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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. So in 6 years they appreciated a few grand? You don't say. they didn't appreciate hardly at all Base price inflated less than $1000, but all the dealers stack them with options that weren't initially available on the platform.
  2. It was meant to be satire of the callous attitudes others are showing in this thread. I'm guessing you didn't read it that way.
  3. TL;DR: you do not understand social inequality in this country and its economic ramifications.
  4. mmmm...banshee with paddle tires....
  5. Clay, I have always told you the moment you want to sell cletus you need to give me a call. So...as cletus's potential future owner - fix the pinon angle and then just do the T18 swap. You already have it. Plus if you finally come to your senses and decide to v8 swap the thing later on you'll already be set up.
  6. Nah....if you wreck they just hose you out. I don't think there is any "sanctioning" body for the races at Glamis. You kind of just show up and pay a fee for a driving permit, and on one dune there are just some guys who have set up a drag course. here are some pics: http://www.speedhunters.com/2015/02/drag-racing-in-the-imperial-sand-dunes/ they don't call it the "wild" west for nothing.
  7. the only concerning thing about the EPA's statements is the mention of Dirt Bikes and snowmobiles, which don't seem to be referenced earlier. I think there are other issues they are combating with this as well which we are not talking about and that is the use of industrial diesel generators as powerplants for trucks and using the generator's emissions certification to pass inspection. So if you have a 2007 Peterbilt 379 and it blows it's mill so you stick a 1980 DD series 92 generator plant in the nose to haul your stuff, don't expect to pass emissions. Honestly I don't know how often this happens but it is one of the things the act does call out. as far as whether it impacts bro trucks rolling coal? yes it does and honestly fuck those guys anyway. I don't know how they plan to enforce it, but seriously fuck those coal rollers again just because.
  8. Congrats. needs more boost. It's a nice feeling to know you are the first person to fart into the seat. Rip a good one.
  9. This is crap. Violence, drugs, crime, these are symptoms of poverty, not race. You see the same thing in slightly different flavors in many poor communities. Poverty disproportionally affects the minority communities, esp the black community. the Latino and Asian communities have just as much if not more in their communities but as Americans we don't consider this a problem of racial bias against citizens because it is tied to the trafficking of immigrants in to this country. The government needs to change it's focus from curing symptoms to curing the disease. One of the reason poverty is so prevalent among minority groups are the kinds of inequalities that the black lives matter movement is looking to address through awareness. The government hasn't failed any one particular racial group. The government has failed America as a whole by waging war on poor people rather than poverty itself, and this is most felt in the black community, in the latino community, and the Native American community among others.
  10. I have to say, each day it is starting to look more and more like the 1960's in our modern age. Anybody remember this image from their history textbooks? This was a Buddhist monk who self immolated in protest of the persecution of buddhists in South Vietnam in 1963. The idea of suicide in furtherance of political protest, or self martyrdom is centuries old. however there seems to be this movement to down play the message due to the act itself. There are two tragedies here: 1) that this was performed by a young man who had more to give to this world and whose exhaustion and frustration drove him to extreme and irrational thinking, and 2) that we use "mental" illness as a means of downplaying the message that he was trying to express. Instead of pitying him for being driven to these extremes, we as a society should recognize that these inequalities still exist and that they drive people to things like this often. 1966-1968 was the most violent era of racial inequality protests in the history of America as well as an era of extreme political dichotomy. People went to extremes to carry the message of inequality in that period, opposing political factions fought int he streets violently, and here we are 50 years later and people are still going to extremes to protest racial inequality and the country is now as polarized as it was during that same era. You know how they say those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it?
  11. you had 2012 left overs for sale in 2015? wish I had known.
  12. true. like anything in the American market the way to maximize profit is to push options. I think the ford transit is a victim of this. When introduced in 2010 it was a cheap, reliable "bread van" with a few convenience options aimed at the people who thought an E350 was too big for their needs. the original MSRP was roughly $22K, highest spec was maybe $24K. While the base van is still there it is now possible to have a $33K transit connect. A quick search of ford's inventory shows most transit connects at about $26K-$27K, even the cargo ones. I love small trucks. Despite being roughly the same dimensions as andre the giant I spent many a summer delivering radiators in a 2wd toyota tacoma with 300K miles on it. it was plucky, stick, and awesome. There is a brand new tacoma in my complex's lot and the thing looks massive. I would be a small truck buyer but the problem I run into is that the bed has to hold a motorcycle, something the subaru Baja and similar small trucks don't seem to grasp. So I daydream about nissan Frontier Pro-4Xs sad that there are no more tiny 2wd tacomas doing the light lifting in america.
