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I held an LCP II tonight that had a Hogue grip on it. Felt almost like a real gun! hehe Seriously, I was reconsidering an LC9s with a Hogue grip, but the wife doesn't care for it. Right now it's between an XD-S Mod.2 or Shield (not M2.0), with the older Shield being through shakedown already and at a lower price. Unless we increase the budget, the Shield is pulling ahead. I asked her tonight what she feels should be a maximum price and she said $500. I was considering the Sig P320 subcompact, but I think that's the model that had a drop-discharge issue due to the weight of the trigger. Now I understand why there are trigger safeties! Sig just made their trigger physically lighter to fix the problem.
Looks nice! A little heavy maybe. The tang looks like it my poke into the side or out of a shirt? Yeah, using a decocker would always come with a moment of dread for me. haha
The decocker requirement is only in the case of DA/SA.
I saw comments about it getting hot during range use because of that gas piston. The benefit is that the slide is easier to operate.
Yeah, especially since I saw the older Shield for only $280 online! FDE frame. Drives me crazy seeing deals while my wife hasn't made a choice. haha The Shield M2.0 I saw for $340. LC380 for $215.
True to myself, I keep ADDING options instead of narrowing them down. How about a Walther CCP? https://www.waltherarms.com/handguns/ccp-m2/
The P30SK also comes without a safety. Does that decocker button work well? It's easy to not notice it. I was actually looking into this Bersa, but only if the price were low enough. I could grab an M&P Shield for a little over $300 right now. The Bersa is $400 at locally, special order. https://bersa.eagleimportsinc.com/bersa/firearms/thunder-ultra-compact-pro-series/models/thunder-pro-ultra-compact-9mm
I'm starting to understand that choice more. Not sure how much different they are, but what about the P30SK or SKS which adds a thumb safety? (I think decocker-only makes more sense for a concealed gun? Just carry it hammer down.) https://hk-usa.com/hk-models/p30sk/
Right! At least a blend of features. The XD-E meets some of those specs. Hammer fired, DA/SA, decocker, and thumb safety. It's a little "heavy" at 25 oz and a little larger than the others, and that hammer spur seems like it could be uncomfortable close to the body. Might get me moving if it's kicking me in the side?
I hate it when I do this. haha I would consider adding to the search parameters double-action pistols without an extra safety. Like a Sig P250 which I can't find. Or DA/SA with a decocker and/or safety. Still not seriously considering a wheel gun yet.
I know in advance that I'd want to add rubber grip tape to the Shield to increase grip and to the Shield M2.0 to decrease abrasiveness, which is fine. I wonder about actually using the thumb safety though. Under low stress and without gloves it seems OK. (Could just leave it off, but I don't trust the concept of a half-cocked striker being shoved into a holster without some extra safety. One reason I wouldn't consider a Glock.)
Out of these, which would you choose to concealed carry? (I'm looking to have either a grip safety OR a thumb safety.) 9mm: Springfield XD-S Springfield XD-S Mod.2 M&P Shield M&P Shield M2.0 .380: Ruger LC380 M&P Shield EZ The ease of racking the slide is of some concern. For reference, we liked the Sig P238 .380 for shootability and size, but not for features and price. The Shield EZ for shootability, but I think it's a little big and for some reason it didn't fire the last round, but I'd still consider it if the wife really likes it. Hated the Glock 42's trigger, grip angle, and slide release which would rub against my hand. The LCP II had very harsh recoil and would only shoot in an emergency! Never shot an XD-S, but it seems interesting and I like the design of the grip safety. Also like having the mag release on both sides. And, until the end of the year, there is a deal to get 3 extra mags and a range bag for free. We tried a larger M&P 9mm, one with a huge thumb safety on it, which I didn't like. I think I'm more accurate with the larger M&P than my SR9c. (Still not sighted in, but closer.) I'm a little concerned about the small thumb safety on the M&P Shield, but I'd still want it as an option...I think. The safety on the LC380 is probably more of what I would want.
Looks pretty nice. I saw that there is some law enforcement version with a scary light trigger, even though the pull is long. The wife and I passed NC concealed training today. I'm not sure if I will apply right away, but my wife is now interested in completing the process. Costs $100 with 2 sets of fingerprints out here. (Works out to only a $1.67 per month. heh) If nothing else, it would make transporting the gun less trouble. There had a rep from US LawShield there. How you peeps feel about carry insurance?
