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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. Aww...is someone but hurt because their favorite bigoted asshole can't spew his hate rhetoric on someone else's civillian platform? should I call you a whaaaambulance? I know this joke has been made already but it sounds like Alex lost his Info war. LOL https://www.cnn.com/2018/05/23/us/alex-jones-sandy-hook-suit/index.html oops...wait that is the wrong article about this shit bag getting whats coming to him, that's about how he is getting sued by the people he openly lied about....wait I'll get it right this time.... https://heavy.com/news/2018/08/alex-jones-ex-wife-kelly/ oops...nope, that's just his ex-wife talking about his domestic abuse....wait maybe this is it.... https://www.wired.com/story/alex-jones-lawsuit-will-help-redefine-free-speech/ nope...still missed it...that's about him being such a shit bag that his actions are actually going to fuck up how americans think about "free speech".....oh wait here it is: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2018/08/06/this-is-why-alex-jones-has-been-able-to-get-away-with-exploiting-social-media/?utm_term=.f3428fa5194a Seriously Fuck this guy. It is not an opinion - it is objective fact: if you listen to and agree with Alex Jones you are stupid. I mean he doesn't even believe the crap he says: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/not-fake-news-infowars-alex-jones-performance-artist-n747491 oh, and if you are dumb enough to somehow tie this to patriotism, you are extra stupid. Remember these are private companies - free speech doesn't apply to them and this is literally the "free market" at work because they are dumping something because it hurts their ability to make money. BStowers - I thought you loved the free market? Should the government manipulate the market by forcing social media to adhere to a regulation that doesn't apply to them? Sounds Unamerican.
  2. DTS = Down To Screw (Side note - does anybody still call it screwing anymore?, feels like one of those old time-y terms like 23 skidoo, Patootie, or hogwash)
  3. same engine, LF6/L35 - 1996 to 2002. What's fascinating about that engine BTW is that the engine family (90degree v6 based off the v8 small block) was in use from 1978 to 2014 - and was the last engine family based off the original 1955 small block v8 architecture. The new 4.3 EcoTec3from 2014+ is based off the LS/LT1 v8 architecture and makes almost 100hp more.
  4. still offering to lend you my fuel system pressure tester kit. It screws into the bleeder/test port on the top of the engine. https://troubleshootmyvehicle.com/gm/4.3L-5.0L-5.7L/how-to-test-the-fuel-pump-1
  5. I have a HF fuel pressure gauge you can borrow. It screws right into the rails and can tell you the pressure at startup. My money is on fuel filter, maybe even an external one that was added. A partially blocked one will sometimes cause hesitation during constant highway speed running if you are above 2k rpms for a consistent period of time. Here is another thought - what is your battery gauge doing at the time? I had a hesitation in my jeep similar to what you are describing and it turned out to be a voltage regulator going bad. It would occasionally dip the voltage below 9v causing a full ignition flame-out only to immediately pick up and continue running with the next beat. replaced the regulator and it went away. It was inconsistent when it would happen but I would notice it more when I was at highway speeds.
  6. so you kinda have to know what you are looking at with this one: 1) It's an Early US Z. the 1970-71 US cars are special because they have a lot of 1 or half year only differences from the mid 1971-1978 cars which were more mass produced and "American-ized". The sail panel emblems and the bumpers id this one as an early 1971 car. $40K is a couple grand high for a concourse restored early car, but not unreasonable (https://bringatrailer.com/listing/1971-datsun-240z-51/). 2) A 1996 restoration may refer to this car being one of the 50 that were actually restored by Nissan. There was a program in 1996/1997 where Nissan bought early Z cars and restored them to new and sold them through Nissan dealers for $24K a pop (about $38K in today's money). I believe they reset the odometers on those cars which would explain the low mileage. I just don't understand this part of the ad: "If I do the light body work and paint it, I will sell for 40k You do the math :)" Ok, so what are you asking now? $1? does it need $39K worth of bodywork? also are you that confident in your abilities that you can churn out a concourse quality paint job worthy of a $40K Z-car? Inquiring minds want to know.
  7. http://splinternews.com/these-trump-fans-might-want-to-reevaluate-their-wardrob-1828119884 This is why we can't have nice things.
  8. See Grant, I told you he would be back. I forget what we bet so let’s just say you owe me a beer.
  9. One corrupt officer basically just changed significant portions of the CPD operating procedure and the policies of the DA’s office. Good. The only downside is he continues to work for the CPD, hopefully for not much longer. Good for the prosecutors office for choosing not to enforce as a policy a poorly written prudish law that serves to punish those working in an already vulnerable field. Fuck the people who pushed it and passed it in the first place.
