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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. I think he was kidding clay...besides everybody knows that white guilt is just the price you pay for being able to get credit and not be subjected to random searches constantly. Edit: oh wait forgot this --> so people know I am kidding as well.
  2. All the research. What the FBI and the CDC collects now is laughable as compared to what they collected prior to 1993. The CDC's current budget for gun related research is $100K out of their $5.6 million budget, it used to be $2.6million and the approach is if they can't afford it they might as well not do it. Do me, yourself, and everyone you talk to a favor and read up on the NRA's efforts to defund research in this area, it's prolific, it's real, and what little research is occurring is not even close to enough. The NRA is absolutely suppressing statistics that show you are not safer in your home with a firearm (it is what spooked them in 1993) because it does not fit their party line, but what else is being suppressed because actual scientific research is not being funded or conducted? Actually you used the term assault rifle and I was parroting the assault term back at you....but since you brought it up there is actually a government definition of assault weapon that comes from the 1994 federal assualt weapon ban. the Wikipedia entry has a pretty good summary of the definition: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Assault_Weapons_Ban This is what is meant when people are talking about "assault weapons". If you think some of these are "cosmetic" well that is a legitimate concern - maybe you would like to propose a different definition? If you disagree because you don't believe "assault weapons" exist, well...now who is being ignorant? It's not a boogieman or a distraction. It's a bunch of people saying that there are still too many irresponsible gun owners, regardless as to how small a minority it is and are trying to figure out how to legislate it without access to the research that normally drives this behavior. Banning a specific weapon may solve it, it may not, the only way to know is to enact the legislation and see how it comes out. We don't even have statistics on the 1994 federal assault weapons ban because the CDC got de-funded right after it went into effect. If you don't want to take that approach, lift all the funding restrictions and let the numbers tell the tale. You may have to face some horrible truths about gun safety that contradict current knowledge, but maybe it makes it easier to legislate behavior rather than summary weapons restrictions.
  3. They are always sponsoring some band in that lot. Last year it was a rockabilly trio outfit whose name escapes me so it's a trip. The lot is huge, the cars are many, and it's in an industrial park so people park wherever when they can't get into the hotel lot so parking is never an issue. Honestly, if anyone was curious about good guys but didn't want to pay the fairground fee, I would say this parking lot show is about 1/4 of the size and vendors but a lot of the same experience and it costs nothing. Plus people go out and line Busch blvd with lawn chairs while cars cruise up and down. As long as you aren't being a jackass it's pretty chill (cops are there but didn't see a whole lot of ticket writing). It's a righteous time. I wonder if the guy who was doing burnout laps in a '65 mustang last year is going to be back at QSL this year.
  4. My bad, It's the Crown Plaza in Worthington, although there is a smaller show at the Hilton Polaris Thursday and Friday nights. I'm am a complete fuckstick when it comes to these ohio town names that begin with "W" If you guys haven't seen it here is the schedule for Goodguys here in Cbus: https://www.good-guys.com/pdf/weekend/2016/ggn16.pdf What's going on for the Arthritis show? I saw something about a cruise in at the Hilton garden in on Friday from 10-5.
  5. I feel like truck prices are regional though. With the advent of the internet car prices seemed to level out ok, but trucks in places like the Midwest and Texas seem to be higher than places like new york and California. My buddy back on long island just bought a 2 year old GMC Sierra Denali Ultimate with 20k miles for $38K, which seems like a lot but you have to consider the truck was $62K new. There just isn't a lot of call for a pickup truck in the NYC Long Island area. In texas, I'm sure the same truck would have been $10K more.
  6. I am all for just getting research into the issue funded. Let the numbers tell the tale. Unfortunately I think the NRA knows that the numbers don't support their agenda so they spend their time and money making sure we stay stupid. Do I think it sucks to "throw shade" on AR15s and assault weapons without research? yes, but that is what happens when you have a whole lot of people who are looking to make progress in a certain area and are frustrated by a lack of information - they get backed into controversial and alternative action. I agree with you that the constituency is ignorant but it is ignorant for a reason and the NRA is contributing to that.
  7. I think they were looking for places with the highest potential income, and to not skew lower with a national average. As it doesn't seem to take into account cost of living, maybe it was cheating but it was cheating in favor of the opposite conclusion. I don't think anybody doubt's the used car is the more reasonable way to go financially. However, as a car enthusiast, I can't help but worry about who is buying new cars because we need new cars to become used cars. A lot of my...ahem...taste in cars tends to skew really weird or obscure: strange colors or color combos (what do you mean blue with a red interior is not sexy?) , option delete (can I get it with crank windows? no? ok, how about without just the nav?), and of course manual transmission (no clutch pedal means it is an automatic DCT fanboy salesman!) and I am not finding a heck of a lot that meets that criteria in the used market anymore. As enthusiasts find less and less value in the new car market there are going to be fewer enthusiast cars in the used market and the price is going to adjust up. As it stands to get a manual bmw anything seems like a "special" order and Audi has already thrown in the towel and went DCT on their american offerings because the take rate on some of this stuff is dwindling. I mean you can't even get a stick accord with the "big" engine anymore, WTF?
