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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. mostly, except I'm not enough of a douche to park in a handicapped space.
  2. dude was probably in a rush to take a shit and literally flung the truck into parked position and ran inside. I don't see a brown drippy trail leading away from the door so I hope he made it.
  3. depending on how the vehicle was used and by what agency there are sometimes mechanical hobbs meters hidden in them too. It's for the department's mechanics to track electronics service for things like batteries. Generally government vehicles tend to be well serviced, just ridden hard and put away wet. considering this unit doesn't have any visible racks, rear cage mounts, or any visible holes from outside accessories, I'm guessing this was probably not a PD unit but one used by another agency, which means it could have been used just like anybody else's daily driver.
  4. completely unrelated but if you want hilarity out of a scotsman, ask them to say "purple burglar alarm". Something in their accent makes it extremely difficult to pronounce. Caution: he may take offense that you are laughing at his accent. Pros: looking forward to interesting rates pushing lower. It's a great time to borrow money. Cons: do not really want to relive the 20th century or any previous one where all these tin pot dictators spring up and Europeans are killing each other all over again (or starting an another world war) like they did before the EU. I was just starting to enjoy not living in fear of the Germans and it being socially acceptable to buy BMWs.
  5. seemed appropriate: you realize you used "credibility" in reference to TFATF right? So it becomes more believable that jesse's alky abusive dad drives a rare collectible, impossible to import gray market skyline that they share to get around in (even though jessie's dad doesn't work because he never seems to need the car). What ever happened to Leon? curiosity got the better of me and google showed me again that the yellow skyline may have been crushed back in 2012: http://jalopnik.com/5914204/big-bird-skyline-going-to-the-crusher
  6. That somehow makes it hilariously better and worse at the same time. Thanks to google here are the specs on the actual car and two things stand out: 1) the price of the mods (if the link is to be believed) are as much if not more than the actual car, 2) Stillen had a shit ton of performance parts for a 4th gen maxima http://maxima.org/forums/4th-generation-maxima-1995-1999/36531-here-specs-maxima-fast-furious.html I had friends that were MKIV VW people so actually that is more believable to me. Actually, now that I think about it one of my old buddy's girlfriends was way into a MK2 jetta GLi (with factory recaro seats!!! she always used to remind me). Whatever, VW people are weird. Jesse was I think the most relate-able character to teenagers in that film. They all wanted to be Vin Diesel or Paul Walker but they really were Jesse. I got the feeling that Jesse's dad was a little absentee and probably an alky considering he let his kid ride around all day in his car and jesse lived in mortal fear of being around him.
  7. I didn't make it, on my way out the door I got snagged for a work project and ended up leaving really late. I think there is a subaru 2.5RS in the background of one of the street racing scenes. the movie came out 2 years before the WRX hit the US market and subaru rose to relevance in the performance car marketplace. I think a lot of those cars have just aged out of the marketplace now and you don't see people doing much with them anymore. The one that never made sense to me was the nissan maxima. I think Letty drives a maxima so that's a pretty bold statement that it was a performance car but i personally have never heard of or seen a "tuner" maxima. Were ricer maximas really a thing back in 2001?
  8. because you are confusing personal experience with being an advocate. In theory, they are our elected representatives and should be advocates of our interests and not their own. A great example of this is Shirley Chisholm, who was on the house agriculture committee. As a black woman from Bedford-styvesant Brooklyn, she had no agricultural experience. However, at the time the food stamp program was under the department of agriculture and she used her influence to secure expansion to better cover her constituents (at the time the program was regional and not national). Point is, the committees aren't always what you think they are and a good politician can find something in their constituents interest in every one. From studying the states that have enacted term limits for their state lawmakers a few worrying trends have emerged: - newly elected members tend to be more partisan and ideological and less likely to compromise or work on a bi-partisan solution. - Lobbyist influence increased as special interests groups work harder to engage less knowledgeable officials. - expected diversity shift did not happen I mean this all seems to point to increasing the ills that we are currently facing, not alleviating them. I don't agree. A "level" playing field here would mean more obstructionism and running out the clock on the opponent and push more toward this idea of securing the majority than focusing on workable solutions. A "If you don't like your opponent, just push republican in his region next election and hopefully the block resolves itself", instead of a "common ground" for everyone's interest approach.
  9. Convince me on the term limits. Because of the nature of individual committees in congress it can take years and sometimes decades to move up in those roles. having a revolving door in some of those committees could set a bad precedent and frustrate initiatives. completely agree with finance reform.
  10. mostly true, but the level of Republican Obstructionism has lead to some pretty disappointing records being set. Its the most aggressive approach to obstruction of government business that this country has ever seen. - In 2015 the Senate confirmed 11 federal judges - the lowest number since 1960 and only one appellate court judge, the lowest since 1953. When the republicans regained control of the senate, the number of vacancies almost doubled rapidly. Judicial emergencies have tripled since January of 2015. - this is the first time in US history that the house and Senate has openly refused to hold hearings on the president's budget. They declared that they would openly not approve or hold hearings before the president had submitted his budget to the committees. - the gallup poll approval rating of the current republican led congress is at approx 13%, which is near a record low (lowest was 8% in sept-nov 2015). - the number of bills awaiting review and approval has grown from 205 to 298 since republicans retook control in the senate. - The republican party has openly declared many times that obstructionism is their strategy. If the GOP can't get what it wants, nobody should be able to get what they want either. you can't have bi-partisan cooperation if one party's strategy is to not cooperate. It's kind of hard to blame both parties when one party has demonstrated that they own the lion's share of contributing to the problem.