  13. chicken tax notwithstanding, is there even a market for small pickups anymore? The Ranger and S10 are dead, and the Colorado has bloated to something that is roughly the size of a 1998 1500 silverado. Where the money is the market always finds a way (see the ford Courier, Chevy LUV, and subaru brat as examples) and nobody seems to be finding a way these days. Still a neat truck though.
  14. never mind - found the whole thing: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2015-07-13/pdf/2015-15500.pdf
  15. can you post a link or a citation so I can read this? I'm really curious as to what the whole of the proposed act says and if there are any legislation notes. I don't know if I would go so far as to call SEMA a bunch of weasels, but it does feel like they are overselling it a bit. I did find a full except of the relevent part that SEMA is frightened of and emphasized some of the parts I thought relevent: so there are a couple of things here. 1) there is all this talk about Heavy duty vehicles - what does that really mean so I did a little more digging and... So the proposed regulation does not apply to passenger cars but rather big fuck off pickups and larger. SEMA does represent racing organizations that do race things like semi rigs, tractors, and pickup trucks so there is still an interested group there, but it is not as big as they are making it out to be. Greg's example of your 240sx drift car isn't covered by this. I want to read the rest of the whole thing before I pass judgement but it sounds like if you race a truck you will have to start with a new engine and you cannot modify an existing engine for racing without retaining the emissions equipment (I saw something in the definition about the engine being new or used is dependent on when the crank was installed so I want to read further). The Government's history has been to interpret emissions equipment very broadly so that can include the ECM and it's data, ie you can't reflash it for a new tune - possibly. I think I also saw in my skimming that this applies to vehicles 2004 and newer so if you are racing daddy's old tractor built in 1994 in the tractor pulls you don't have to go back to whatever emissions equipment was on the thing in 1994.
  16. Jag's way easier - th400 trans and fully independent rear.
  17. well to be fair....it isn't like the FR layout 1980's Porsches were paragons of reliability. 1989-1991 944s sell for 5 times what 1982-1988 944s sell for (considering you can get a 944 for $1500 that still isn't much) and 968s are still touching $20K. nothing about a Porsche is cheap to maintain which dictates the price - the older more problem prone cars are cheap, the newer and more advanced cars are not. Plus as much as my nostalgic ass loves a Porsche styled in the 80's they do look dated comparatively speaking. I like this home built p-car hot rod. I hate the article in that it manages to almost provide no real technical details. this is the problem with modern internet journalism, anybody thinks they can do it.
  18. I don't think your competitor or someone is hacking you or "reporting" you but rather as of Jan 30th, 2016 IG and Facebook won't allow the trade of guns on their sites between private individuals. Under their loose definitions that includes gun parts which may also cover gun accessories. Ig's policy (as reported in all major news sources) is now that you have to be either an official club or a licensed dealer in your state. If you aren't either of these but operating as an individual and are selling parts I don't think your account is going to last long.
  19. I didn't say I didn't break the law on occasion, I just don't go bragging about it in print. Lol. There are any number of people in this thread disputing the bias, including one law enforcement officer. Clay, I love you buddy and your CTSv is awesome, I'm just saying, esp since we both work in an industry where perception is reality, your statements could be perceived the wrong way.
  20. So does your drivers license once run through the system, which he or she is going to do anyway. Also it is possible to have a CCW and have an outstanding warrant, like if you forgot to pay a speeding ticket. I'm sure the officers appreciate you giving them the info but again that goes more toward politeness being the factor and not actually having the CCW in the first place. TL/DR: CCW does not have magic powers to get you out of tickets and be nice to any officer that pulls you over.
  21. I don't care that much, I'm just pointing out that you are advocating people get a CCW so they can be perceived as one of the "good guys" and therefore exploit bias that exists to "get away" with breaking minor laws. Is that really the message you want to deliver? I'm all for a softer touch in law enforcement, esp when related to the money making scheme that is speed enforcement but that shouldn't be available to people who have a CCW vs someone who doesn't. Maybe it exists maybe it doesn't but either way, should it be promoted? Get a CCW because you believe in responsible gun ownership. Don't break laws. MoJoe teahces classes here so there is a CR hook up. <---there I just was the advocate.
  22. ??? Because guns and cars are mutually exclusive??? This is like saying most car guys should own electric guitars because we all like rock music. Advocate a CCW as part of responsible gun ownership - don't impart to it mystical get out of jail free powers as a way to sell people into it. It sends the wrong message.
  23. what's the story on that porsche dude in cincy? the one with the crashed 959? the one who passed away in 2013? Isn't his collection a museum? edit: nevermind it was the Taj Ma Garaj I was thinking of.
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