What is the model? Isn't AZ a gun-free zone? Meaning, anyone can have guns freely?! Just have to work working the safety into the routine at home and at the range so it becomes routine. Yeah, I think having a longer, heavier DA or DA/SA trigger would be a good alternative. Maybe the better alternative. A semi-cocked striker with a lighter, shorter trigger pull without a manual safety doesn't feel safe enough to me. Being ready to shoot for self-defense is one thing, but more than 99% of the time, the issue will be NOT shooting. Next thing I need to do is drift the rear sight to the right a little. Even though I'm not /that/ accurate, we have shot enough to see that it hits high-left at close range. The elevation is nice and easy to adjust using a screw driver, and it has detents. Just wish my eyes were better able to focus on the sights. (I've given in to using reading glasses, but that's as far as I'm willing to go right now!) Planning to work with a Brock String to see what my eyes are doing.
No, I never tested the SR9(c) before I bought one. Not the best approach, but I solved the safety abrasion issue. It was pretty good advice in general to start with a larger range gun, then get a smaller conceal gun later if necessary. The SR9c is kinda in between those two. Maybe in some strange way, taking the gun off of safe is like cocking a hammer to me. When did striker fired guns come into existence anyway? Maybe I'm one of those people who would choose a 1911 over a Glock? Actually, I'm more like a cheap person who will only spend so much! haha
Oh, and keep ahead of the anti-constipation measures! Fluids, maybe magnesium, and/or whatever drugs they suggest. I think mineral oil helps?
Yeah, no, you'll be needed for a couple weeks! Went through this with my wife. Drugs will be her best friend. You're just a helper! ^_^
Put in some work. Made 100 holes, plus two using Critical Defense. (They 83.6 cents/round vs 20 cents for target ammo and I'm cheap.) Put one at the bottom of a mag and another at the top of a mag, just to see how they would chamber. And filing the edge of the thumb safety seems to have solved the blistering/gouging issue, unless it was my scar protecting my skin. heh
Right, the grip overlay was only $11 though, and it does feel better. Poor gun has only had 167 rounds through it so far. I do a lot of dry fire, but there IS a lunch special today! heh That would be an easy 100, and my "defense" ammo does need to be tested. Tomorrow another 60 rounds for concealed carry qualification.
Seem like pretty good deals? Not as stealthy as black, but I like the silver and the tannish LC9s. I thought I found a good deal at $300 just a few weeks ago. These prices are from a local shop even. I learned that Hornady Critical Defense "Lite" could be used to keep the recoil of the LC9s lower--uses a 100 grain (pink tipped) bullet. If they had a deal on an LC380, I mighta got one!
This is an excellent article on the thumbs-forward grip. Maybe having a blister was a benefit by forcing me to learn! http://www.handgunsmag.com/editorial/tactics_training_combatg_100306/138866 (Left) Brian Enos believes one of the keys to a successful grip is having no contact by the thumbs along the side of the gun. The grip should happen strictly in the palms and fingers. (Right) Dave Sevigny does touch the side of the gun with his thumbs and also considers that an important part of his technique. I was doing the technique on the right. The pressure of my rearward thumb combined with the shape and position of the thumb safety caused the blister, but I wonder if it also shifted my shots to the left a little. What feels good to me now is to allow the rearward thumb go wide and the forward thumb to lightly touch the frame. I mean, I need to actually shoot with that new grip still, but it seems promising.
First time shooting the Ruger SR9c. Might need to adjust my grip? That safety was chewing on my thumb! Only shot 75 rounds total. Below is 25 rounds of Federal Champion at 7 yards. It actually grouped better than the other stuff I hesitantly agreed to buy. Had to hold low at the lower edge of the 7-ring and a little to the right. Not sure why it was hitting left, but I'll shoot more before worrying about it. (It wouldn't hurt to have glasses or something. heh My near vision can get a little fuzzy these days, and I could use some convergence exercises.) Below is 25 rounds of Field & Stream (Maxxtech) at 7 yards. I did take a few faster shots which explains the high hits, but that lateral spread... Can the ammo actually make a difference in accuracy? Not even going to show my first 25 of Field & Stream. haha
hahaha Nice! Well, nice to find out in advance before depending on it!