My Girlfriend and I went out for the first time in a while tonight and didnt get back until 3:45ish in the morning. We had rode with friends and left her car behind at my apt complex. We come back to find the driver side window busted completly out with the cd player missing...
Simply unbelieveable, 1st off...its a 96 Beretta...the cd player was worth MAYBE $45 bucks...and there were COUNTLESS other cars around the entire apt. complex. I find it very hard to believe that nobody heard anything.
One last disturbing thought...whoever did this...would have had to have KNOWN...and I repeat KNOWN...we were not at my apt. Judging by their handy work they looked to have had plenty of time.
Personally, I think it had something to do with my New Neighbor. She just moved in within a month ago, she's younger (party freak, loud girl) and there is a different dude(s) there every other night. I dunno. Maybe I'm looking too far into it.
Fucking Bullshit Either Way!