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Everything posted by Geeto67
This, only I will add that the term "handler" as it is colloquially used usually means the person has some authority over the person they are handling. for instance, on a movie set a studio might assign a project manager, sometimes referred to as a "handler", to a particular celebrity whose job it is to hold that celebrity to schedule. In that case the "Handler" is enforcing a contractual obligation on the Actor and therefore has leverage over their decisions. This is the insidiousness of use of the term "handler" - despite not having an official definition or role, there is this popular misconception that a "handler" is keeping information from the person, or somehow otherwise interfering with the decision making of the person they are handling. This is just patently false, but it isn't stopping Fox news and other conservative news sources from furthering that narrative. Basically if you are talking about how Biden is a puppet of his "handlers", it's a pretty big red flag that you are a sucker regurgitating conservative propaganda and not someone with a in informed or credible opinion.
The rumor I always heard for 4x2 ZR2 trucks was they were a special request from the dealers in desert states for a "cheaper" Zr2 for customers who wanted a desert prerunner. 4x2 were only built in 2004 and only toward the tail end of production. Chevy had already discontinued the s-10 pickup in 2003 so any ZR2s built in 2004 were blazers. This might explain why the truck has no rust on it. Pull the carfax and see if there is a history of it being in Texas or Arizona. considering low S10 blazer production in 2004, and that Zr2s were evern rarer, and that manual transmissions and dark green metallic are rare, you may have a 1 of less than 10 made car.
you didn't answer the question - you just shared more of the myth. If you do want to answer the question: Tell me what the official job role of a handler is. Jen Psaki is the White House Press Secretary. She is a spokesperson and advisor to the president and she reports to him. there is nothing in her job role that suggests she is even an informal "handler" (whatever that means).
"BY JOE CONCHA, OPINION CONTRIBUTOR — 05/10/21 08:00 AM EDT 1,609THE VIEWS EXPRESSED BY CONTRIBUTORS ARE THEIR OWN AND NOT THE VIEW OF THE HILL" She didn't say "handler", that's again someone's opinion (albeit wrongly) about what Jen Psaki's job role is.
Is this a serious statement? At the top executive level, every employee is a matter of public record, you can research it for yourself, here I will make it easy for you, here is a list of Biden's Cabinet and Staff: just point to the people who are "handlers" https://www.akingump.com/a/web/wkdSnZXdawTidmrGBQs16M/biden-administration-cabinet-and-staff.pdf in fact here is what some of them make: https://ballotpedia.org/Biden_White_House_staff Also, probably should ask this question - what do you think a "Handler" is or does?
if you can get the time: https://www.durangotrain.com/
What "Handlers"? This has been debunked many times that the office of the president doesn't have "handlers", they have a staff that answers to the president. This is part of a bogus myth that only conservative media is pushing to undermine his authority while continuing the fear of a deep state after the last administration actually proved that there not only isn't a deep state but that if one needed to be formed it would be impossible to hide. There is no evidence to support this at all, and honestly repeating this nonsense hurts anybody's credibility. I mean, how can you take anybody seriously when they repeat a known and obvious lie. thank you. Are these 4 items all that is important to you and no other metrics matter? or are these the only items you see and looking at other metrics might sway your opinion?
I'm not the one commenting whether he is or he isn't, Mace is and I would like to see if it has any actual merit or if it is "just a feeling" because he doesn't like the guy. So far in my experience those taking pot shots at Biden don't really have anything substantive. It's just repeating a conservative talking point because they just don't like the guy. Interestingly They seem to be the same people that accused people of disliking trump just because "orange man bad" despite a large body of objective metrics. Like you Chris, you were exactly that guy who accused people of just not liking the guy despite many of us actually laying out real metrics as to how he was doing poorly, and now you are going to join that club? I am really looking for a real answer here because I really want to understand what's important and what's not from a policy perspective from his detractors. So this question from you above (which I hope to god you didn't think you were being clever when you wrote because that would be really sad) is not just pointless, it's intellectually dishonest.
Both maybe. It's a double incentive for China to keep heading toward reclaiming Taiwan. It fucks with the US, and they get the infusion of capital when they succeed. Plus they are following the US model of weaponizing the trade industry to gain leverage in international treaties. Other than the fact that Europe and the western world may actually try to stop them and lead to a hot war, I don't see a down side for China. we know that they are preparing for the possibility of a hot war because their, and Russia's, weapons programs (including it's nuclear missle program) have been ramping up. If they do try and take Taiwan, best case scenario could be another cold war.
I feel like it's only "reasonably priced" because the market is bonkers right now. pre covid this would be a $7900 car. The downsides: - small engine, 272 ci, most people want the 312 thunderbird or interceptor Y blocks - 4 door post sedan - ugly interior combo that isn't original - automatic transmission (2 speed) Upsides: - it's an original car that looks to have had very little metal work done (because texas) - it's a desirable paint color combo for a 50's car - interior (except carpet) looks new and is complete - It's a desirable year and desirable trim level - low miles personally, I think it will sell at that price - most of the people that valued high optioned all original 50's cars are dying off and not buying stuff like this, and younger people buying can appreciate a nice presentable car that delivers a 50's driving experience for a good value. It's the kind of car that I don't think will ever appreciate much more than $10K but unless something happens, probably won't be any less than $10K either. The kind of old car you buy for the pure enjoyment of it as a relic.
