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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. Well....I didn't really think you were serious about the lav mic transmitter being some sort of 2 way radio or that other bogus stuff about the earpiece so I was just playing along...but if you are serious then yes you wear the tinfoil hat. There is a surprising amount of government "corruption" (in the spirit of government sense not the prohibited by law sense) that is fairly public. The lobbying system is a great example if you really study it.
  2. #tinfoilhatbrigade #deargodhasnobodyinamericaeverseenalavmictransmitterbefore? If you spend a lot of time around public speakers and debates you can see that her technique was not flawless. She def had her own moments, but she just has more experience at public speaking that even her mistakes have a polish to them and she can recover without drawing more attention to it. We have people in our toastmasters club who are better speakers than both of them - it's just practice and training. Based on? Statistically speaking can you point to examples of corruption that are greater than past presidents? And no you don't get to exclude Nixon or Reagan. The grease in the gears of politics is corruption, and that includes both current presidential candidates. The only thing that changes is who hand gives and whose receives. Saying a particular politician is generally corrupt is like saying Shamu is a mammal. And to further that analogy to say a particular politician is the most corrupt is like saying Shamu is the greatest mammal. If you want to dislike her for some personal subjective reason like she creeps you out or you don't like her clothes I have no argument. But when you start to say you don't like her based on empirical statements that you either can't prove or are actually false as proven by the evidence then all you look like is a sucker for someone else's propaganda and not a free thinker. It's a free country and you are entitled to like or dislike her for whatever reason, just be honest with yourself about that reason. yup No you would have looked exactly the same, maybe even worse. It's just like welding - the pros make it look so easy that any newbie picking up a torch thinks they can lay a stack of dimes.
  3. #bullshitexcuses No he won't. This is who he is. He'll polish it up a bit and prepare a little bit better but his big failings are ingrained in his personality. There are only so many new tricks you can teach an old dog. To be honest most of his problem is he really doesn't have any formal training in public speaking let alone debate and it shows. In terms of strategy his deflection skills are on point, they just aren't elegant and you can see the inner workings which makes them look clumsy. His other techniques are sloppy and he is tone def to how even when he tries to cite sources he makes it sound like he's making it up. He's going to get creamed at every debate he participates in regardless of message, full stop. He just doesn't have the chops to pull it off. It's a good thing the debate really doesn't matter all that much. And we haven't even addressed his accuracy rate which is abysmal based on this debate alone you can't say HRC is the bigger liar as a pejorative anymore because statistically she is head and shoulders more accurate than trump. Not only is she not the biggest liar in this race, but she isn't even the biggest one out of the last several elections.
  4. Maggie Stiefvater is a pretty significant young adult fiction writer. Which means unlike all the other jalopnik hacks she is a real writer without a background in journalism or the automotive industry with literary aspirations. I don't think she is writing for jalopnik on the regular as she only has one other article that was published in May, prior to the Univision acquisition of jalopnik and before that someone else reported on her escapades with her evo X on the mitsubishi forums and youtube. point is...I think if you are looking for something like this semi-regularly, I don't think it's going to happen (but I could be wrong). Personally, I am kind of excited to see where jalopnik is going to go with univision but am let down more than usual by their current reporting, esp Andrew Collins' take on motorcycling.
  5. http://jalopnik.com/i-will-never-get-tired-of-watching-people-track-dodge-v-1787141914
  6. http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/5801198361.html At Nutter Hardware, in the Kingsdale Shopping center in Upper Arlington. 3078 Kingsdale Center, Upper Arlington, OH 43221 Thursday, September 29 is the last night of the 2016 season. There will be a drawing for a variety of bike maintenance items from the store. Rain date is the following Thursday.
  7. no I am saying that there aren't any "Donald Trump has cheated on all of his wives" t-shirts floating around but the number of Hilary T-shirts that reference blow job jokes are numerous. (and by T-shirt I mean other pop culture references as well: memes, bumper stickers, lay people referencing it in TV interviews)
  8. nope. Unless you meant to quote something else and captured the wrong sentence instead. It's one thing to say there is something going on (as evidenced by all the gender based insult T-shirts, and bumper stickers, memes, and other pop culture artifacts) but we don't know the size and total affect, and something quite different to say "all liberal behave in 'x' manner". I mean this concept isn't lost on you right? Nice try, keep trying.
  9. Guy buying my cb750F says he can't pay me for a couple of weeks, so I am stuck playing the waiting game. otherwise I would totally buy that. The bed makes me cringe though. Obviously I would need to re-do it before putting a 500lb motorcycle in back.
