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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. well that is one (very misguided) way of looking at it. Another way to look at it would be that he owns a miata but it is not "vintage" feeling enough for him, so he takes a body kit, removes all the "signature" ferrari 250 GTO elements, leaves things that would be considered universal staples of the 1960's sports car (fastback roof, covered headlights, ducktail spoiler, etc..) and builds something that has more of a generic vintage feel while keeping all the stuff he liked about the miata. you seem to be looking at it like he is building a car specifically to fool other people, and I think the guy just built what he liked and had fun doing it. It is a stereotype that kit car people are sometimes trying to deceive the casual observer, and it isn't an unfair one, but not EVERY custom car is built for an audience. I honestly believe this guy gives 0 fucks about whether people think it is a ferrari or not, but I am pretty sure he is having way more fun than most people shitting on it on the internet.
  2. I love stuff like this. Guy does amazing work. I wonder how many hours he had into it? 1000? It's amazing how a few simple design alterations and the thing goes from cheap Italian suit to saville row British tailor made. I like that he reshape do the grill to the Aston Martin shape instead of keeping the oval Ferrari shape. Looks more GT6 and baby XKE than old Ferrari. I hate the taillights bug I realize he did that probably to meet his country's DOT laws. The problem with a Miata is that there is no way to make a hardtop look good on those cars, this is far and away the best effort and I feel he pulls it off but there are still those that complain the proportions are "off". Falling a little deeper down this rabbit hole it appears that the UK kit is a copy of the old Jim Simpson rhino kit for the Datsun 240z, but reconfigured for a Miata. For those that don't know Jim Simpson makes the Italia rebody for miatas currently, although he won't sell you a "coupe" kit just a turnkey body install. There was a guy with an Italia Miata roadster at CC&C this year, was neat to see in person.
  3. You don't need a "gun rights" lawyer for that situation, you need a criminal defense attorney specializing in assault or murder cases. A gun rights atty is really for situations where you got caught violating Ohio's gun laws and the charge is related to that. In a situation where you've shot someone in self defense? The focus of any trial there is whether you intended to kill them or were acting in self defense, whether you were carrying legally or not may be important but will always be secondary to what happened in the altercation that caused you to use your gun. The above attorneys may do that type of criminal representation as well, they both classify themselves as "general practice" which means they take anything that walks in the door, so they are probably still good recommendations. Isn't there a member here who does criminal defense? Drives that satin black hotrod with all the circle track parts on it?
  4. Wrongly convicted is kind of a loaded term. It can mean that he didn't commit the crime or it can mean that the system was tampered with irrespective as to whether he did it or not. Something the show is exploiting and based on the different viewpoints here successfully.
  5. It's not hard to see the setup. If they can't convince the viewer that Avery is unjustly convicted in the beginning and then righteously freed that first time they can't get the viewer invested in it. Its a setup to skewer the system and they so blatantly telegraphed it they might as well have been using an actual telegraph. Maybe I am too smart for this show, ya know what that law degree and trial experience and all. I don't really watch crime procedurals either for the same reason. shit is just cringe worthy and I don't live in the fantasy of how most americans think their justice system works. If you want my opinion -Steven Avery was wrongfully convicted because DNA evidence practice in 1985, which the most recent case seems to pivot on, was as reliable as a magic 8-ball, which left the traditional ways in which we convicted people of crimes (both justly and unjustly) for hundreds of years: the "he said she said". If you want to know how reliable that is go ask your wife to recall something you told her an hour ago...it's like a two person game of telephone. As to whether he did it or not...who is to say. I heard a quote recently that applies here : "the truth bends as soon as it hits the air".
  6. No I was voicing my opinion that the show sucked. take from it what you want but this docu-drama is not the only thing out there on the case. There is a ton of stuff out there if you go looking for it, even segments on NPR from 2 years ago (RadioLab). If there was one positive thing it has done is that it caused me to be entertained by looking up and reading the wiki page as well as some of the court docs (including the motion for appeal and the decision). I haven't opined one way or the other as to anybody's guilt, innocence, or misconduct. I've seen government misconduct in a trial first hand and I know it exists and it doesn't surprise me at all that there may be some here - doesn't change my opinion that this was unwatchable crap. BTW, dude has an IQ of 70, demonstrates signs of mental illness, and was arrested three times for illegal possession of a firearm as a felon (convicted twice) as well as firearm related crimes. I guess gun control in WI really does just mean "both hands".
  7. Aw man, I always dug the uber rare Malibu Maxx SS http://pictures.topspeed.com/IMG/crop/200608/2007-chevrolet-malibu-max_600x0w.jpg had a co-worker that had a sliver one, it wasn't a rocket ship but it was "fun" for a kid hauler from the mid-2000s. only mistake they ever made was not offering them in stick. I think they made maybe 4000 total between 2006 and 2007 so talk about a bargain rare performance car if you can find one. New hatch looks good. Hopefully it will get an SS version with a proper three pedals to make it a real focus competitor.
