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Everything posted by MichaelS

  1. MichaelS

    Cleveland IMS

    That must have been your bike I saw. I also was not impressed. Probably my one and only visit to it unless something drastic changes.
  2. You need n+1 where n is however many you currently have.
  3. I have purchased from them a few times. When I lived in Sacramento I would go to their store there frequently. They didn't have one in CO...which seems ridiculously stupid. I haven't been to the one in OH because it is stupid far away.
  4. Do you also want some truck nuts?
  5. So not really any and all.....
  6. I just don't seem him getting any traction at this point. But I guess if he wants to waste his own money who am I to stop him.
  7. Depends on your definition. However wealth redistribution would not be an issue if the rules of the game hadn't been changed and the social contract broken. I would argue large wealth redistribution is a penalty for breaking that contract. One I would say is deserved.
  8. Exactly. I did that exact same thing in '12. Also +10000000000 to voters are morons.
  9. We can hope. Although I would be all for a crash in CO in about 2 years so I could afford to go back.
  10. They have all been pretty lame for some time.
  11. So what you are really saying is we need to wipe the slate clean in congress and start over with people not purchased and willing to compromise in the spirit of what is best for the country as a whole. To your point about the 3rd party, how would that be any worse than today? Maybe it would lead to more 3rd party members in congress as voters figure it out.
  12. The Declaration includes the words "unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." That could be construed for the first part of those maybe not so much the second. The current situation in the US could be argued very well to be inhibitive to the first and the last of those.
  13. Exactly. It won't happen overnight, but if the percent of the vote grows it will start to snowball. At least the optimist in me thinks.
  14. MichaelS

    Cleveland IMS

    How does one get in on these plans?
  15. It caught my eye as well. I don't know that I have what it would take to get it in running order at this time. Also carbs which I am not a fan of because I have never worked on them. I guess really I'm just looking for a bike ready to go on the track without much/any work.
  16. Glad to see. This was always one of my favorites. http://www.cnn.com/2016/01/21/politics/air-force-a-10-isis/index.html
  17. I voted him for him back in '12. Got into a huge argument with a friend because he thought I was throwing away my vote in a swing state. He didn't like the candidate he was voting for but was doing it for party reasons. I look at it thusly, you only get so many votes in a life why waste them on a candidate you don't like or believe in. And as others have pointed out both big parties are in bed with 90% of the same people so how are the outcomes going to be vastly different.
  18. I hear what you are saying but I would argue that those without money have a significant interest in lawmaking as well. If these same people could influence their lawmakers in the same way as those with money we might not have an African dictatorship level of wealth inequality. I'm not so naive as to think this hasn't been going on for a long long time. I am just an idealist I suppose.
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