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Everything posted by Shields1181

  1. I'll be there on sunday as well. Should be pretty sweet!
  2. Who saw the dude pullin his kids around in the 5ft. tall wagon with mud tires and air bags!?
  3. Yeah, the Bumper/Spoiler was not my doing. That was how the car was when I first bought it in the summer of 2002. I just kinda ran with it. I've just been uber-busy lately and have not had any time to put into the poor old girl. I'll be moving in august and hopefully be grabbin a garage. Once I get it in there I'll probably be alot more apt. to working on it.
  4. Spent about 3-4 hours washing and waxing the stang. Finally had some time to put into it over my shutdown at Honda. Yes, I know I need fog lights and badges as well as a few other odds and ends but hell its a start! http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/585/dastang1ke0.jpg http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/5082/dastang2fe5.jpg http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/4094/dastang3he2.jpg http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/8258/dastang4kq0.jpg http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/8827/dastang5fs5.jpg
  5. Damn...I almost broke edens camera takin that 2nd pic
  6. I was there! It was pretty damn awesome! Me and a buddy of mine got there too late to get the floor wristbands but ended up gettin a pair off of a non-rocker couple. We were on the floor for the rest of the night. During Evanesence we were like dead center in the pit crowd surfing ppl left and right. Pretty good time!
  7. The R1 just looks so damn sexy...
  8. Agreed. I picked up 2 tickets juuuuust before they were sold out! I got lucky!
  9. Ok...I've come to the conclusion that I want another bike for summer 08'. I know I can handle a litre bike so no worries there. But, I'm torn between an R1 and a CBR1000. I've ridden an 04 R1. I like the handling and the all around feel of the bike but I've never ridden a CBR1000. I want some opinions! Also, are there any model changes planned for the 08' line-up?
  10. It's OK...you can click this one with confidence. Something about this chick just made me wanna post her. IMO she has the perfect body...damn *NWS* http://www.boysfood.com/free-porn-videos/7303/Thick-And-Sexy.html
  11. I downloaded the same video over XBL. It IS looking badass. Although the name "Man Cannon" was a little ghey. Looking forward to pwning some of you halo fans online when its comes out too
  12. Shields1181


    Welcome aboard man!
  13. Wait Wait Wait...I wanna beat everyone else to this... :pics: :pics: :pics:
  14. For sure! I was in GasWerks when it happened. That was Awesome!
  15. I usually always used that pink calamine (sp) crap. It also comes in a spray canister you can get at Rite Aid or maybe even walmart. But I doubt you are gonna want to spray an arousal based medication on your face. So, id recommend the lotion. Get that shit taken care of, it'll mess you up. Info - http://www.webmd.com/allergies/tc/Poison-Ivy-Oak-or-Sumac-Treatment-Overview
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