  10. That was online orders where the seller and buyer were both in ohio. State law I think. Could be wrong though.
  11. I think you need 2beyonces to remove a stripper from your 2JZ. Sorry I couldn't resist. carry on.
  12. I dunno, I don't like Peter Schiff's adherence to the Austrian School of economics. Too gut/morality based and not enough scientific method and empirical evidence. He managed to get the financial crisis right, but missed his predictions on inflation since 2010. They don't call him Dr. Doom for nothing. Anyway, paying sales tax online now is just closing the loophole that people have been warning about for a long time. It sucks but hey, maybe our roads will get better.
  13. yeah but for all the speed, there has been a lot of nanny stuff that has come along as well. A fox mustang is an analog car, 13's in it feels pretty impressive when there is no TC or stability control to catch you. Now a days you can have a 400hp street car and it catches all sorts of stuff the driver doesn't even realize it's catching. yes the car is faster, and overall more dangerous just because of speed, but it also provides the tools for a more positive outcome. Where you really get into trouble is when Joe Blow figures out how to turn off the TC and SC thinking he's a hero and suddenly finds out how much the car has been making him look good by letting him introduce himself to a tree or guardrail or cars and coffee crowd. The vehicle that drove this home for me is the bmw Sr1000 sport bike. The bike is an absolute monster, but with all the nanny controls in place you can't wheelie it more than 4" off the ground and the TC saves your ass when you come in too hot into a corner. turn all that stuff off, which takes some real effort, and the bike will loop you over if you look at it funny and spit you sideways like a sunflower seed if you overcook the turn. Full power mode is a track only proposition, but the bike doesn't know it's in a track paddock or the parking lot of a DQ when the rider turns all the aids off.
  14. I'm nerd blocked at work but apparently there is a website and a whole number of youtube vids for this car: https://www.lowlifegang.com/ https://www.google.com/search?q=lowlifegang+nissan+GTR&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b anybody who refers to their stuff as "the Lit Merch" needs a kick in the lit nads.
  15. That’s gotta be some guy pranking his friend and not a serious ad. I will say it’s probably a great prank just thinking about the kind of responses one usually gets from CL.
  16. And some idiot is always going to draw a parallel to the gun debate because that is all they see, regardless as to whether it’s appropriate or not. Most of the hard core NYC stunt crews gave up high powered sportbikes long ago in favor of dual sports. 20-40hp machines that could hardly be called “high powered” but they can wheelie, stoppie, and generally squid with the best of them. Heck my wife’s Vespa vbb can power wheelie with its 150cc two stroke and 12hp of fury, and when I lived in New Orleans I used to know this guy who rode a p200 Vespa who would pull mile long wheelies lane splitting traffic on magazine st down the double yellow. You don’t need power to be a jackass. Many other countries have a tiered licensing system that seems to be working well. I have mixed feelings about it because while I feel every rider could always use more training, getting a license now is hard enough and I want to encourage more people to ride.
  17. I have to agree to a point, but I really feel like the law enforcement aspect of it killed it more. In Queens, Francis Lewis Blvd was the place to go for cruising and setting up street races, and my friends and I would be up there every single night. The real heavys would go shut down a road somewhere else late or run up to the industrial parks in Hunts point, but for most of us it was stop light to stop light up Franny lou. The cops would be there, and they would write us equipment tickets, and occasionally shake us down for stolen parts with roadblocks, but the racing itself didn't get much attention, even after some high profile accidents (including a neighborhood resident dumping oil in the street to stop a street race and killing someone). Every one of us that used to hang out up there had a running from the cops story, because they just weren't trying hard. However there was one accident in 2001 in Oceanside, Long Island where 2 people die: http://liherald.com/stories/Two-die-in-drag-racing-tragedy-Malverne-man-charged-with-second-degree-manslaughter,18619 this wasn't a regular race at a regular spot, it was during the day, on a highly trafficked area, with to people that didn't know each other. After that, the NYPD and Nassau County stepped up their enforcement, and the charges went from illegal contest of speed to attempted negligent homicide if you got into an accident and someone didn't die. The stakes went from from $1000 in fines to real jail time and it cleared out everyone but the most hard core people. To find a race we had to drive to Suffolk county and head to the industrial parks and uninhabited beach roads. I remember in 2009 when I was freelancing and I had a ford press car GT500 in red with silver stripes (this car actually: https://jalopnik.com/5408549/2010-shelby-gt500/), and my business partner and Jalopnik road test editor Wes wanted to go street racing - we had to go from shop to shop in the middle of a Thursday night looking for anybody that wanted to run us. Eventually, we found some guy in an 04 evo who was game and we followed him and his crew to an empty industrial park, but there wasn't anything else going on there before we showed up. Deer Park Ave, Franny Lew, Hunts Point, NJ turnpike, connecting highways, etc...they were ghost towns for street action by the mid 2000's, but in the 90's you could find action there all the time. I get why the newer generation doesn't want to do it, when we were wild in the streets kids there just weren't stakes - maybe you lost your license, maybe some fines, but no real harm. Now it's confiscating your cars and nickels and dimes worth of time in the pokey, plus not being able to get a job after, and it just ain't worth it. It all died out before youtube was as popular as it is now.
