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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. I love Chevy v8 swapped jags. love them. But I have to wonder, nearly $40K to replicate the effort?!? I am assuming that includes the paint and interior work as well as labor rates for the shops performing the work. The other thing I was left wondering about was - what rear is in the car? If it is the jaguar rear I would love to hear what they did to make it live behind 575+ HP. If they just slapped a live axle ford 9inch or a 12 bolt in there then I can't help but feel disappointed. here is a petrolicious article about the car from back in october with something in it that makes me want to ask more questions: http://petrolicious.com/this-is-the-super-sedan-that-jaguar-should-have-made Also....am I the only one that finds the gated shifter setup cheesy and gimmiky? considering all the detail that went into the aesthetics of this car to be subtle (custom handles, selectivity blacked out trim, custom recovered audi seats, custom offset rims, audi paint color in brown, etc...) it just stands out as out of place.
  2. This is just tragic. article says Ian was hit by debris in the lower pelvic leg area, I thought the guardrails were supposed to prevent this but he must have been further back.
  3. most people forget that you have to "foot" ramps before driving a car up. In the past I used to use cinder-blocks or heavy stones behind the ramp so as to avoid a slide. Cinder-blocks were my favorite because If I accidentally over drove the ramp the tire would not drop right away but on to the block minimizing the damage. I have also in the past jacked the car up and then put the ramps under the tires because I don't trust jackstands. The other trick I have heard but never tried is to mount the ramps to a longer piece of plywood, This way the ramp is already held in position by the tire on the plywood before the car starts to climb. Also if the tire pushes the plywood it doesn't tear up the car. sucks, but it's a car and nobody was hurt. Fix it and lesson learned.
  4. I did that back in 1997 in the mighty Genesee in Rochester NY in January. It is not advisable. JQA didn't do it black out drunk though, he bathed nude in the Potomac at 5:00am almost every morning. This lead to him being the first president to be interviewed by a woman, Anne Royall, when she took advantage of his morning routine and held his clothes hostage until he granted her an interview.
  5. Not a single one of those cars is rare, valuable, or hard to replace in nice condition for $5000 in todays money. It is so not worth it to excavate what I have to imagine is 1000s of tons of rubble. The most interesting one though is this: That's an AMC pacer. In Liverpool England. In the 70's. Which was probably really expensive to import new. Let that sink in for a minute.
  6. As opposed to a romantic comedy actor whose co-star was a monkey? Or a president who went skinny dipping in the patomic? Or one that had a pet parrot that he taught to swear at visitors to the whitehouse? Or a president that lost the whitehouse china in a poker game? How about one that kept alligators at the whitehouse as pets? And a president that was a male model on the cover of cosmopolitan? If there was a shark for America to jump it happened long before this election. I don't know where you get the idea that the president is some regal, boring individual. Every goddamn one is a real character, and frankly the last 4 or 5 have been kind of boring. (In case you are wondering the presidents mentioned are Reagan, John Quincy Adams, Jackson, Harding, Hoover, Ford).
  7. all the articles say they predict a slight decrease in drag coefficient so probably no actual testing yet. I am sure they will probably test it at some point and then either publish the results or keep it secret.
  8. FWIW clay, BMW E30 wheels are the hotness on old clapped out civics and usually you can find them pretty cheap. Here is a 5 wheel and tire set for $200 on CL http://cleveland.craigslist.org/wto/5514266200.html The only issue is offset so if you plan on lowering the car (and I know you, you are probably planning on lowering the car) you may run into interference issues. Guys who use the honda rims on e30s use spacers but I think the honda guys who use the bottlecap rims just both them right on. hotness: http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h282/ekcoupe/susie.jpg By the way, if you do buy this, can we use it as the auto-x town bicycle? I will happily put in for consumables (gas, oil, brake pads, etc).
  9. so considering callaway's history of aerodynamics, is there an actual aerodynamic principle that would give this design any kind of advantage? or is it literally just to be different and so the drummer of <insert 80's hair metal band here> can get his drums to practice.
  10. But why? I have to imagine it has 0 impact on taste. It just sounds like a gimmick. If you want to drink beer that tastes like nasty pussy, just go get Genesee cream ale, no actual bodily fluids required.