  8. http://jalopnik.com/new-cars-are-too-expensive-for-most-americans-1783121058 http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2014/03/16/why-the-average-american-can-no-longer-afford-a-ne.aspx New Cars Are Too Expensive For Most Americans I get that the criteria is probably not the average new car buyer (since 5 year financing seems to be the norm) but it just seems like if you follow "sound" financial advice, there is no value in a new car for most people anymore.
  9. Vintage Motorcycle Days at Mid-Ohio on Friday, goodguys parking lot show friday night in westerville, Arthritis/goodguys Saturday. collapse from exhaustion Sunday.
  10. Does it matter? The world of the 1700's is not the same world of the 2000's. I'm pretty sure our forefathers didn't envision the government having access to a massive combat trained troop count plus f16s and tanks when they wrote it. In this day and age if the government is relying on every banker or farmer to defend against an invading force we are beyond the point of serious trouble.
  11. I dunno, I've seen the way he beats on his cars :dumb:
  12. we should really get you a racial relations code book Tim. It never ceases to amuse me that people who usually exposue this position don't understand the difference between disparate impact and disparate treatment, or express vs implied for that matter. This is sounding a little fascist. ok a lot facist, but I'm being kind. condemns criminals but plan b is to become a criminal yourself. Great double standard. My people rarely ever like it when people start to talk about "solutions" to the general population. Final ones esp. should we give them all gold stars to wear for being good (too far....?) Insert gassing the undesirable criminal element jokes here. Land of the free for whom? certainly isn't free for those people that get deprived of their life in these small number of situations. Since when does your constitutional right to bear arms get to interfere with everyone's constitutional right to life liberty and pursuit of happiness? Since I godwin's law'ed the fuck out of this conversation does that mean it is now over?
  13. Tim, could you just try to be a little less racisit/tinfoil hat please? Yes we have all heard your position of "not one more inch" and it's not a tenable position for the long game. I hear a lot of "go pick on someone else" out of you but not a whole lot of alternative solutions. Frankly, there is already gun control in this country, you've lost, and the only question is whether it is going to be national or continue to be local. But please by all means, continue holding this obstructionist view since it just means you'll lose ground by inches as the rest of the world evolves around you.
  14. http://jalopnik.com/man-killed-in-self-driving-tesla-was-watching-harry-pot-1782935648 I guess the reason he didn't see the truck was that quidditch scene was more compelling. so....where did I put my soap box....ok there it is....hang on a minute...wow this is taller than I remember. Ok..... ....Anybody else feel like we should be taking electronics out of cars not putting more in? I drove my old trusty Jeep to work today which has no radio, no GPS map, no infotainment system etc and it was actually kind of pleasant. you know what I wasn't? distracted. in any way. We keep complaining about distracted driving being a problem and yet there are more gadgets and systems going into cars that cause drivers to be more distracted. Seems counter-intuitive. Where is the balance? I mean I am not a rocket surgeon here but autonomous driving is going to encourage more behavior like this, not less. so...now...where did I put that high horse....
  15. And by madness you mean the sensible evolution of gun control laws in this country that would more specifically address the harm that is currently occurring in society. Laws are not meant to be static, they need to be able to change and grow with the needs of society.
  16. still not sold on it being a better deal than the caprice. Sure it's technically faster, but it's a more complex car and it's not really "special" when you compare it to a civilian Taurus SHO (key differences being a column shifter, back seats, real keys for all doors, HD steelies, and better cooling). The caprice only has the Chevy SS as it's closest kin and the cars are physically different sizes as well as how they are optioned. Plus the rear seat is more useable. I dunno, my money is still on the caprice as being the better deal.
  17. This is a fantastic bike. It's a shame it's so small. At 52cm it's good for a rider in the 5'2"-5'7" range (ideal around: 5'4" - 5'5"). I hope you find a buyer for it.
  18. heat gun and patience. If you are careful you can pull the tint off in one piece (or at least 2-3 large pieces).
  19. I thought it was one of the goals of Mardi Gras to spend as little time as possible inside vehicles wearing a "police interceptor" badge.
  20. Just thinking about NYC where even mid level employees of the water department got "police interceptor" panther crown vics as "company cars" was the same way in New Orleans too.
  21. They built the rear engined xp819 in 1964, so even before that. GM must have built about half a dozen rear or mid engined prototypes and mules since then and they always do the same thing: test the platform to see if it really makes a difference then decide that there is no advantage and abandon the project in favor of the traditional layout.
  22. <Looks at clay's 5000lbs Lincoln, looks at clays harbor freight jack stands, shakes head and walks away>
  23. so how big is it? Is it still this 7 series competitor flagship? The car I think Porsche is missing in the market is a 4 door sedan to compete with the audi a4 and the bmw 3 series. Something athletic, entry level, and good looking. Its beautiful but if it is anywhere near as large as the old one it will just look like shamu strolling down your street.
  24. I believe it is an AL block, it's the L77 designation which the only other applications are Holdens. the reason it was picked for the PPV was supposedly it is flex fuel E85 compatible and has active fuel management (cylinder deactivation). Otherwise the specs read like a GMT900 truck vortec. Rated HP is 355 and 384 ft/lbs of torque so it isn't a "high performance" engine per se. 6L80 6 speed auto. I originally thought it was the same L76 6.0 lite that came in the G8 GT but apparently they are different but closely related engines.
  25. is a 115K mile Hyundai even worth $3600 at that point? or rather is it worth a $3600 repair (considering the blue book is probably $8-9K).
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