  18. Thinking about attending just to meet more of you guys in real life, but is it kid friendly? Wife is out of town this weekend so I have a 6 year old shadow.
  19. That shit's jammin', man. Start down low with a 350 cube, three and a quarter horsepower, 4-speed, 4:10 gears, ten coats of competition orange, hand-rubbed lacquer with a huplane manifold, Full fuckin' race cams. Whoo! http://i.imgur.com/eqlqv.gif http://i.giphy.com/KZH25tfEPaZ7W.gif
  20. does this mean their new motto is "Say hi to your mother for me"?
  21. Still feel like the pee tape is a red herring. Trump's business has had Russian investors in the past, specifically Bayrock group which was founded by Russian/Turkish Dual citizen Tevfik Arif and was managed by noted Russian gangster Felix Sater. Aras Agalarov spend millions with Trump to bring the Miss Universe pageant to Russia. The public doesn't actually know how much he owes to Russian investors because his company is privately held but it is entirely possible that he owes significant amounts of money to Russian oligarchs, mobsters, and even government officials (like Putin). By the way, some of this information could have been derived from tax returns so that may be one of the reasons why he is so resistant to releasing them. Last year DJT Jr said that Russia was a significant resource for the Trump businesses despite not having any significant real estate holdings or businesses in the country. The Pee tape is for housewives that read US Weekly and not really anything that can "leverage" at this point. I like to think him and his whole family being murdered by Russian operatives for welshing on a debt to an oligarch investor carries a lot more blackmail potential - if it can be proven.
  22. I honestly believe he didn't "Intentionally" collude with Russia, it would be literally impossible for him to keep that a secret. That doesn't mean the Russians, having met him, didn't interfere to install him anyway because they knew he was king midas in reverse --> everything he touches turns to shit.
  23. LBJ and Trump have a lot in common. Before we had the 24 hour news cycle, and the press had some understanding of decency, LBJ used to give press conferences on the toilet, and he more than once showed his dick to reporters (and actually many staffers, anybody who asked, and many who didn't). He fucked anything that moved and did not try to hide it (bragged about it actually), had a terribly fragile ego, and his people had to work extra hard for him to appear remotely presidential. He was paranoid about his critics and the press and labeled any opponent the enemy of the state (sound familiar?). That thing where people call communists un-American, well it wasn't started by LBJ but it was popularized by him. The main difference between LBJ and Trump is cause and personal philosophy. Despite his flaws, and they were many (vietnam, not leaning into civil rights soon and early enough), LBJ never sought once to profit or even appear to profit from the office of the president. He was fastidious about that and would not tolerate even the appearance of impropriety in any person he appointed to do a job in government. He felt his true mission in office was to combat poverty, disease, and ignorance because those were unquestionably morally right things to try to solve for. On those fronts he did more for the American people than he predecessors, and changed the overall landscape of American culture. I keep waiting for Trump's inner LBJ to surface, the compulsion to do the right thing, but I am disappointed at every action. I just don't see any silver lining to his presidency at all - not one single positive change he can actually take credit for. I hope there is one, but we are almost to the halfway mark and still none in sight. The office of the president is no stranger to crass, unpolished, presidents - but morally bankrupt, self enriching, exploitative douchebags aren't usually tolerated well by history.
  24. What did you expect him to do really? I mean he requested the Russian Summit but what did you think he was going to actually do with it? I have just gotten used to anything he requests being the most self serving opportunistic move he can make in any situatuion so I have no hope and low expectations. But genuinely, I want to know what someone who seems like they have hope was expecting and let down on? https://www.cbsnews.com/live-news/trump-putin-meeting-us-russia-helsinki-finland-summit-live-updates-today-2018-07-16/ I have to say, I love all the republican hate toward Trump post meeting but honestly - they created this monster so even if sincere, it's too little and too late.
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