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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. I would totally rock that shit...It's awesome. You have any idea how many damaged middle aged hair metal lisa frank chicks that thing would attract? all of them. (also, way to be a homophobe bro).
  2. I get that he was loaded, money isn't the only thing that gets you a LaFerrari spyder: http://jalopnik.com/pissed-off-racing-legend-sues-ferrari-for-denying-him-a-1784768746 https://artofgears.com/2017/06/28/laferrari-aperta-ferrari-collector-denied/ I guess not being from here I am not familiar with Ross's collection. http://www.cnbc.com/2016/02/08/buyer-of-357-million-ferrari-revealed-sources.html owning a ferrari dealership probably helps.
  3. your boss must be one hell of a ferrari collector considering the people they have turned down for the laferrari spyder. Good for him if he can get it. It's a neat car. I've seen the LaFerrari once, but I am more infatuated with the guy who DD's the FF I see on 33 in the mornings. Even the snowy winter mornings.
  4. The ask is fraught with compromises. First it's for your kid who want's a go kart, then it's for family fun to tool around in during the summer holidays. really the cart is for you, I don't see what a 6 year old is going to get out of it besides applying stickers. here: https://columbus.craigslist.org/grd/6211389993.html I don't think you even need to do anything with it other than drive it. As for the old style vintage go karts - the value in them is building the kit. They aren't "compromised" so much as they are just simple machines. Direct drive, small engine, single disc, clutch optional. They used to be fun for camps and places where they could pave a small track and let kids rip around at 15mph and learn to "drive". They are a kids toy, not at all what you want so it doesn't matter.
  5. WTF are you doing clay? A golf cart? really? this is what you want to do: http://gokartsusa.com/3551gokartkit5aluminumwheels.aspx you buy the kit, and then you and him build it and customize it, together. Take like a year to do. if that is too much, there are plenty of vintage karts around for semi-cheap: https://columbus.craigslist.org/snw/6205765888.html https://columbus.craigslist.org/bar/6193314190.html https://columbus.craigslist.org/snw/6210530637.html https://columbus.craigslist.org/spo/6211732269.html https://columbus.craigslist.org/snw/6209750427.html But I have to be honest, even the go karts that are limited to 25mph are too fast for a 6 year old if you aren't using them in a closed track environment with all the safety gear. He really should be 8, closer to 9, when he starts to zip around. For now it's probably best to stick to the power wheels and mod those, or maybe look at pedal karts. so this isn't really for "him" is it? If it is for you then just buy a gas golf kart and put the required street stuff so you can use it on ohio roads and get plates for it and leave it alone (http://www.10tv.com/article/golf-carts-will-be-allowed-ohio-roadways-starting-2017).
  6. I don't know why a small part of me thought that even you would find that funny, but nope....butt hurt again. is there any part of you that is not sad?
  7. Yes because some schmuck in a small local paper is representatives of all journalism nationally. :dumb:
  8. there was talk of a mopar accessories supercharger that wouldn't void warranty (similar to what the mustang and camaro have available to them) but it doesn't seem to have gone through, or at least I can't find any reference to it online. Technically under the MMWA, mods can only void your warranty if the mod was the direct cause of the failure, but I don't trust dealers to try to weasel out of it. one of the drawbacks of being a challenger owner is that the factory performance support doesn't appear as strong as GM/ford. The price you pay for the better looking car.
  9. Go get your money back: http://gizmodo.com/if-you-want-your-five-bucks-back-the-faa-is-refunding-1796710785 I stopped flying my park flyer aircraft mostly because I didn't want to deal with the hassle of multiple registrations and not being able to just pull over and fly at an empty public park. None of my planes have cameras and most are foam replicas of vintage planes so I don't look as nefarious, but still - didn't want to pay the money, didn't want the cop hassle, and they look cool hanging up in my house. But maybe I'll fly this weekend.
  10. Go to Crowne or QSL. Both are free. Honestly, while the auto-x and vendors are cool and a lot of fun you see probably about 70% of the cars you would see in the fairgrounds at Crowne or QSL for nothing. Plus QSL has those fun burnouts.