Still waiting for you to provide metrics on how he is underperforming. Yes. No. Maybe. It has the potential to be another WWI situation where interests and alliances can drag everybody into the fray. Or it could be something we walk away from wringing our hands and posturing but doing nothing about just to save face. Too early to tell. As to why we would defend them, the US is heavily invested in Taiwan, specifically $17.5 Billion in Foreign Direct Investment from the US to Taiwan, plus the good and services trade which represents $103 billion, and $85 Billion in two way trade (our 10th largest trading partner). Close to half a million jobs directly rely on trade with Taiwan. This isn't political despite the window dressing. China is fucking with our money.
wish I hadn't sent it from my work computer so we are both going to HR
to be fair this is the coin randy was talking about :
but that's the joke. He's "Mr. Regular" - and regular folks can't really drive and have strong opinions drawn from their ass. He's a parody. You are supposed to laugh at how full of shit he is. I mean I get it, if you are looking for honest content, I can see how this would disappoint.
That's kind of an interesting reaction. It actually makes you angry? why? because you were expecting what? I am legit curious about this.
It's not a real review, it's just him shit talking and waxing poetic about the car. It's like a low key troll for people who take youtube car reviews seriously. the whole thing is supposed to be a joke.
swirl marks on a brand new car? WTH? Car looks great! I know these "bronco sports" get a lot of hate because they are on the same C2 platform as the Escape and Focus, and are not body on frame like the bigger bronco, but I'm actually a fan. They are all AWD (no FWD variant) and the badlands 2.0 ecoboost makes 245hp and 275 ft/lbs. Everyone I've spoken to that owns one loves it so far.
Is it really insulting to state the obvious?
I know this is hard for you to understand but nobody "likes" taxes. Also the world isn't black and white or anti-tax vs pro-tax. The overwhelming majority of Americans tolerate taxes on a spectrum because they mostly understand that they pay for common and shared services that they need (roads, schools, military, justice system, etc...). Also the majority of citizens are curious and critical of new taxes because also the majority of people don't like waste. Being interested and asking questions about how something is going to work doesn't mean you are suddenly anti-tax, but it does mean you are pro-information. There are Anti-tax people out there. They are a small cadre of extremists that say stupid things like "Taxation is theft" (which literally like waving a flag that says I don't understand how any of this works and I don't care to learn) and spout off cynical nonsense rather than understand tax policy. It's just closed minded nonsense that is only there to frustrate progress and advocate for a feudal state. Don't trust the opinion of anybody who says "taxation is theft", they are not smart or well informed about government or tax policy.
give it a rest guy, I can't feel MORE sorry for you than I already do. Pretty shocking, and more than a little telling that the conservative voices in this thread have really strong opinions that are easily debunked with less than 30 seconds of googling, and yet they still can't be bothered to do it. must be a conspiracy by those liberal search engines to hide information from conservatives to intentionally embarrass them. I mean what else could it be?
Rollins, Peggy Noonan, Teddy Roosevelt, etc... It's not the work of one person but a long observed psychological phenomenon going back over a century. It's a form of dismissive blindness that masquerades as intellect when it is the opposite. You can't plagiarize an observation. You would know this if you weren't trying so hard and maybe weren't so cynical.
I felt the same way for a long time, mostly because PMI is basically you paying insurance on the banks behalf in case you default. But it really isn't something you should be afraid of. In reality though, if you put 10% down it really isn't a lot of money (I think mine amounts to less than $30 a month) and if you can get a really good rate it more than offsets the payment. Also in this market, you can refinance after your house appreciates to eliminate the PMI and even lower your payments.
The first Income tax was levied in 1861 to help ease the burden of the civil war debt. it was 3% on any income over $800 per year (the top 3% of the population at the time - $23,000 per year in modern money). It was repealed in 1862 and replaced with a progressive rate tax as part of the same act that created the IRS. The Income tax was repealed in 1872. In 1894, the income tax was reinstated to make up for a shortfall created by repealing tariffs. It was repealed in 1895 The next time the income tax was reinstated was in 1913, to help with US government funded investment in industrialization. It was further expanded to pay for WWI debt in 1918. The great depression, WWII, the Vietnam war, and various government programs like the space race insured the need for an income tax. By the way Lincoln wasn't the first to propose a US federal income tax, that happened during the war of 1812, and even earlier by the states and colonies. Yes Mace, Taxes get repealed all the time as tax policy changes. I feel like your distrust on this comes from the fact you just aren't researching it/paying attention. Cynicism is a form of intellectual laziness.