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    2012 M109R

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  1. Lol,thanks,thanks for taking the time,I appreciate it.
  2. Thanks,I appreciate it. From looking I think you're right about the price thing. I really want to get a good durable product and I know price doesn't alwYs reflect that.
  3. I'm about to spend $150 on new sport riding boots and don't want something that's going to come apart one two or even three years down the road. How about some brand input on this matter. There are lots of reviews but no longevity input. I ride about 6000 miles per year.
  4. I don’t know but it looks like a whole lotta fun.
  5. Pay attention to who may or may not see you.Position yourself in traffic with this in mind.No blind spots when riding next to cars.I like to get up to where I know they see me.
  6. Yea that sounds like a good idea.That 9 made those difficult.
  7. A new idea.A picture of yourself in front of a landmark that someone else posted.
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