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Everything posted by Shields1181

  1. I'm usually on anywhere after 1am till whenever. Shields1181 Brian I think I have you on there already
  2. Shields1181

    Halo 3

    I'm starting to get pretty pumped
  3. http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/9982/food001th8.jpg 3 eggs, can of tuna, extra sharp cheddar cheese, one piece of sliced up salami and almond breeze chocolate milk to drink...oh yeah http://img206.imageshack.us/img206/4877/food002gi0.jpg
  4. Shields1181

    I'm sick.

    vapor riser...thats what i meant, not humidifier
  5. Shields1181

    I'm sick.

    I used to get Bronchitis every single fucking winter when I was younger. I can still remember my Dad making me a tent on the loveseat with a sheet and sticking the humidifier next to it. Gheyness
  6. I liked when the one chic was layin down on her stomach shooting the turret gun
  7. "At first we were worried that Janine was too young to get married, but then her new husband bought her a house and a car and jewelry and the money we got let us buy a house for ourselves. Getting out of the trailer park at our age was the best thing that ever happened to us, and it’s all thanks to Marry Our Daughter!" —Mr. Jack M. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Maybe I'm just outta the loop but wtf is up with the 11th season of South Park...did they just stop at Episode 7 with the Night of the Living Homeless or what!? Did they get cancelled?
  9. Shields1181


    Who plays Forza 2 on here? If you goto the Auction House and look at some of the cars these ppl are building...its crazy! I wanna know how they do it!
  10. Me and the roomate just got a DiGiorno otherwise I'd be in
  11. The 2 door does look a hell of alot better than the 4 door for sure. So far these things have been easy as hell to build. At least in my area they are. I like them but I guess I kinda have to being they are my bread/butter right now
  12. I'm just throwin this out there. My stang needs a clutch cable, I have the adjustable firewall set up and its stretched out. I was planning on just having it towed over to my new place in Dublin but was curious if anyone had a spare stock cable or something that would work they would sell me for a price cheaper than a tow. Lemme know what you have, it not, no biggie
  13. That shit will make you feel like Earth is not your home planet. An upper/downer in the same glass!
  14. Thats not all your starin at......... :gay: Superman spotting on CR Forums! http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/876/superman001pn0.jpg
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