  10. Still, you believe in a basic code of human decency right? I imagine you probably don't want to insult people as a general rule. BTW, Political correctness isn't an exclusively liberal term. Or did we forget things like renaming french fries "Freedom Fries" when the french opposed us foreign policy and "Liberty Cabbage" when we were fighting the Germans during WWI. The goal of Conservative Political correctness is to shut down debate or discourse on a subject and make the people advancing the opposite viewpoint seem like traitors or enemies, where as the goal of liberal political correctness is to prevent offense. I say fuck all forms of political correctness and just try to live your life as a decent human being, and that includes making an effort to not offend people within reason. If it is too inconvenient, or not macho enough, for you to find a word to describe someone that is not offensive, maybe you ought to re-evaluate your own value structure. Good then I don't feel so bad laughing and smiling as we go back and fourth. I don't know where you got this from but it isn't true. Actually most studies on the subject widely recognize that stereotypes can grow in defiance of all the evidence. Political and national stereotypes tend to be the least consistently accurate. You recognize that there are people that, in addition to what ever hatred you are harboring, also hate her because she is a woman, right? And in running for president she is defacto having a harder time than an equally qualified male counterpart right? so that makes her a victim of gender inequality. how much it is affecting is hard to say but it is noticeable so there goes your argument. You not wanting to feel empathy for them is not the same as things not happening to them.
  11. Don't think my tone has changed at all clay and I've been consistent with my point. I don't expect the dialog to "go my way", mostly because I have a different opinion than most of the people on here. Also, I didn't start this discussion, I just added to it. Don't want to have these types of discussions on a "car forum" it's easy to fix - institute a no politics rule and then have the moderators enforce it. The point of this forum is entertainment.... http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/00/0055181c69e03d0775d5bf464b6b84617c377c507cb6df31964fb994ce00e49a.jpg
  12. Remember when we were at your house discussing 8ft bed stepside chevy pickups? Spotted one on CL: http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/cto/5777540887.html
  13. Saying you are not PC, it basically saying you are ok with being insensitive to others. That's fine. The tax you pay for that attitude is occasionally people are going to think of you as racist/sexist/etc.... couldn't resist, could ya. Actually I am just enjoying watching you write these angry sexist tirades and then claim they are not sexist. Full of assumption and generalizations. Which is a polite way of saying full of shit and not substance. You love them stereotypes, dont'cha. All women are a victim of gender inequality in America, that's how gender inequality works. She's a bitch, she's a cunt, she needs to man-up, she's got someone's balls in a jar, she's a victim of infidelity but it's her fault....I mean come on Tim, it's comical at this point. You are just making my case.
  14. I am not painting him with anything. He uses certain words and I use other words to say how I interpret the words he uses. Sphere of influence can only carry you so far. It's not the same thing as actual law making. And for the record, I didn't say they were wrong or people weren't entitled to their beliefs. I have, however, pointed out that you can't speak for the general majority of people about personal feelings, and I encourage the person to own their own statements. I am not making a moral judgement - if you want to say sexist shit just understand the shit you are saying is sexist and be ok with it. Don't say sexist shit and then backpedal and say you aren't sexist, it doesn't work. maybe if he had the integrity he claims the candidates so sorely lack he would admit that his statements could be read as sexist and that maybe it wasn't his intention instead of trying to argue that "bitch" is gender neutral. I am completely open minded to his point of view, the only one who doesn't seem to want to own his point of view is him. http://weknowmemes.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/sexism-is-wrong-meme.jpg Also these are all opinions. Nobody is discussing facts in any of these posts. Besides, I learned a while ago not to let facts get in the way of a good political discussion with Tim - least I end up reading some weirdo opinion piece he cites as a factual "source".
  15. http://memecrunch.com/meme/9FTI6/break-my-stride/image.png?w=400&c=1
  16. Or he just is but doesn't realize it/doesn't think he is, which would actually make him just like a lot of people who are tone def to issues or gender equality in this country. I don't want him to fall in line, just be a little more introspective as to how he thinks he his vs what he says. He's a big boy, he can make his own decisions/mistakes.
  17. So what you are saying is she would be prettier/more likeable/not a bitch if she smiled more often. :dumb: Some people don't like her for a variety of reasons that are not gender specific. However, many do not like her for gender specific reasons. I don't think you can speak for everyone in america on this issue so you should probably just stick to talking about yourself and use "I" more often. You claim your reasons are not gender specific yet you make no case for it, and in fact make a case for exactly the opposite by using very gender specific insults. So you like no politician then. I am not sure why people insist on "integrity" in politics that is derived from consistency when really we want our politicians to change their mind and support the ever changing needs of their constituency. The politicians who don't change their positions - history has show to be on the wrong side of issues because they supported things like segregation. This is probably the most gender neutral thing you have said and probably the most Freudian in that you may be projecting how you interpret strong women. Still, I can't argue with subjective feelings - you are completely entitled to not like her because you think she talks down to you, but at least be honest as to why you feel that way and understand it is specific to you and you alone. What place is that Tim? in the kitchen making you a sandwitch? Well it's no secret she's not your candidate, but after talking politics with you Tim I am fairly certain no person in politics today is your candidate. Likeable or not, she is going to be well prepared and prepped. Not that it matters because the Presidential race is the US's most famous popularity contest. Can I just point something else out? The two primary duties of the President are to be the Commander in Chief and the head diplomat in foreign relations. all this other stuff considered "hot topics" in the election the president actually has very limited power changing and must rely on congress to do the heavy lifting. Why aren't more people outraged that our leader of the military does not have a military background and has not since 1992. Or is foreign diplomacy and military strategy something most of America just assumes anybody can do?
