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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. you can assume everyone on a "dating" site is 18 like you can assume everyone in a bar is over 21. Also, the site sounded a lot more like prostitution than "Dating", which isn't exactly legal in every jurisdiction. Plus there is this from the press conference: There are many points where this dude had a chance to say "maybe paying a 16 year old girl for sex isn't such a wise idea" and walk away but he didn't.
  2. If you are going to refinish the top here are my thoughts: It's a workbench - any "paint" or epoxy clear layer is just going to eventually flake and chip off or wear away as you put things on it and do work. Also chemicals will stain it pretty badly. Basically sand, stain it with a wood stain, and call it a day. If you really feel like having a boundary layer to keep oils and such from seeping into the wood, get something like Minwax polycrylic clear or some good old fashioned shelac. Since it's wood, make sure you re-level the surface as they warp over time. I like the idea of the flex seal, because that stuff is hella tough and leaves a good protective boundary layer against most chemicals. only thing I would consider is see if you can get it in another color than black. Too many times I have lost sight of things on a black surface top, plus since it's rubberized, just rinse it off it it starts to get grungy. still once that stuff is on, it ain't coming off. another thought I had was why not route the top and install rubber pads. you could use those rubber floor tiles people use for garage floors and then if you need to remove it to put a drain pan in or something you can. Plus you still have the wood frame border.
  3. Geeto67

    BMW 2002

    Based just on the pics it looks like that car is shockingly solid. Looks like you got a really good deal.
  4. how old is the gas in it? if it's been sitting around could it have just been a spate of bad gas?
  5. This topic hasn't had a good churn in a while... https://gizmodo.com/3d-printed-gun-activist-cody-wilson-charged-with-sexual-1829168263 how long before the conspiracy theorists come out of their dark holes to claim this was a government "Honeypot" setup?
  6. you still have this? wow I would have figured it would be gone by now. how solid is the bed? could it haul a motorcycle?
  7. Geeto67

    BMW 2002

    I don't actually think the phone takes bad pictures, but the lens probably hasn't been cleaned in forever and a day so any big sources of light just come out as bright smears blurring everything.
  8. That's just the summary, if you read further down it (pages 3-4 of this document https://www.sos.state.oh.us/globalassets/ballotboard/2018/2018issuesreport.pdf) clarifies it long form that it applies to drug convictions and drug convictions reclassified as other non-violent offenses. As I read it, I do not see anywhere that it reduces sentences for Burglary, robbery, larceny, assault, etc. Assault and Robbery would be excluded because they are violent offenses anyway...but it doesn't exclude a person who has both a conviction for robbery and an conviction for drug possession from having the DP portion of his sentence reduced. It does exclude murderers, rapists, and child molesters from receiving any benefit of the bill. Section F covers who the reductions retroactivly apply to and it's pretty clear: I will say that it's not worded the best so it sounds like everyone but rapists, murders, and kid fondilers are getting a break, but it's pretty upfront that the intent is specifically to target non-violent drug offenses. But let's assume that it wasn't - the program is pretty specific about reducing the sentence 1/2 a day for every day that the individual participates in a rehabilitation or education program, so they don't get it automatically - the prisoner has to work for it. This is similar to what a parole board would consider without the actual hearing to make the determination, so is it really a problem if they are reducing the sentence for lesser crimes as long as the person is showing an effort to improve themselves?
  9. Here is what I like: Longer, harsher penalties do not show a decrease in crime in drug offenses, they do show an increase in recidivism, and 80% of most state's prision spending are on low level drug convictions - so it makes sense to stop spending money where it isn't helping improve the situation. Here is what I don't like: It maybe doesn't go far enough. Reduced penalties are only one half of the equation to actually improving the problem, the other half are programs and supervision strategies, which this bill does not account for. The existing programs are doing the best they can, and while an influx of money can help, there needs to be more of a push for people to be in rehab, treatment, and supervision programs. TL;DR: It's a step in the right direction and should get passed, but there needs to be more investment in rehab/treatment/supervision.
  10. Geeto67

    BMW 2002

    They are nothing if they are not charming cars, and they look great so there is that. M20 is a 6cyl. I am not a big fan of the mods needed to put one in a Neu Klasse chassis because it's not a small amount of fab work and it kind of kills the character of the car for like a 50hp bump. It's a lot of heavy weight up front. The two swapped '02s I drove were an S14 swapped car that was owned by the classic car club of NY, and an M42 swapped car that a friend of mine had on Long island. S14 swap was neat but is now a high dollar proposition, but honestly you could probably find a cheap 1991 E30 318i and do the M42 swap much easier and cheaper and keep the 4cyl "character" of the car. here is a primer on the M42 swap into an '02: http://www.theguestroom.net/m42-02/m42swap.pdf Just so long as you aren't expecting chipped 335i level thrills, it's a fun little box, even stock. Some mini-lite wheels, maybe a clean up, and ditch the US bumpers and it will be all good.
  11. Geeto67

