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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. You are always going to win these encounters Grant, because you are devoid of any intellectual argument and are willing to be more personal and hurtful than I am. Congrats you win by default of being stupid and superficial. As disliked as I am here, I don't really see anybody threatening to come to my house with a baseball bat because of crap I said here. maybe you should reconsider some of your life choices seeing as you seem miserable at your job but happy to drive mentally unstable people make threats at you and all... anyway, enjoy your day.
  2. Wait....what? Kerosene? That can't be right. Kerosene is a solvent and a good stand in for mineral spirits as a cleaning agent. He might as well have said he filled the whole engine with gasoline. Maybe he said mineral oil and you misheard him. Or maybe he was doing some weird system flush. 85 GSXR is a nice bike, your dad has good taste.
  3. 6'5" 300-350. And I don't wear glasses. I'll make you the same offer I make everybody, come to cars and coffee, come chat and I'll buy you a cup of coffee. i wonder how many of them would still feel that way if they knew he thought the second amendment was outdated and useless and often went out of his way to find gun controls even where they were unconstitutional.
  4. I don't think you mean to be making the call as to who is deserving and is not. I don't think you mean it this way but it does come off as more bigoted than you probably intended. Also I don't martyr anybody, because you aren't using that word right - martyr as a verb means I would have killed them. Also there is no "-ing" on the end of martyr as a verb. It is just "martyr". first off all I am not celebrating anybody's death. Dude passed in his sleep quietly at the end of a long life - def a good way to go for sure and for that and I am happy that it was peaceful. I am celebrating the end of his tenure and the conclusion of his legacy which is more controversial than it is influential. Not all of his ideas were crackpot but his core structure, esp at the end of his tenure were frustrating and contrary to how government works in America (and yes I know government working in America is an oxymoron). I fear that further down the road his true legacy will be revealed to plating the seeds that allow certain types of discrimination to survive otherwise contrary majority opinions with which he disagreed. Because I have read more opinions of him (and other supreme court justices) than you can ever hope to read. because I have the context. truth be told meeting him actually caused me to have more respect for him, a respect he then set out to further squander with some of his more "controversial" opinions that towed the republican party line more than they sought actual adjudication. I find it pure comedy gold that you are chiding me for being opinionated about a man whose supreme court legacy was being a bully, dismissive, argumentative, and marginalizing. Oops, I left out over-opinionated, my bad. yes, because being respectful and not presumptuous about other people's religion/culture is really an asshole thing to do. Enjoying your fictional war on Christmas? good, it means you are finally using those parts of your brain that house sympathy and compassion for your fellow man. Or you are banging your head against the desk. Either way...keep it up!!!!:thumbup:
  5. being funny doesn't make you right. I will agree his literary tantrums were really funny, but they were funny in the same way your old dementia ridden grandpa's ramblings about the jews and irish are funny. Dude got to make an analogy to applesauce and say Jiggery-Pokery in official court rulings (albeit the dissent), can't fault him for that. Learned Hand he is not however.
  6. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/14/us/antonin-scalia-death.html?_r=0 he's not even in the ground and already the conspiracy theories are coming fast and furious: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2016/02/15/conspiracy-theories-swirl-around-the-death-of-antonin-scalia/ Having met the man a couple of times and even having a 45 minute conversation with him once about "original intent" I can only say it "couldn't have happened to a more deserving person". anybody else got 2 cents they want to weigh in with?
  7. I may have misread your youtube links at the bottom. sounds neat....car is def cool.
  8. too much money and too tacky. I think you can find 1 year newer 997 turbos for the same money.
  9. so the ad mentioned AWD conversion...how hard is it to convert to AWD? I imagine it uses talon/laser/eclipse parts but is it bolt in or a new subframe needs to be made?
  10. Didn't TRD make a supercharger kit for the 2.7l? I think URD has a kit as well. If you want more power it's hard to beat forced induction. The taller the tire you use the lower numerically your gear ratio becomes. This used to happen to jeep guys all the time who would fit 35" tires on lifted yj's with 3.07 axles and then they would realize their 3.07 was now a 2 something and all rush to the junkyard to find 4.11 4cyl axles because their jeeps were dangerously slow. Wasn't there something on here a while ago about the "Detroit drop"? Lowered trucks with aggressive off road tires? Just fit really aggressive treds in stock size and if someone asks tell them you are part of that fad. Anyway, point is make a plan. If you want big tires and a lift you need to do gears. Sit down and figure out how tall you want to go and what gears you'll need to get there. Or you can just figure out what it will take to get into a same year same mileage TRD edition v6 taco and see if that makes better financial sense. Post a pic of your truck so we can at least see what we are looking at. If you have the base stock stamped wheels, just going for alloy take offs from a v6 model might improve it drastically for almost no coin.
  11. This is pretty awesome. How about a pic of the whole bike?
  12. The hardest part of that project for any Ohioan is finding a rust free anything for $800.
  13. What trans are you going to use? My good friend Darren Barone ran 9's in his civic but that was the weak link - car ate a Liberty trans ever couple of passes.
  14. Geeto67