  11. Corvette wagons as concept cars go all the way back to 1954 with the nomad show car. Corvette wagons as vehicles sold to the public go back to the 1960's with many companies offering conversion kits: http://www.greenwoodcorvettes.com/Other%20customs/Sportwagons/wagonMillerleftrear.jpg If there is one consistent complaint about corvettes (at least old ones anyway) it is that they didnt have enough storage as compared with other sports cars in the same price range. I think there has been a wagon conversion concept made for every generation of corvette. I don't know who the people are that buy them, but there must be a market. The C3 was the most popular and well known so as we get into people who are nostalgic for those cars it's not a surprise that stuff like this comes back.
  12. wow, front end, left door, right rear 1/4 and a broken rim. that had to be one mad tite drift session yo. http://treasure.diylol.com/uploads/post/image/900715/resized_Creepy-Willy-Wonka.jpg
  13. Wow, now I know which audience to never mention car or bike flipping around. While I generally agree you should probably take your own pictures as just good manners, it isn't a super big deal, I don't know why people all seem to want to hate. Seems like a lot of commenters have forgotten that the guy can ask all he wants, the only thing that matters is what it sells for. Just posting an ad for more money doesn't guarantee anybody will actually make money. I have a buddy who usually lists the next day any new toy he buys. He doesn't expect it to immediately flip but the point is to get it out there early and keep the ad out there while he has fun using the thing. It's just maximizing his exposure since he knows he will resell it eventually. It's not a bad approach, just different. He doesn't expect a quick sale, but knows it won't sell at all if people don't see it. If there is one thing that really does rub me the wrong way about flipping it's guys who really appeal to your sympathies in helping them finish their projects just to get a better deal. Case in point, I used to give people real sweetheart deals on old motorcycle racing parts if it was something they really needed to finish their project. If I then saw the thing on CL for more than I sold it within a short time I knew not to deal with that person again. If they just showed up and paid a regular negotiated price I don't think I would have a problem with it, I just don't like my feelings on motorcycle community building being manipulated. anyway, carry on kicking this kid in the teeth. I don't think he is going to make any money on this deal with his approach but I can't fault him for trying.
  14. Yeah as new cars they were glued to the showroom floor. As used cheap "fun" toys, the best condition ones are maybe $4K. When people ask me whats the best E30 to buy as a toy I usually tell them the E36 318ti with factory LSD (first year only, they went to electronic limited slip for the rest of production). Why? Think about it - it has all the mods e30 guys typically do to these cars: 5 lug, e36 rack, etc..., the dash is even half parts bin e30, it has a 51.4/48.6 weight distribution, It's half the price or less than a comparable E30 318is, and parts are cheap and plentiful and has great aftermarket support because you can scavenge the E30, E36, and Z3 parts bins (and E34 for wheels). It just doesn't look like an e30. I can't argue with it as long as it is being used as a car. When they started selling past $20K they became "investments". Once it is hacked it is hacked, and a lot of those M3s got hacked to shit. It sucks that sometimes people get priced out of thing, but hey that's how the world works. Sometimes it is just the signal to move on and find something else. Can't afford an E30 M3? there are plenty of cheap ferrari mondial coupes waiting to be turned into hot rod rally cars for $15K. or you could own clay's super rare, super nice 4 cyl bmw convertible, which is a lot of fun It's just a friendly chat, no need to stir the pot.
  15. http://allamericanracers.com/images/pdf/Dan-Gurney-For-President-Banner.jpg
  16. I can personally attest they are pretty awful as compared to their hardtop brothers. As far as convertibles go they are better than most of that era. Once I stopped thinking of it as a performance car and started thinking of it as a "vintage roadster" it got a little easier to live with. They are super tail happy, and my car had a 4.11 LSD rear from the factory which made it way better, and I realize most did not. A friend of mine in NY had a 1989 M3 that I drove a couple of times. It was a gutted car with a small cage in it so not really a "fair" comparison either. It was an intense car. I have ridden in a stock one but not driven, didn't find it overwhelmingly comfortable. I am usually a big fan of LS swapped bmws, but for some reason not a huge fan of when people do it to an E30 m3 due to the car being special. But then again I like the E36 318ti so my opinion means nothing and I am a pariah in the bmw world.