  18. Pretty sure you haven't, and if you had it was likely to challenge my masculinity (even in a playful way) by comparing me to an undesirable female. Bitch has a different meaning for men than it does for women, even you know that. Actually that's exactly what it does when the insult is one of specific gender bias. That you don't realize it is part of the larger misogynistic problem plaguing America. There are many gender neutral insults you could have used, but you didn't, and there are probably many gender neutral reasons why you probably dislike her but you didn't focus on any of those either.
  19. I agree, you should totally stop working more than you do already. stop earning money too. That will teach them. This is not a fact - its not even a credible opinion. This is just a very pithy cynical phrase with no basis in anything other than stirring up knee-jerk emotional reactions. It is also mathematically impossible since the way averages work good things and bad things tend to come to some agreement in the middle that is neither as good or as bad as either part individually. Also it's cute to think you are the "good" in this. As Nietzsche said: "There is no moral phenomenon, only moral interpretation of phenomenon". I don't know why you include me in the government as if I had anything to do with it. I think you should probably have a basic understanding of how government works before you declare it broken. Actually it is working just the same as it always was, it just isn't serving your interests all that well...what ever you interests actually are because other than Rush Limbaugh regurgitated sound bites I really can't tell from your rambling. Thank you, you have saved me a bunch of time. I know that once someone brings up the Mcdonald's coffee suit that everything they say regarding tort reform or personal responsibility is literally just merit-less garbage. There are many intelligent arguments for tort law reform, you have literally touched on 0 of them. Also you do realize that the economic detriment the tort system puts on the cost of insurance and heath care makes the case for socialized medicine, right? In countries where there is a national health care plan the costs of medicine and insurance and not substantially affected via tort law settlements.
  20. You called her a bitch in this very thread. Or did you not think that that particular insult was denigrating to women?
  21. We've made more progress on these issues in the last 8 years than in the 20 preceding it. If you were expecting total eradication of those problems then your expectations are too high. Also a good portion of those things aren't really in the presidents job description, I mean he can support them when they come up and propose limited legislation, but he still needs congress to do the heavy lifting. If anything has failed the country it's obstructionism in congress people. That's not actually what they are advocating, but that's what it sound like to people whose dicks still get rock hard with rage when someone mentions communism. The general public is impatient, and progress is slow. If we stop the momentum on one thing it can take 20 years to get it back.
  22. You live in Dublin, you can afford it. :p You can say that about every president. Literally every goddamn one since Carter. Tim the only thing that disappoints me more than your angry misogyny toward Clinton, is your largely unspecified aggression toward the current president. No politician is ever going to back your political leaning. You should take up golf instead.
  23. I am pretty sure you don't mean how this translates. I guess the best response is...yes but you can't sit back and do nothing either. We won't know till the actual election. and at this point I have no confidence in whatever poll numbers are right now because the "leader" is well within the margin of error. Hope and change didn't work for the guy who got elected for 2 terms? seems like a pretty effective campaign strategy to me. Who says shaking things up necessarily leads to winning an election? Trump is certainly shaking things up and is causing good in that it is showing that there is an alternative strategy for the republican party. I really want him to make the republican party pay for purging the fiscal Conservatives but socially mainstream politicians from their rolls in the 1980s, and the only thing that makes me sad is that it has taken 30 years for that retribution to come. It's what they get for deciding to suckle the fetid teat of hatred and bigotry disguised as moral and religious conservatism (not saying all religions are bad, but the mega churches that donate heavily to the republican party to further suppress gays, racial minorities, jews, and women certainly are). I want him to shake things up in the party itself, but because of his own prejudices I just don't want him to win. Here is what I am hoping will happen: republicans lose the next election, the republicans will eschew the morally righteous nutjobs and pick someone who is likeable, socially mainstream, and fiscally conservative where it counts. Preferably someone with armed service experience, esp navy. That kind of candidate would be a juggernaut against any democratic opponent, incumbent or otherwise. They renew their image and selectively pick the battle ground so as not to pull the mainstream right more right, but pull the just left of center to their side of the line. If they do that they will set them selves up for a dynasty. what will probably really happen is the old guard will close ranks to outsiders and continue to throw the unlikeable unpalatable socially whack-a-doodle candidates like Ted Cruz against the wall like so much sit com spaghetti just to see if it sticks (#laverneandshirleyreference) while continuing to advocate the suppression of civil rights religious donors want, all while fondling their old balls to squeeze ever last cent out of their paid for hate speak. The country has changed and unfortunately the current conservative agendas are coming down on the wrong side of history. At this point I am riding it out. Don't care who is leading and will just let the tale of the tape be the thing that settles it in November.
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