are worse places to start. by the way...there are people on CL asking similar money for C3 corvette projects. Not 68-72 cars, like full on smog era 1977's and stuff, now that's crazy.
  18. https://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/d/porsche-sc/6193952184.html holy crap, look at how much has been carved out of those 1/4 panels. is it sad that I still think this is kind of a good deal for an aircooled 911?
  19. Just to be clear, the child we are talking about is the biological daughter of your adopted (now deceased) cousin. The Aunt is who is caring for the child is the woman who adopted your cousin, right? As far as I know the adoption shouldn't have an effect on the child being considered a relative, but again this isn't my area. I would be very surprised if she is considered anything other than related to you for that reason. 13 is tough, that's 5 years before she reaches the age of majority. Either could work for you. I think the first step is to establish that the aunt has legal guardianship. You or Your attorney can get the court records without alerting the aunt to verify this. If she doesn't have guardianship, you may not have to involve her at all to get guardianship, and then things get really easy. The easy way is getting her to allow guardianship and then moving forward from there. Your attorney (who should be a specialist in this area, not a general family practice attorney) will help you create a strategy based on your rights and the child's rights and the situation be it hostile or friendly. Till then, see if you can get her to stay at your house more often to get her acclimated, maybe even approach with the idea that temporary guardianship is necessary to get her into your school district if she is not doing well in school. You said you have had her for two weeks, well school starts soon maybe you can keep extending the stay and make that case to your aunt. Child Protective Services doesn't exist to help you with custody disputes, calling them in at the wrong time might adversely affect what you are trying to do. However, they may be a necessary part of the process if you need to prove a bad environment as part of the guardianship process. Your Atty will discuss this with you. that seems...unlikely...but I don't know the details. Coverage for the child exists regardless of the the grandparent's status. If she doesn't have any kind of health insurance, the child should still be eligible for Ohio SCHIP. First step is a call to their office: http://medicaid.ohio.gov/FOROHIOANS/Programs/ChildrenFamiliesandWomen.aspx and get more info. Do you know when the child last had a medical checkup? if it hasn't been for a while maybe that is a way to open the door with the aunt - talk to her about the required medical checkup for school and ask for the insurance info. If there isn't any, then you can get her enrolled and get her an annual physical. Lack of access to medical care is another strike against the aunt retaining guardianship, so if the kid has no medical records - that's not good. Getting her under your guardianship for medical care might be another talking point with your aunt in making the case that she should go along with this. I agree, but there has to be something more than just you don't agree with a parenting style. Abuse, unfit, living conditions, economic hardship, poorly/absent school, access to medical care, etc...are all things to consider and to put together a case for guardianship. As far as I know Gerber Policies are life insurance policies and are whole life policies based on investment. I won't get into what I think of their substance (Hint: there aren't enough swear words) but they are only good if the premiums are continued to be paid. They should have paid out upon the death of your cousin if they were up to date (and don't expect a huge windfall here - there are many studies that show you pay more in Gerber premiums than you get back if the policy pays out). There is something else your attorney will talk to you about and that is an attorney representative for the child. this comes up more often in hostile child custody cases, and honestly I don't know enough. I know I don't have to say this, but remember be sensitive about this with your aunt. This is the last living traces of her daughter and she is going to be sensitive about that. No matter how much it makes you angry that she isn't a good parent, or that she is doing things wrong, a gentile touch is the most important thing here. If you come in with accusations she will only galvanize her will against you. you need to make her see the positives - that you can ease the financial burden, the kid will get better medical care, better education, and your aunt can finally step into the grandparent role of doing fun things and making memories and not having to be the responsible parent the second time around. you will take all the chores and the stuff she hates and she can do only the stuff she wants to do. It will remove everyone's pressure and stress. Focus on the advantages for everyone - don't kick in the door guns a blazing.