  11. Everyone I have talked to about these cars says NA 400 rwhp is not possible without extensive head porting/polishing or new heads, and a cam. Maybe they are right, maybe they aren't but i've spoken to about 5 different people about it and gotten the same answer. If it's true, 400 hp and a warranty means you trade that sucker in for a 392 Scat Pack challenger. If you are worried about the warranty, I'm sure dodge offers performance parts that don't void the warranty if installed by a qualified dodge dealer. Chevy and Ford do it, it would be a segment dodge would be missing out on if they didn't. I know for some of the older ones they offer a "scat pack" PCM (not the same as a Scat Pack model) which has a tune to work with a cold air kit and cat back exhaust and will not void warranty (they sell the whole thing as a package or pieces individually). Honestly, being such a big car I would be more concerned about getting the power to the ground, handling, and braking than I would be in making 400 rwhp. Mopar offers brake kits and sway bars that don't void your warranty in the performance catalog - that's a good place to start.
  12. here is a pretty good timeline of North Korea's Nuclear Arms conflict with the world. It may seem like this stuff crops up every administration but keep in mind it has been going for a very long time: https://www.armscontrol.org/factsheets/dprkchron North Korea has been trying to become a nuclear power since the 1950's, and thanks to the efforts of the rest of the world those efforts have been slowed considerably. Still it proves that no matter the obstacles persistence will pay off eventually. The only thing I question is how relevant nuclear arms is in terms of securing a seat at the world's table? On the one hand many countries like Switzerland and Germany don't have nuclear arms and are still effective in multinational discussions while countries like Pakistan have them and are not as involved, on the other there are dozens of smaller countries that have a tremendous amount of human rights violations and other crimes against the governed, Like Eritrea, who don't get any attention from us. I sometimes wonder if NK's saber rattling is just to keep them in the public spotlight so that the UN, US based charities, the UK, and China will keep sending foreign aid to the people of NK during the "lean season" (spring and summer) to keep their people from dying. It is unclear how much of the NK economy is dependent on foreign aid, but it is enough to make a dent the the quality of life for the NK people. Without international attention, people won't hear of the famine or other harsh conditions and then there won't be an interest in providing food and clothing.
  13. You should bring the Lincoln when you come out.
  14. kick off party at the Crowne starts tonight. Is anybody going?
  15. Geeto67


    Are you management? If not, alert your management and let them handle it as best they see fit. Probably, if they know who the member is, they will handle it discretely though letters and private conversations and not in public so as to embarrass anybody. This is a matter for whomever handles membership at the top of the chain, not for individual employees to confront anybody. If someone is a big enough douche to carry a pistol in their waist band, it's probably not a good idea to directly confront them anyway, make someone else do it. Country Clubs are private property, and carry laws don't override an individuals right to regulate his or her property as they see fit....or in other words if the country club doesn't want guns on it's premises then it has the right to restrict them full stop. The signs help, but the language is not necessarily compulsory as long as the intent is clear (which is why you see so many signs of various language). More importantly, the sign is just a reminder of the terms of the membership agreement and code of conduct, which the member will have been furnished when he/she joined. Violating the code of conduct carries membership penalties, again why the higher ups in the chain who oversee membership affairs should handle this.
