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Posts posted by Xsr900Rider

  1. 2 minutes ago, Danimal said:

    here's a few from past wanderings:

    Me kicking Bigfoot's ASS


    Found on dirt road in Southern Ohio




    Again, SE Ohio on dirt road, and nowhere near any body of water


    Ok so next bike is going to have to be something I can get off the paved roads as this type of stuff is awesome. Now to start working on the Mrs. on why I need two motorcycles :banana:

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  2. I think your right @Nicos it looks better directly from computer to 4K TV but just a little. Probably forgot to do some things on YouTube. I just uploaded. 

    I have found that sunlight causes some spoting but like you said not bad for  $80 on Amazon. If I was going to get into more serious video editing I would buy the better stuff and edit them but mainly I just keep it to show the kids and in case I see something I want to capture. Eventually I'll get a bag that I can keep my DSLR camera in so I can take good photos as this doesn't take great photos just decent video. You'd be better off with phone pictures over this probably.

  3. Yeah I had basecamp with my garmin alpha gps collars for my bird dogs and it was a pain sometimes and I wasn't even programming routes just setting property boundaries so I knew if the dogs got too far out.

    I am surprised the prices are still so high considering smartphones can be used for navigation with just a few bells and whistles missing

  4. Oh if sygic is for android I have iPhone. I am also leaning a little towards gps since my phone battery sucks and either way I'm going to have to add a power option for whatever I am using as carrying quick recharge batteries is a pain(did that this last weekend). I'm guessing gps is water resistant unlike my phone (had it in a ziplock in the ram mount this last weekend)which would be nice since I tend to plan a ride and go no matter what since it is hard to get out with a family. 

  5. @Tonik that sygic looks pretty nice I may give that a try. I like that it gives you info on speed cameras and stuff too. I try to run Waze in the background but it relies on people annotating where speed traps are and if your in the country I doubt anyone is using that app.

  6. So I was sitting here mapping some ride routes and got me wondering what you guys use for your route creation and navigation. I tried google map routes but I never got the hang of it and seemed to always mess with my pre-defined routes. I found this app called Scenic and it is better but does sometime do some squirely shit like take you down a left turn only to do a u-turn and come back to the intersection and make a left when you could just go straight to begin with. But overall it seems to work well and lets you pick no highways and curviest route. (And usually those odd directions take me down curvy roads so not a big deal) The app is free but uses credits to download offline maps and to use premium features. Once credits are out it is $10 a year or $50 for life. Neighbor keeps telling me I need to buy a Garmin but I've never used one of the motorcycle ones so not sure if it is worth the cost over a phone app. Here is one of the routes in case anyone wants to see what it looks like.


  7. I know, almost didn't post it but I have not been looking at tires in a long time and the S-20s are no longer made I think were replaced by S-21 and from my limited time on this forum you guys seem to rack up miles and have probably tried many kinds of tires I am guessing.

  8. So after working on my chain and everything I'm noticing a flat spot forming from all my commuting. Not horrible but I'll be due for a new rear shortly currently bike has the original Bridgestone Battleax S-20 on it. Thought I'd get your opinions on a tire probably dual compound that can get me some commuting wear but still let me have fun in the twisties without sacrificing grip. 

  9. Ok this is a short ride I found on my computer from when I first got the Camera. The ones from this weekend are a little long and boring(This is not much better but you can see the video quality and sound quality). If I can cut them down below 15 minutes I will post them as well.

  10. 1 hour ago, trentwilson43056 said:

    Ok Lets try Rim of the World again.Ok folks here's a site that I am surprised how many people are unaware of or I just happen to be talking to the wrong people.It'slled Rim of the World and it's on Ohio State Route 78 half way between Glouster on Rt 13 and McConnelsville on Rt 60.Here are the gps coordinates..................N39*35.053' W081*59.413'        


    I will be finding this very soon. That is a great view.

  11. Well I was remodeling a bathroom yesterday getting ready means turning on the compressor and blowing all the saw dust out of the garage as much as I can and finding Kerosene, rags, rearstand and chain lube. 

    Wish I had a motorcycle shed in the back or a shed for all the tools to keep the dust out of my garage. 

  12. 33 minutes ago, Uncle Punk said:

    Speed contests on a public road is a stupid fucking idea!

    I agree, I like going quick and taking corners fast but never in competition anymore. Back when I was young dumb and in the Marine Corps we would run rediculous speeds and one time even after telling the person behind me that I would wait at the end of the road for him I looked in the mirror after taking a corner to see him off the side of the road. Luckily he saved it and got back on the road but I prefer never having to call medics and life flight flying in for one of my riding buddies just because we had to see who was king of the twisties that day. Of course it sounds like you all ride together a lot and are dam good riders. I just prefer riding my own ride and If that ride has me taking 25mph corners at 70 then so be it. But if my buddies are taking them faster they can wait for me or I'll finish the day by myself.

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