  20. I like the wagon thing they are toying with bringing over better. interesting that it is a sedan looking hatchback. I like this - makes the car more practical. I like that bmw is doing the same thing with it's 4 series granCoupe too even if I hate their new numbering and the fact they call a 4 door a coupe.
  21. These are all questions that your legal counsel could easily answer, and really should be the one to answer. I can give you some non-lawyer food for thought: Legal Guardianship is a temporary status, Adoption is permanent. What that means is that Guardianship does not interfere with the benefits or inheritance rights of the child to the estate. In this case that would mean your cousins/sister's estate and any rights she has to the Aunt's estate. Adoption would mean she becomes your child and the previous rights mostly extinguish. Something tells me this isn't really a concern for you and is something that could easily be taken care of with a will. How old a child are we talking here? Guardianship vs. adoption can make sense in different situations depending on how close to the age of emancipation or majority. If we are talking about a 15 year old kid, guardianship probably makes more sense since it is generally quicker and less costly. If we are talking about a 10 year old Adoption probably makes more sense because of it's permanence. regarding your insurance, every policy is different and defines dependent different. As a general rule most health plans cover children you have legal guardianship of. Take a copy of your health insurance policy documents to the lawyer and have him/her confirm. The child is also eligible for Medicare and CHIP, so make sure your niece is enrolled in those programs and getting health insurance, even if she has insurance through your aunt (it provides secondary coverage for areas where the private doesn't cover). As to whether guardian or adoption makes the most sense, that's kind of the thing you need to discuss with an attorney based on your individual circumstances. As I mentioned all sorts of rights attach to adoption that don't with guardianship, but most can be handled by alternative means. anyway you go on this, I recommend you getting the 67 year old aunt on your side first. It's a much much much easier (and cheaper) process when everyone agrees to the proposed course of action. Trying to force things along may make it much harder and lead to an unsatisfactory situation.
  22. I don't see the point in a fox body unless you are extremely nostalgic for them, buying a race car, or looking for a project. They are just too old at this point. The SN95 seems like the value, but if it were me I would want a cobra, bullett, or a mach 1. Most plain jane 5.0 and 4.6 SN95s will just be ragged out, and the ones that aren't will be pulling similar money so you might as well have the special car. https://toledo.craigslist.org/cto/d/ford-mustang-mach-speed/6201861666.html a little high but the mileage is really low: https://detroit.craigslist.org/okl/cto/d/ford-mustang-bullitt-for/6216534239.html Mileage is high but it's a really rare car: https://detroit.craigslist.org/okl/cto/d/svt-cobra-mustang-of-only/6217988910.html Actually I had a friend who was obsessed with this car when it was new, esp the "mystic paint". When she got into Duke her parents bought her one...then she got knocked up (not by me). I used to see her sometimes driving it to hofstra with a baby seat in the back. anyway, here is another one he could probably negotiate down: https://lansing.craigslist.org/cto/d/svt-cobra-mustang-of-only/6213322712.html don't be afraid of 100K+ miles on these cars. It's a mustang, I'm pretty sure you can fix it with a rock and a sharpened stick, and junkyards are groaning with parts for them. I see a lot of them with 140K miles and some with 200K miles - they use almost the same drive train in million mile NYC cabs and town cars - they are durable.
  23. yup. There is a press release talking about their business model and how the advertising model has been making them less profitable and they are not sustainable. It also mentions that the high 3rd party hosting price is to target large industrial customers that can afford to pay it (whom these would be I have no idea). Same as setting up a website. Get a domain name, and then pay for web-hosting services like from go daddy or square space. or you can set up your own server, which someone else will have to tell you how to do.
  24. I hear this all the time, but what makes them poorly engineered? Yes people complain about all the plastic in the interior (SRT seats and gauges can't hide the cheap door panels and dash), and they complain that it is bigger then a neon (no doye...it's a hatchback), and people complain about the build quality because it's Chrysler...but what makes them actually poorly engineered? People who own them love them, and their value is pretty low right now (found several 2009's with 50K miles for less than $10K).
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