  16. Because there are people who do believe that, and not in the abstract, people here, in Columbus, possibly on this forum. And it's a shitty thing to say about people in general - to treat political opinion like its a mental disorder. It's like calling someone retarded, and not in that "friendly way" joking with your friends - more like that "cut you off in traffic" way. And honestly, I am just tired of you bitching about CNN when you really do just get your news from your facebook feed and not from any identifiable credible source. you are only talking about "extremes" and never about the middle ground. It's tiring. Also you are only concerned with people and stereotypes, not the actual issues at hand. you don't really want to talk economics, or foreign policy, just about how stupid "x" people are for their position on economics or foreign policy. ok we get it you are conservative and you don't like liberals, can you say something of substance now or is it just going to be more of "my team is awesome and yours sucks". the choice is yours. if you don't know enough about issues, then start learning about them. Actually I think I can help with this....if you want to know a metric fuckton about the constitution and the basic principles of government this is probably the best book going right now: https://www.amazon.com/Constitutional-Law-Principles-Policies-Treatise/dp/0735598975 my advice, check it out from the library and read it. I'd lend you my copy but it's 1000+ pages so I doubt I would ever see it again. Don't read it all at once, pick a chapter and take like a month to get through it, then give it a rest and pick a different one. You picked the wrong definition of liberal or rather you are trying to apply a word that has multiple meanings in the way that it is least suited to so you can couple it to your generalization about a large class of people based on the perceived actions of a few. You understand one word can have multiple meanings, right? I mean I don't have to explain how dictionaries, context, and syntax work, do I? The definitions you want, or rather the ones that actual define something instead of your interpretation so you can shit on something, are: http://www.dictionary.com/browse/liberal
  17. you are welcome. I was kind of hoping to foster a discussion that adds to this list and would hope people would talk about some other sources and why they like them. I was hoping there were some National Review fans on here - it really is in intelligent magazine and one that holds to it's conservative roots (founded by William F Buckley one of the fathers of modern free market conservatism) and motto of "Free Market, Free People" but I sometimes find that it makes assumptions that evidence doesn't always support or omits certain opposing arguments because they are too difficult to address. this article is a good example of this: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/449232/conservatives-face-discrimination-colleges-keith-finks-ucla-case it doesn't talk about the political differences in different fields of academic study and chooses to address the whole of education as being inherently left biased (which I don't actually think is true, although the evidence is murky to prove either point). It implies that schools make politically biased decisions in hiring and firing when there are studies out there that address this topic, and it draws a conclusion from a Harvard law study that I don't think the study supports. It also relies on a few anecdotes. It's a well crafted argument and very intelligent but it's bias is clear. I would love to know how those who read this stuff reconcile these issues, or do they even see them? I get that it is an editorial piece rather than expose journalism, but that doesn't diminish it's value any in understanding another side's point.
  18. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-7II3dJcYbfg/UMMTGWIKslI/AAAAAAAADvc/Um69JqRY-Yg/s1600/dr-evil-laughing.gif have you been reading Michael Savage again? If that were really true, then how you treat the sick and handicapped suffering from this "disease" would really make you some kind of awful a-moral monster, now wouldn't it? Fortunately for you it isn't true. you know how I often say you are contributing to the problem and you don't seem to understand? This is what I mean, you remove the humanity of your opponents so as to be dismissive on the whole of their viewpoint. There is no middle ground for you, there is only your position and fuck everything. No wonder you are so miserable politically. I will concede that "extremism" can be fostered by certain types of mental afflictions but it affects people in a politically neutral way (an extreme liberal and extreme conservative are the same in their extremism even though the political position is different). However, considering fairly moderate people extremist while thinking your own extreme ideas are reasonable are also signs of paranoia and other afflictions so.....draw your own conclusions. I am fairly certain "liberal politics" existed before television, which would let CNN off the hook for being the "root cause". I mean this is really just nonsense. It is one thing to say it is propagandist, it is a wild leap of faith to call them the root cause. I don't know that I would even call them propagandist, just biased favoring entertainment (infotainment) rather than informative.