  11. I had the same exact thought. The (unintentional) irony is thick today on CR.
  12. yes be me, be more awesome. You can store at least 5 bikes in the space it takes to park a car if you are creative about how you park them. And 4? what do you think I am, some kind of amateur? it's 12 (down from 20). surprised you didn't take the low road and mention I have 5 cars as well.
  13. How could you justify getting another car at all? There are 5 in your driveway now for 2 drivers. Buy a bike. come on. You know you want to.
  14. gotcha... http://i.makeagif.com/media/11-03-2015/k6pwFt.gif
  15. Logic escaped this thread a long time ago.
  16. so what does it have? N55? what's your point?
  17. There is a 1M in columbus for sale on cars.com that is under $50K. Sadly it is not by much. Considering that the 1M uses the same N54 as this car but with a different tune - the twice the price premium you are paying is for flared wheel wells, a badge, and the ability to say you own 1 of 700 of something. the OP's blue car is the hotness - hope it sells.
  18. When I lived in boston, I was at a sox yankees game when clemens hit a pitching milestone while pitching for the sox. I think it was 1993 (may have been 1992). It's worth it to hold out for the marginally controlled riot that is a yankees sox game in fenway (esp if you wear yankees gear). Fenway does tours but it isn't the same as a game. If you love vinyl records, newbury comics is the place. I used to love going to Cambridge and Harvard square in the early 1990's and hitting up all the small records shops. Sadly, all those places are gone now.
  19. Those Indy berettas used to be everywhere but I haven't seen a beretta in so long, they all are in junkyards now. I forgot how bright everything was in the 90's, no wonder all cars now are black, white, or silver. 20 year backlash against teal berettas and purple Geo trackers.
  20. Newbury street. It's in back bay. It used to be the arts district 20 years ago but now it is all trendy shopping and restaurants. The public garden at the northeast end is beautiful and worth a walk through. The swan boats should be operating while you are there. If you like tall ships, the USS Constitution and the Tea Party museum both have plenty. The fine arts museum is worth a look, it has one of the best collections in the world (better than the Met in NY in my opinion) and is the site if the greatest unsolved art heist in history. Edit: I was thinking about the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum which was the site of the heist and is also an amazing art collection. Last time I was there, the wife and I just walked the freedom trail. It took us all day to do it at a leisurely pace. Lots of interesting things like Faneuil hall and about a million places where Paul Revere ate, slept, or took a dump (you'll be sick of Paul R by the time you leave).
  21. Remind me I am over at your house to give you Keith Turk's contact info. He's the guy to talk to at the ECTA. I'm with Benjamin on this, runway is too short to do a mile by far and maybe even a 1/2 mile. Doesn't mean you can't do something with it but LSR might not be it. If it has a decent size ramp an auto-x might not be a bad thing. Is there an existing Pro-solo setup in town? because this might be a great use for that.
  22. Not to speak for the owner but the car has the "M sport" package. It is an option package on the regular 1 series cars and does not indicate the car is a 1M coupe - the car would be a wide body if it were. I can't speak knowledgeably on the 1 series m sport but usually M sport cars get a more aggressive body kit, larger wheels, summer tires, gloss black shadowline trim, Sport wheel and gearshift, alcantra or full leather seats, and sometimes suspension upgrades (depending on the model - but I don't think the 1 series has them). They sometimes get M badges nearly everywhere and the tri-color stitching on things like the steering wheel and shift boot. If you are buying a used BMW "M-sport" cars tend to have better resale a little further down the road. This 135i is a really nice car in a great color combo so I imagine it will be more desirable than other 135i's in the market place when it's looking for it's next owner.
  23. I still say we should have looked for some hydraulic setups - pancake, front to back, side to side and all that shit.
  24. http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f102/Geeto67/0632D739-0AE5-40AF-893A-7C55972A3F9D_zpshwpxi3gq.jpg not a car event but some of you guys are old airplane buffs. Might be fun to check out or even sit and watch it take off and land. FWIW, when I was a kid, my father and I did this at Oshkosh. It's one of my favorite childhood memories. Compared to a modern airliner it's amazing how far we have come in cross country travel.
  25. technically I saw it saturday but I am usually not near a computer over the weekends. http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f102/Geeto67/39033C39-40E8-4C4F-8917-3CFC6325FE84_zpsl1uwzxfi.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f102/Geeto67/0794852B-90DB-4523-BC10-BDFFB1AED81E_zpslmxc8xth.jpg BMW 1M in the rarest color: Black Sapphire (151 made out of 740 total US sales). I've actually seen it a couple of times before but this was the first time it wasn't moving. Ben if you are reading this, when I keep talking about seeing a gray one around dublin, this is the car I mean. In the sun the metallic sparkles and makes it look graphite in color.
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