  8. Nope, just saying the bias out of the gate was so bad Wikipedia seemed more "accurate". It was also kind of unwatchable. Just my opinions. I will throw this up here because not only is it pertinent but the source seems oddly appropriate: http://www.tmz.com/2016/01/06/steven-avery-brothers-murder-teresa-halbach/
  9. If he has an IQ of 70, how the hell does he keep getting his hands on guns? oh wait...nevermind... I got through half of the first episode before switching to an old x-file episode and reading about Avery on wikipedia. There is a lot of info out there, but the documentary is entirely too biased for anything but entertainment purposes. Documentaries are supposed to be at least a little informative.
  10. Tell him to go check out "the Big Bike Shop" downtown. A "David Mann" bike is going to be a harley, no two ways about it, however, there is a guy (whose name I forget at the moment) down at the Gent's Wrench next to Rice Paddy that has a full on 1970's KZ900 hardtail with a turbo and tons of patina. might want to go talk to him as well.
  11. Wait...you know him personally and you didn't say anything? barring some extenuating circumstance like you know he is on a fixed income and eating dog food for dinner, why wouldn't you say anything? At this point it's too late to say anything, but seriously man....it's always better to just be friendly and mention something than it is to judge him as a thief from afar...even if he may be one.
  12. There is believing in small government and then there is invading and declaring war on the US government. Taking possession of government land and telling the government that it will be defended with force could be considered hostile invasion and occupation. That is so far away from mainstream right/left thinking you might as well consider it "south". The only thing saving these guys from an airstrike wiping them off the face of the earth right now is that they are US citizens. If they renounced their citizenship they become enemy combatants and then the national guard can come in a dispatch with extreme prejudice. The way I see it, this is how the Bundys' recruit for their "cause". They had a lot of success in attracting the mentally ill and poorly informed about US government from their last "standoff" and I expect this is how they grow their ranks. There is no way in hell any of their demands will be met. If the Government removes them by force or kills them they become martyrs, if they manage to hold the land they call it a victory and use it for publicity. they can't take the property via adverse possession so this whole thing boils down to them daring the US government to do something. The government will eventually do something, but either after we all stop looking or after sufficient time has passed there is very little public support. The government always works the long game - even when displacing the native Americans the federal government took over 100 years to do it.
  13. If you want something tube frame you are going to want to look at the fiberfab valkyrie. Those were tube framed where as the avenger, which used the same body, was vw pan based. There is still a company making them: http://www.fiberfab.us/ but to be honest, for what you would spend on a tube frame valkyrie you could probably buy a Factory five Daytona coupe roller or a TSC or superperformance roller GT40 and actually end up with a resale value. From a budget standpoint I would look at a factory five 818 at that point since it seems like a pretty neat bit of kit.
  14. Depends on how far back you go in the timeline. David Koresh's assault on the Church to take it over initially was considered one, esp when Geroge Roden was shot evicted during that event. Eventually they were cleared of that incident at trial due to mistrial. I don't think the ATF/FBI Siege on the Waco compound by itself can be considered a "terrorist act". Remember the reason the government wanted in was allegations of forced servitude, statutory rape, polygamy, etc...and they just weren't co-operating, there was no outward imminent threat of force until the government showed up. However, when you discuss domestic terrorism in this country Waco always comes up as an inspirational act and as a criticism of handling of a standoff situation by the government. Tim McVeigh cited Waco as a primary motivator for the OKC bombing and everything from columbine to the Boston marathon bombings have been linked, even if the link is coincidental or tenuous. These definitions are fluid, there is no list of check boxes one can just go down marking off things and at the end the score makes you a terrorist or not. Motivation is important and is it the group's motivation to scare the populace through the threat of violence? Hard to say in the oregon case and I don't really see it either yet - but it may come to that if they try to "defend" themselves. Something to consider in the oregon situation you can't really commit an illegal act and then claim use of force as self defense when they try to arrest you, that is an open and direct threat to the government that they will use force. I mean, imagine if bank robbers took over your local branch and said "we don't want to harm anyone but we will defend ourselves if you don't let us get away with it" - would you think that is still a self defense claim? I am just not a believer that a terrorist's actions only involve blowing something up as previously stated. I agree there needs to be a use or at least imminent threat of force to bring us closer to that classification and we may not have that here...yet.
  15. Ryan, you must be too young to remember when "terrorists" used to hijack things like airplanes and busses, or lock themselves in their compounds under threat of force. Remember Ruby Ridge? David Koresh and the branch davidians? All considered terrorists at the time. The common factor is the threat of force meant to intimidate. However, where are you seeing this narrative that the Oregon militia are terrorists? Every credible news source I have read so far (nbc, cbs, cnn, wsj, nyt) has referred to them as protestors. Jeremy, I think you are mischaracterizing something here. The way you have it stated it sounds like there may be an issue of double jeopardy which there isn't. When the two men were sentenced to two years by the trial court judge - it was an improper sentence because the charge they were convicted under carried a mandatory minimum of five years. The prosecution appealed and eventually won overturning the improper shortening of the sentence. It's not that the government changed its mind and now these guys have to serve more time, but they were supposed serve this time all along and the only reason they didn't is because of improper conduct on the part of the judge who sentenced them.