  19. this is kind of a strategic quandary, right? China's reach goal is to control all the asian islands, but that is an very difficult reach goal without setting off the third world war due to the alliances Japan and the Philippines have with the US and Europe. I think china's ideal and possible but still reaching goal is to unify Korea under their rule or influence, or in the alternative under North Korea's rule which they influence heavily. They could possibly do this if they can get the western world to soften their stance on North Korea. Their Moderate fear is that Korea unifies under South Korean rule with the capital in Seoul. This puts a US military base in a country that directly borders china on the south eastern border. Currently our closest bases there are South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and the Philippines, and along the western border in India and Afghanistan (only India shares a border with China). China has been really good about both not letting the US operate permanently within it's borders (since the 50's) and keeping their exposure limited from both sides, a unified democratic Korea with established US military bases would weaken that. I have a lot of faith in our foreign diplomats, I just get nervous that the CIC would find someway to undermine them like he has undermined republican's in congress (esp through twitter). It's ok to be seen as a strong leader unafraid of taking Military action, it's another to be seen as not in control of the people under you by having them work on something and then throw them under the bus publicly (and is seen as a sign of weakness). Being the head of the armed services, this is one area where trump is best served by being the silent wild card rather than the petulant twittering child. I was just making a joke about his suits (which are terrible by the way), didn't mean for it to get out of hand. However, posturing and perception is a big part of foreign relations, esp when there are language or cultural barriers. How much does it matter? Maybe more than your think - Clinton was 230lbs when he took office, so not exactly trim, but he didn't look like a schlub wearing daddy's suit and it paid off in his foreign diplomatic efforts. Teddy Roosevelt was 220 lbs, Taft was 340lbs, and Cleveland was 280lbs. All of them look like they dress better than Trump, and most of them had good foreign relations during their tenure. It's a very American lie to say "I don't care what he is wearing as long as he gets the job done" because really in corporate America as well as the rest of the world your professional career can be traced to how "put together" you look. Trump doesn't look very "put together". Tailoring aside, he chooses light fabrics, his suits are not whole cloth (means the grain doesn't match panel to panel), and he doesn't bother to have them pressed which means they wrinkle easily and look wrinkled, and a lot of his materials are often more shiny than they should be highlighting the wrinkles. He isn't buying cheap suits, but it looks like he buys off the rack instead of bespoke which isn't how someone at his level should be doing things. you can fix things like the tailoring and the tie length, but the others just require a different kind of suit. What his wardrobe translates to is a perception that he isn't intelligent and careful, He as little regard for details, and isn't that organized. Unfortunately he seems to be reinforcing this assumption through some of his actions. Being president is a job where caring about your own appearance matters a lot more than most think, it's one of many tools at his disposal and to just completely give up that tool is to only handicap himself.
  20. For someone who dislikes CNN so much, you care an awful lot about it. Who the fuck cares? Oh that's right, you can't have moral superiority over the "crooked liberal media" without an actual villain....carry on.
  21. The two motivating factors for us not to do anything about North Korea are: 1) they don't have anything we want, and 2) KJ's regime is propped up by china. Our interest in NK is protection of our allies in South Korea, as well as any other smaller countries in parts of that region. The real threat is Chinese expansion and using NK as a proxy for that, and our biggest interests lie with South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and the Philippines. There is no natural resource we are after, no trade agreements, no real monetary or strategic benefit (other than what we already have in South Korea) to North Korea which makes them mostly a low priority. On top of that, China has a real ally in NK. They are the country's top supplier for food and energy and have a lot of influence over KJU's regime. During the Korean War in the 50's we were fighting mostly Chinese troops because NK didn't have enough of a standing army and china has an interest in protecting its borders. Currently, China has an interest in NK not having A nuclear program and closed borders because it doesn't want refugees coming into the main land and wants to have more control and nuclear independence won't shore that up. China is one of our largest trade partners in the region, to take any action without their permission would put us at odds with our own ally. If their is action to be taken we would look to China to either take it first or we would get China's permission. Our biggest problem is that our current leadership is seen as unpredictable and hostile to the foreign community, and I just don't think he's capable of the finesse and tact that foreign affairs discussions and negotiations require. It's entirely possible he could put us in an aggressive stance we can't back away from with no good endgame. It will be interesting to see. Diplomacy is a suit he wears worse than his current actual suits (which is hard to do....and also why doesn't the whitehouse have s fucking tailor on call?) and diplomacy is exactly what is needed in this situation.
  22. Ignore everybody? seems unwise.....
  23. Austin at Lucore, dude has always treated me very well (must be all the hand jobs ). on a completely unrelated note...what were the wheels you went with again? too lazy to look back through this thread and Austin just called me to tell me 3 of my 4 wheels are bent.
  24. Congrats man. I am always impressed with your knowledge of cars in general and it must feel good to have GM recognize that as well.
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