  17. Well there is a lot more that does go into an E30 M3 than most other cars, but really are they that far apart? I mean I was driving an E46 yesterday and the one thing I kept thinking was how similar the dash and controls feel was to my old E30 325i. I've driven an E30 M3 convertible. A neighbor of my parents had a gray market one. they aren't "fast" cars in the modern sense of the word but the thing that stands out most is the balance. Driving my e30 325 vert right after it stood out how nose heavy the car was even though it is closer to 60/40. Driving Clay's e36 it reminded me of that e30 m3, and my old '76 2002, and my uncle's 1979 320i. Does it have the raw-ness of an E30 M3? no but that balance is the sweet spot and the running theme for all of them. Does that make it more clear for you? I know the E30 m3 has this big "legend" around it that it is some sort of magical sports car milestone but I remember when they were just weird boxy old slow sports cars that nobody wanted in the 1990's - they were better than a lot of cars but I feel like a lot of E30 M3 legend is people waxing poetic. point is, Clay's little 318i vert is a great car and anyone selling it short for missing 2 cyls is missing out.
  18. pass on it. You already have a stable of nice cars and I wouldn't give up any of them to own a POS commuter spec civic. Is their money to be made flipping it? eh maybe, based on the description $1500 is about what it is worth in rough condition - so if you do go through with it figure out how to get it to $2800 condition the cheapest way possible and whether you want to do all that work (including dealing with the kind of craigslist numptys that would show up for a 140K mile 2003 civic) for $1300 profit.
  19. So I will add my name to the long list of people who have graced the front seat, and it was an absolute pleasure to drive the car. what I will add to this is that there are a lot of people who look at 4cyl bmws like they have the clap or something. However, the E36 318 is one of the few cars in the BMW lineup that has actual true 50/50 weight distribution. The closest relative to the E36 318 with 50/50 weight distribution is the E30 M3. With a few upgrades it is really easy to replicate the E30 m3 driving experience with an E36 318 (and yes they made E30 M3 convertibles - they just didn't bring any to the US). In reference to clays car, after spending a few days in it, it is so good as a car that it had me thinking about trying to find another 4cyl beemer as a project car. It's that good, that fact that it looks the business doesn't hurt either.
  20. I'm kind of with you, just because he is the least offensive monster in the room doesn't mean he isn't still a monster. His track record on Education, Worker's rights, and women's rights is just awful. Not that I expect a Republican to be "good" on any of those things...there hasn't been a good republican president supporting education since Eisenhower and the days of the National Defense Education Act.
  21. dude is an idiot for standing so close to target but this is kind of cool: http://sploid.gizmodo.com/a-wannabe-supervillian-built-his-own-thermite-cannon-1768222285
  22. Way to victim blame. Well if you read the article it is unclear who was pointing the rifle out the window, as there were two individuals in the room playing with the rifle. But that is beside the point. Dude is practically naked (in his underwear), on the floor complying with every command the officers have given to him up to the point his underware fell off. If they were that worried about the individual drawing a weapon that he visibly did not have because not only was he in his underwear but he was shot for pulling up his drawers when they fell down, they have hand cuffs. A handcuffed suspect cannot draw anything. I mean really, is your argument really that the dude had this murder coming because he didn't want to be naked? Its a shitty argument. Is there an expectation that the victim should have known police would investigate a rifle being pointed out a window? yes. But if we have gotten to the point that we should expect to be shot when police show up at our door and we comply with commands then law enforcement in this country really is fucked. I don't see where anybody in this thread has made it an anti-gun issue, except where you brought it up. This is a law enforcement issue. the officer is being charged with murder in a jurisdiction known for being absolutely corrupt in favor of law enforcement to the point where the DOJ has even sued them for violations of due process and evidence tampering. The officer will have his day in court but that should tell you something if they are willing to go that far.
  23. Just wanted to get it out there because the image of a uniformed police officer gunning down a civilian who is crying in a ball on the floor at close range with an AR15 with "you're fucked" written across it is a pretty enraging mental image. I mean it is no wonder people don't feel safe around police officers anymore, stuff like this sends the wrong message.
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