    BMW 2002

    have you ever driven an '02 before? They are slow. when in top running condition that one you are looking at made 98hp at the crank. My Tii made I think 140 crank hp and was decent for a little bop around car that handled really well being from the 1970's. the $500 weber downdraft carb setup will make it a nice runner for scooting around town but the "hot" setup for these cars are 2 weber DCOE sidedraft carbs, a Schrick cam, a stahl header, and ansa exhaust (for the sound mostly). Of course that's an easy way to spend like $2002 on it before you've done any bodywork.
  12. Geeto67

    BMW 2002

    I had a 1976 in the same color. First thing to check is the rear shock mounts. They rust horribly and the repair is expensive to the point where there are a lot of bodged ones out there. Also check the front firewall, front floorboards, and front shocks for rust. These cars rust like crazy, even in the south. If the car doesn’t come up as a rusty bucket of bolts, then it’s a hell of a good deal. You won’t get near $30k on that one even with a respray as the ones getting that money are nit ad bolt restorations but you should get north of $10k if you are willing to ship it back north. Any original parts you take off save and put in a box and give to the new owner, if that’s a nice unmolested car like it looks to be people are going to want those parts.
  13. - Mac Miller 2015 Congrats, now you are both. Achievement unlocked. Seriously though, sucks for him, sucks for his family, just sucks in general that this is where his story ends.
  14. Tennis shoes are technically sneakers and wouldn’t be a part of business casual. I think what they meant to say was topsiders or boat shoes which are a type of loafer. Loafers, brogues, derbys, oxfords, or any kind of men’s causal or dress shoe would work - just remember dress socks, no white athletic socks.
  15. As someone who owns German cars and refuses to let their cars go more than 5K miles without an oil change, I take issue with the only allowed to go 3 times a year.
  16. congrats man!!!!, vid was neat. It's always good to see that zip tie monster getting recognition.
  17. This is a Brown, manual, diesel wagon!!!!! it's the most car guy car there is. Not gonna lie I'm kinda in love with this, but it isn't in the cards for me right now. Good luck with sale.
  18. nice car, sounds like you are having fun.
  19. That's pretty much how lots of stories were told, even before the internet. Books, newspapers, and magazines were and still are like that. My grandmother used to read a magazine called true confessions and had since the 30's: I can agree on the format, but really the thing that bugs me about vinwiki stories are that some of the people are just shite on camera. Ed, Rabbit, Doug...I could listen to those guys tell stories all day because they present very well and have a unique voice, but some of those guys may have had an interesting story in the bar but just fall apart in front of the lens. I don't think they make all that much ad revenue from the videos - it probably barely covers their production costs (which are probably very low as well), the big value to them is traffic to the vinwiki site. Still their aggressive timeline means they have to churn content and sacrifice quality to do it. Hearing Rob tell random stories about strippers at SEMA or someone fumbling through some story about how he bought and sold a vette for cheap aren't that interesting, but they meet the deadline and keep the content churn going.
  20. This is the one that is built off the Land Crusier platform - that's a heck of a truck.
  21. The magnum came out before the charger (2005) and began offering a police package to LE in 2005 with the early 2006 models. LE departments had been evaluating it since it's release in 2004 and when dodge decided to push forward with the police package orders began coming in in 2005. Dodge also released the Charger in late 2005 as a 2006 model but didn't release orders for the police package for it until 2006. The Magnum Police package was available for 2006 and 2007 to fulfil those existing orders for the car and offer a police vehicle until the police charger was ready for delivery. Once the Police charger was in production the magnum was phased out due to lack of demand. Interestingly enough the police magnum stopped better than the charger. So yeah, it's rare, and kind of neat. what's really interesting about both the magnum and the caprice is that neither seems to have had a cage in the back seats put in nor do they have the plastic easy clean seats, meaning they probably weren't used for patrol duty but might have been "white shirt" cars. FWIW, lots of forums with posts about how to put a stick in the caprice and GXP. I think a lot of the camaro parts are used (esp the pedal assembly).
  22. Some people see a local person getting some attention and they say "hey look at that, some guy from my hometown, cool", because they have pride in their home town. Some people see someone from their hometown and say "hey, fuck that guy and his richey rich ass" because it wasn't them. Some people know the guy and come out of the woodwork to talk various shades of Shit and/or praise. and then some people come in and shit on the people who want to have a conversation about it because....well...I don't know, why don't you tell me. Stories are stories not because they are "true" but because they are entertaining. If they were meant to be 100 factually accurate they would be called testimony. Everyone embellishes a little even accidentally because as time goes on the things that happened to a person change slightly in their memory. These things aren't supposed to be accurate court records of something that happened - they are stories like your buddies tell. If you are saying that you have to look at them with "skepticisim" I don't know what to tell you - maybe you forgot the fun of storytelling. Stories like this are supposed to have some measure of bullshit, that's what makes them fun. If you are having a crisis over truthfulness, try drinking heavily while watching them.
  23. It's in the video with pictures. He claims she ran in front of him and he was found not to be at fault, but who knows.
  24. he mentions columbus cars and coffee, but judging by the pics and his website he probably means that "other" group and hasn't been to lenox.
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