  16. haters gotta hate. It's a vw beetle underneath. Honestly who cares what body is on a beetle chassis when your race weight is somewhere around 1500lbs wet with driver. Beetles are polarizing cars - either you love them or hate them - but they are simple, rear engined, rwd, cheap, and have huge aftermarket and enthusiast support. if someone really wanted to learn the physical tactile mechanical basics of car setup and not just tune with a laptop I can't think of a better chassis. besides, is it really all that different than say...an old lotus europa? also I think you are referring to the wrong car:
  17. cheaper wheel options, better caliper clearance, and more availability. I contemplated it for my old e30 but I could never find the z3 or 318ti parts cheap enough. Its not cost effective if you buy new stuff but if you can find a 318ti parts car you get the 5 lugs, the e36 steering rack, and is an easier conversion than the standard e36 swap over. if you are already going big brakes and coilovers then it makes sense. If you are not then by itself it has little value out side different wheel options.
  18. Was just trying to inject a little humor. Plus I am used to being the asshole around here.
  19. everyone here is giving you good advice so here is some bad advice: - go get a girlfriend. I guarantee your wife will make your life more interesting quick, fast, and in a hurry. it might not help with your depression however. Make sure you bring her home at least once while you are blitz drunk and make the full court press for a threeway. - hard drugs. Alcohol is for pussies. start with the basic consciousness expansion stuff (LSD, peyote, etc...) and work your way to sucking someone off in a back alley to cobb some H. Again, you life will get really interesting in ways you couldn't imagine. no more boredom, yay!!!! - take up Russian roulette. I hear it's a great party game. try to get a game going with strangers at least once. - DIY helicopter and then teach yourself to fly it. Training is for pussies. http://www.airspacemag.com/flight-today/build-it-yourself-helicopters-1415177/?no-ist or...ya know....diet and exercise, find some other interests, counseling, and social activities.
  20. if it really is the pit bike of poor choices you should get a deadman's switch so when your poor choices cause you to come off of it the bike stops running. You can get them for about $10 at any water craft dealer, or jegs/summit. However, most kill switches are usually two wire deals and a $1 toggle from the local hardware store with a hose clamp can be used.
  21. the Charleston behind tuttle mall is at full occupancy and has 5 garages open. give them a call. units have electricity but no heat. Can't make loud noises after 9pm.
  22. Wait did that say 4motion AWD. Car is badass. Doesn't look like it has much suspension travel, wonder what the clearance on those tires is. Could care less about stupid street race with stupids, want to see car on lift or walk around. Almost hitting that other hatch...yeah fuck these guys. Looked like r1 riders first day on the bike. Granny shifting not double clutching lol. Seriously, bike transmissions are constant mesh, only have to come off throttle enough for the chassis to unload to shift up to the next gear without a clutch. Coming all the way off the throttle and back on is comical. Also he short shifted, a lot. Not that the r1 stood a chance anyway because it didn't.
  23. Going to look at a car in cincy in the next two weeks and want a recommendation for a shop that can do a quick inspection for me - let me look at it on their lift and do a basic compression test. Any suggestions?
  24. Pensacola...lol Florida, this s why the rest of the country can't have nice things. Hellcat?
  25. Shoot me a PM and we can talk in real life. I have been a practicing attorney for almost 15 years now and I can give you some advice. I can tell you the legal industry is pretty fucked right now. That doesn't mean there aren't opportunities but know that the competition is very high in the middle of the field. There are some markets that are less affected than others but we can talk about that. A lot of people think that all lawyers do is debate and negotiate but honestly in most fields that only a small portion of the work. Most of it is research and client relations. Also having a law degree is not a gaurantee that you will make money, most entry level positions in government don't clear $40k to start and even in the private sector $50k is sometimes the ceiling for first years out in practice. A lot depends on where you end up in your law school class and whether you made law review or not. I have had friends that have gone back to law school at as late in life as 32 so 28 isn't a deal breaker but advanced age dies mean some of the more choice opportunities are off the table (i.e. First year associates at white shoe firms - they are looking for 25 year olds they can work into the ground not necessarily 30 year olds). So much of the industry depends on networking too. it isn't anything like college, it's a lot of hard work and it isn't vocational training - that happens OTJ - it's three years of just getting you to think like a lawyer. Anyway, pm me and we will meet up and talk it through. A lot depends on your lsat scores so clay is right, get a good course (I recommend Kaplan) and study. When I got in a 160 was a decent score to get you into a tier 1 school (maybe not top ten but at least Ohio state, Fordham, or Tulane), now I don't know if that alone will get you there.
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