    Because usually I'm just being an asshole. But when I am not I occasionally say funny things. yeah well...um...that's kind of how an Internet rabbit hole works, you fall down it. Actually my daughter is such a MLP:FIM fan that I thought "oh a puppet pony plushie might be a fun gift, where do I get one" to which I then found that auction, the article, the sub Reddit, and about a thousand memes. Wanna know the scary part? Since trot-con happens here in Cbus, there is a good chance that toy will be gangbanged in a seedy Columbus motel by some lonely furry/bronys. Ick. Also, fuck you Internet for being such a wealth of Knowledge on such awful trains of thought.
  15. I have a pretty good idea of who my audience is, I just don't cater or placate them. I also don't have unrealistic expectations that I am going to magically cause people to suddenly change their world view. But I do get a little giddy forcing people who I think have offensive viewpoints out of their comfort zone a little. as for accomplish? entertainment. Some people watch family guy, I like to watch people hurl insults at me because their knowledge has run out of road.
  16. I may bait the hook every once in a while, but really I don't ascribe to any political party or ideals. Economics, modern philosophy, and social science are more my realms of trade. I don't think anybody was talking about socialism through violence. I am just talking about this neo-reublican concept of "so and so is a socalist and is therefore evil" mentality. Socialism is a economic, social science, and political theory - it has no morality until application so in that vein we agree. Although it does rub me the wrong way how many people don't even understand the definition of socialism when they are using it as a pejorative. . you get no argument from me. Let's just lay it all out, the exchange of ideas here is not great. The popular opinion here is often half informed at best and often looking to demonize faceless stereotypical liberal thinking. There are others who don't agree but most would rather not engage the stupid because it usually degenerates into a shouting match of who is more ignorant. I take a different approach - if you are going to put your opinion into the public forum be prepared to be challenged on it. people who disagree are not faceless political concepts of liberalism, evil, or tyranny, they are sometimes your peers with similar interests whom you will have to interact with. Enlightenment is a journey and it relies on the free exchange of ideas. the bigger issue is that the most vocal are usually the most emotionally married to the opinion they are expressing which further frustrates conversation. Why it seems like I always have the unpopular opinion is mostly for things I agree with there is no need to say anything. As for being called a bully, that's just strategy. call your opponent the thing you are to distract from the reality of the situation. I read some of the crap here and I just try to match it in tone. does it feel dismissive? probably, but it feels more so because it is a dissenting opinion. I read plenty of neo-conservationism ignorant garbage on here that sounds pretty coercive and coarse but people don't really make a fuss because it is the "popular" opinion. I don't make it personal but I am often personally attacked in return (a response I consider a sign of weakness in both logic of the person and supportability of their statements) because basically it's easier to hate a faceless concept than someone with whom you can have a fun conversation with about 60's can am race cars on Saturday mornings in a parking lot. this is a local forum about cars. I don't see myself going anywhere short of a ban.
  17. Geeto67


    talking shit you can't back up is like a CR tradition. All the cool kids do it here. take everyone's advice, log off. go get laid. go get drunk. work on your car. remember there is life after internet. you lost the moment you started this thread, now you are only digging your hole deeper. Also, apparently my initial suspicions were correct...oh the horror: http://www.dailydot.com/society/my-little-pony-brony-sex-toy/
  18. Geeto67


    at first I thought this was an anatomically correct my little pony fuck doll....and then I realized it's probably just a harmless toy puppet....and then the though sunk in: "that some brony probably uses as a fuck doll". I hate that the internet has ruined my innocence. Anyway, what was the topic of this thread again?
  19. FWIW, some guys use the shocks as cheap alternatives to extended shocks on lifted YJs and TJs. I think they work with about a 2-3" lift.
  20. This isn't the first time I have heard the "failed themselves" point of view. The evidence doesn't support it, it's mostly unoriginal political tripe usually sold in the same faulty bill of goods with trickle down economics and socialism is inherently evil. Nothing bullying about it, you are entitled to believe in it as much as one believes in big foot, or the Loch Ness monster, or that the earth is only 5000 years old. The question of social inequality in America is heavily studied, and there are thousands of studies on it going back at least 100 years, and the overwhelming majority come to the same conclusion - it exists, it travels with poverty, and it disproportionately affects people of races other than white male. But don't let that get in the way of a good fiction that allows you to sleep at night. I don't always have the popular opinion, and it is often dissenting, but it is well considered and I work very hard to be informed. That is not something I see in a lot of the commenters here. Someone posts a comment, I post a dissenting opinion, and I get called ignorant by the people whose opinion I disagree with and somehow I am the bully? That's a great fantasy joe, top notch.
  21. Pics or it didn't happen.....lol
  22. http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/316/773/59d.jpg
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